Come on Carlson, put on your big boy pants

Refusing to answer personal questions is not the same thing as disseminating misinformation, you stupid fucking dumbass.
So, is asking the tuck if he has been given the jab some sort of misinformation?
No, nor is his refusal to answer, you fucking idiot.

How did you get so fucking stupid, dumbass?
From a dude that supports a fucking LIAR, CON MAN, CHEATER, etc........ How did you get so fooled?
I support nobody who is a liar conman and cheater. FYI, I voted against Quid Pro Pedo Joe.
Once again, Biden is not a pedophile.
Then why does he have a habit of groping prepubescent little children?


You honestly think that Mitch and his wife would allow a pedophile to accost their children or grandchildren.
Refusing to answer personal questions is not the same thing as disseminating misinformation, you stupid fucking dumbass.
So, is asking the tuck if he has been given the jab some sort of misinformation?
No, nor is his refusal to answer, you fucking idiot.

How did you get so fucking stupid, dumbass?
From a dude that supports a fucking LIAR, CON MAN, CHEATER, etc........ How did you get so fooled?
I support nobody who is a liar conman and cheater. FYI, I voted against Quid Pro Pedo Joe.
Once again, Biden is not a pedophile.
Then why does he have a habit of groping prepubescent little children?
Taken out of context.
Tell me, how to you put groping and petting women and children INTO context? In black market kiddie porn?

He doesn't have sex in his mind , unlike you.

I see, so now you fathom to possess some sort of supernatural mind reading ability.

Very interesting.

When did you gain this ability? Was it before or after your vacation(s) in a padded room in the local loony bin?

Its obvious!!
and answer the question. Times reporter Charlotte Alter asked Carlson, who has been spreading misinformation about COVID vaccines, if he got vaccinated. You would have expected him to answer HELL NO!!..but nope, he just got cute about it instead...'"Because I'm a polite person, I'm not going to ask you any super vulgar personal questions like that." Alter told Carlson he was welcome to ask her whatever he wanted, she adds, and "he broke into a cackle, like a hyena let loose in Brooks Brothers. 'I mean, are you serious? What's your favorite sexual position and when did you last engage in it?'" Apparently asking him if he got vaccinated is a 'super vulgar personal question'
Another person's health and medical information is no one's business but your own.

If the left had any couth, they'd know that.
and answer the question. Times reporter Charlotte Alter asked Carlson, who has been spreading misinformation
Could you provide the USMB forum an example of the alleged "misinformation"?

Or are you just full of shit, as usual?
When Alter asked him about his vaccination status at the end of a "meandering phone conversation" in June, she writes in a Carlson profile published Thursday, he replied: "Because I'm a polite person, I'm not going to ask you any supervulgar personal questions like that." Alter told Carlson he was welcome to ask her whatever he wanted, she adds, and "he broke into a cackle, like a hyena let loose in Brooks Brothers. 'I mean, are you serious? What's your favorite sexual position and when did you last engage in it?'"

You do know why she asked that question, right?

Believe it or not, it was not out of concern.

If he answers, she will have a whole cohort of people ready to denounce him as "unclean" and then proceed to destroy his life.

She can fuck all the way off.
If he answers, she will have a whole cohort of people ready to denounce him as "unclean" and then proceed to destroy his life.
No, we'll all laugh at his hypocrisy again, as he vaccinates whilst fulminating against it.
Like I wrote yesterday.

“We have these — these talking heads who have gotten the vaccine and are telling other people not to get the vaccine. That kind of stuff is just, it’s ridiculous. It’s dangerous, it’s damaging, and it’s killing people. I mean, it’s literally killing their supporters. And that makes no sense to me.” Utah Gov. Spencer Cox (R)
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If he answers, she will have a whole cohort of people ready to denounce him as "unclean" and then proceed to destroy his life.
No, we'll all laugh at his hypocrisy again, as he vaccinates whilst fulmination against it.
He doesn't fulminate against vaccines. But you know that.

He says simply, "it is up to the individual' and he is right.
Refusing to answer personal questions is not the same thing as disseminating misinformation, you stupid fucking dumbass.
So, is asking the tuck if he has been given the jab some sort of misinformation?
No, nor is his refusal to answer, you fucking idiot.

How did you get so fucking stupid, dumbass?
From a dude that supports a fucking LIAR, CON MAN, CHEATER, etc........ How did you get so fooled?
I support nobody who is a liar conman and cheater. FYI, I voted against Quid Pro Pedo Joe.
Once again, Biden is not a pedophile.
Then why does he have a habit of groping prepubescent little children?


