'Collusion' Dems Are Looking for Is in Wasserman Schultz Staffer Probe'

I heard the story on CNN and MSNBC yesterday.... of course it did not include all of that right wing conspiracy stuff with no proof.
i think we're in for some great fall political theatre. i want to see wasserman testify, see if she uses the same karma for this as with the benghazi affair. she was out selling the story in the front line.that was an organised conspiracy to win reelection. they have no decency or shame.

Since the Awans are connected to terrorists, I would love to see DWS sent down to GITMO for a while.
i remember when obama was going to close gitmo, what a stupid idea. some bleeding heart liberal told him it was a recruiting tool for junior varsity isil.

Do you realize how expensive it is to run GITMo? It should be closed for that reason alone .
why, it's a modern model prison for terrorists against America.

they aren't even releasing the terrorists back onto the battlefield now that creepy obama is gone.

i wonder if he chitchatted about it with the butcher castro at the ballgame.

these are the people who lop off heads burn people alive in cages, and in the case of raul castro, murdering savagely, for political gain, innocent women and children.... sound familiar ?

gitmo is great, for so many reasons if we do it right. and now we are. not rocket science.

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