Come On Biden, Let’s Do More

First Chechnya, then Georgia, then Syria, then Crimea and the Donbas, and now all of Ukraine. This will not stop unless Putin is defeated. The Baltics and Poland are next. That will pull us into a shooting war, and the costs will be much higher.

Obama made a terrible mistake by drawing a red line in Syria then doing nothing when they went right over it. We see Putin for what he is - an anti-Western chauvinistic revanchist who revels in a discredited 19th century ideology of imperial “greatness” regardless of what the conquered people think.

Now is the time to be strong, not timid. Send the Ukrainians all the weapons they need. The Russian armed forces will collapse. The Russians have the weapons but not the people. Ukraine has all the people but not the weapons. Give them what they need.

When will you be joining the Ukrainian Foreign Legion?

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Come on Toro... You can do more!
Warmongers never go to war. They send us and our kids.
Yup. Somehow the "let's" in "let's do more" never includes them putting their asses in the line of fire.

I post the call to arms in every one of these threads I see... so far not one has taken it up.

"Someone has to fight Putin!" they say... but it's never them...
This is why the Russians will collapse if the Ukrainians are adequately armed.

The Russians will not collapse. Unlike us, they are used to being without. And frankly, we are sending endless sums to Ukraine it seems.
First Chechnya, then Georgia, then Syria, then Crimea and the Donbas, and now all of Ukraine. This will not stop unless Putin is defeated. The Baltics and Poland are next. That will pull us into a shooting war, and the costs will be much higher.

Obama made a terrible mistake by drawing a red line in Syria then doing nothing when they went right over it. We see Putin for what he is - an anti-Western chauvinistic revanchist who revels in a discredited 19th century ideology of imperial “greatness” regardless of what the conquered people think.

Now is the time to be strong, not timid. Send the Ukrainians all the weapons they need. The Russian armed forces will collapse. The Russians have the weapons but not the people. Ukraine has all the people but not the weapons. Give them what they need.

I agree - but Biden is helping.

Joe Biden Approves $800 Million In New Military Aid For Ukraine

Lefties who chanted "better red than dead" and paraded with Russian flags during the Vietnam war re in charge today and they want to send someone else's sons to fight in a shooting war with Russia to make a fool look god. Hypocrisy runs rampant among DNC fools.
First Chechnya, then Georgia, then Syria, then Crimea and the Donbas, and now all of Ukraine. This will not stop unless Putin is defeated. The Baltics and Poland are next. That will pull us into a shooting war, and the costs will be much higher.

Obama made a terrible mistake by drawing a red line in Syria then doing nothing when they went right over it. We see Putin for what he is - an anti-Western chauvinistic revanchist who revels in a discredited 19th century ideology of imperial “greatness” regardless of what the conquered people think.

Now is the time to be strong, not timid. Send the Ukrainians all the weapons they need. The Russian armed forces will collapse. The Russians have the weapons but not the people. Ukraine has all the people but not the weapons. Give them what they need.

Although the desire to assist Ukraine more is understandable, to do so would be reckless and irresponsible – President Biden is correct in the course he is taking.

By doing more the United States and its allies can tip the balance toward a nuclear holocaust from which the world would never recover.
First Chechnya, then Georgia, then Syria, then Crimea and the Donbas, and now all of Ukraine. This will not stop unless Putin is defeated. The Baltics and Poland are next. That will pull us into a shooting war, and the costs will be much higher.

Obama made a terrible mistake by drawing a red line in Syria then doing nothing when they went right over it. We see Putin for what he is - an anti-Western chauvinistic revanchist who revels in a discredited 19th century ideology of imperial “greatness” regardless of what the conquered people think.

Now is the time to be strong, not timid. Send the Ukrainians all the weapons they need. The Russian armed forces will collapse. The Russians have the weapons but not the people. Ukraine has all the people but not the weapons. Give them what they need.

Your link:

"If the Soviet Union could deploy thousands of advisers to North Vietnam in the middle of the Vietnam War without triggering a nuclear conflict, the U.S. can deploy advisers to western Ukraine, or at least to Poland, to train Ukrainian soldiers."

Vietnams was thousands of miles from the US and USSR.
A more apt analogy was the Cuban Missile Crisis which nearly resulted in a nuclear exchange between rival superpowers.

The current conflict in Ukraine is due to the US sponsoring a coup in 2014 that drove a duly elected ( and totally corrupt) president from office and replaced him with a succession of western puppets whose only concern was fighting Russia to the last drop of Ukrainian blood.

The US should do less of regime change in Russia and rebuild the American homeland.

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