You honestly think that Mitch and his wife would allow a pedophile to accost their children or grandchildren.
Mitch who? :dunno:

Did Pedo Joe grope Mitchs' kid too?
He doesn't fulminate against vaccines.
“In one scene from the Vogue piece, Dr. Jill cradles the arms of nervous women as they get the jab,” Carlson said. “‘Look at me,’ she coos reassuringly. ‘It doesn’t hurt.’ That’s right. It’s only Kool-Aid. Drink the whole cup.”
“Between late December of 2020, and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccines in the United States. Three thousand, three hundred, and sixty-two – that’s an average of 30 people every day,” Carlson said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “The actual number is almost certainly much higher than that – perhaps vastly higher.”
He doesn't fulminate against vaccines.
“In one scene from the Vogue piece, Dr. Jill cradles the arms of nervous women as they get the jab,” Carlson said. “‘Look at me,’ she coos reassuringly. ‘It doesn’t hurt.’ That’s right. It’s only Kool-Aid. Drink the whole cup.”
“Between late December of 2020, and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccines in the United States. Three thousand, three hundred, and sixty-two – that’s an average of 30 people every day,” Carlson said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “The actual number is almost certainly much higher than that – perhaps vastly higher.”
Facts about the number of deaths are not in dispute. The other is a political jab at the so-called "Dr. Jill". The news media has been taking political shots at politicians since Trump was elected, but you chose to take exception with that one.
Refusing to answer personal questions is not the same thing as disseminating misinformation, you stupid fucking dumbass.
So, is asking the tuck if he has been given the jab some sort of misinformation?
No, nor is his refusal to answer, you fucking idiot.

How did you get so fucking stupid, dumbass?
From a dude that supports a fucking LIAR, CON MAN, CHEATER, etc........ How did you get so fooled?
I support nobody who is a liar conman and cheater. FYI, I voted against Quid Pro Pedo Joe.
Once again, Biden is not a pedophile.
Then why does he have a habit of groping prepubescent little children?
Taken out of context.
Tell me, how to you put groping and petting women and children INTO context? In black market kiddie porn?

He doesn't have sex in his mind , unlike you.

I see, so now you fathom to possess some sort of supernatural mind reading ability.

Very interesting.

When did you gain this ability? Was it before or after your vacation(s) in a padded room in the local loony bin?

Its obvious!!
Howso? Seems damn creepy to me.
The freaking country is in trouble with race riots, high energy costs, climbing murder rates, disease infested illegal aliens flooding the borders and a foreign policy in shambles but lefties concern themselves whether Tucker Carlson has been vaccinated for Covid. WTF?
Refusing to answer personal questions is not the same thing as disseminating misinformation, you stupid fucking dumbass.
So, is asking the tuck if he has been given the jab some sort of misinformation?
No, nor is his refusal to answer, you fucking idiot.

How did you get so fucking stupid, dumbass?
From a dude that supports a fucking LIAR, CON MAN, CHEATER, etc........ How did you get so fooled?
I support nobody who is a liar conman and cheater. FYI, I voted against Quid Pro Pedo Joe.
Once again, Biden is not a pedophile.
Then why does he have a habit of groping prepubescent little children?
Taken out of context.
Tell me, how to you put groping and petting women and children INTO context? In black market kiddie porn?

He doesn't have sex in his mind , unlike you.

I see, so now you fathom to possess some sort of supernatural mind reading ability.

Very interesting.

When did you gain this ability? Was it before or after your vacation(s) in a padded room in the local loony bin?

Didn't you know? That is one of the side affects of the vaccine. . . telepathy.

Refusing to answer personal questions is not the same thing as disseminating misinformation, you stupid fucking dumbass.
So, is asking the tuck if he has been given the jab some sort of misinformation?
No, nor is his refusal to answer, you fucking idiot.

How did you get so fucking stupid, dumbass?
From a dude that supports a fucking LIAR, CON MAN, CHEATER, etc........ How did you get so fooled?
I support nobody who is a liar conman and cheater. FYI, I voted against Quid Pro Pedo Joe.
Once again, Biden is not a pedophile.
Then why does he have a habit of groping prepubescent little children?
Taken out of context.
Tell me, how to you put groping and petting women and children INTO context? In black market kiddie porn?

He doesn't have sex in his mind , unlike you.

I see, so now you fathom to possess some sort of supernatural mind reading ability.

Very interesting.

When did you gain this ability? Was it before or after your vacation(s) in a padded room in the local loony bin?

Didn't you know? That is one of the side affects of the vaccine. . . telepathy.

Tucker might have been forced to take the vaccine as a condition of employment. It doesn't mean he has to support it. The crazy angry left seems to have a unquenchable thirst to search for trivial hypocrisy on the right. Too bad they can't put that energy into useful endeavors.

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