College without sports


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Imagine, if you will, American colleges deciding collectively that while they can hold classed in a fairly rational manner under the Covid constraints, in sports it's just not feasible. There is too much contact and "togetherness" intrinsic with Sport, so they just drop sports altogether...for a time.

The fact is that the vast majority of college sports programs lose money. They make a bit of money on football and basketball, and those surpluses partially fund the other sports ("stupid sports"), but overall, when considering the staff, facilities, and expenses of the sports programs overall, they lose money.

Then maybe they would make it permanent. No college sports. No athletic scholarships. No AD's. Just like EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, where college sports is/are a total mystery.

To quote the old song lyric, "...what a wonderful world it would be."

Post-high school Yoots who want to play sports would have to play for "club" teams. The major leagues would have to support minor-professional leagues to nurture the talent, rather than forcing the colleges to do their work for them.

Can you even imagine it? and basketball scholarships discriminate against white students --plain and simple.... and basketball scholarships discriminate against white students --plain and simple....
disciminate against white boys you done bumped your head. I am white and guess what got me a scholarship. may not see a bunch of white dudes on major college basketball teams but plenty amongst smaller schools. Look at the smaller schools and whites many times out number blacks on the football team. I did not need help to compete and atheletes want to face atheletes no matter what the color. I do not know an athelete that does not want to face good competition. I bowl jackpots these days with a hall of famer and lose consistantly but the experience is priceless. I fish with pro fisherman and get beat regularly but every time I fish with them I lose less. You are obvously not an athelete. Discimination is to rid me of these oportunities. and basketball scholarships discriminate against white students --plain and simple....
disciminate against white boys you done bumped your head. I am white and guess what got me a scholarship. may not see a bunch of white dudes on major college basketball teams but plenty amongst smaller schools. Look at the smaller schools and whites many times out number blacks on the football team. I did not need help to compete and atheletes want to face atheletes no matter what the color. I do not know an athelete that does not want to face good competition. I bowl jackpots these days with a hall of famer and lose consistantly but the experience is priceless. I fish with pro fisherman and get beat regularly but every time I fish with them I lose less. You are obvously not an athelete. Discimination is to rid me of these oportunities.
hahhahahahahaha--of course you give NO evidence for your dumbshit
blacks don't qualify for college as much as other races
and they are only 13% of the population
and they graduate college at lower rates
boooom boooom boooom

1589725186586.png and basketball scholarships discriminate against white students --plain and simple....
disciminate against white boys you done bumped your head. I am white and guess what got me a scholarship. may not see a bunch of white dudes on major college basketball teams but plenty amongst smaller schools. Look at the smaller schools and whites many times out number blacks on the football team. I did not need help to compete and atheletes want to face atheletes no matter what the color. I do not know an athelete that does not want to face good competition. I bowl jackpots these days with a hall of famer and lose consistantly but the experience is priceless. I fish with pro fisherman and get beat regularly but every time I fish with them I lose less. You are obvously not an athelete. Discimination is to rid me of these oportunities.
you obviously are an amateur and dumbass
13% of the population--who graduate high school at lower rates--but make up almost 60% of the NCAA?????!!! - discrimination and basketball scholarships discriminate against white students --plain and simple....
disciminate against white boys you done bumped your head. I am white and guess what got me a scholarship. may not see a bunch of white dudes on major college basketball teams but plenty amongst smaller schools. Look at the smaller schools and whites many times out number blacks on the football team. I did not need help to compete and atheletes want to face atheletes no matter what the color. I do not know an athelete that does not want to face good competition. I bowl jackpots these days with a hall of famer and lose consistantly but the experience is priceless. I fish with pro fisherman and get beat regularly but every time I fish with them I lose less. You are obvously not an athelete. Discimination is to rid me of these oportunities.
you obviously are an amateur and dumbass
13% of the population--who graduate high school at lower rates--but make up almost 60% of the NCAA?????!!! - discrimination
your obviously a peice of trash racist go fuck your self. you need momma to tell you are better because you are white but then say you need hlep to compete.. LOL go fuck your peice of trash cryiing bitch self. go play tiddly winnks with your children your bitch ass might win and you can feel good about your self for a minute. and basketball scholarships discriminate against white students --plain and simple....
disciminate against white boys you done bumped your head. I am white and guess what got me a scholarship. may not see a bunch of white dudes on major college basketball teams but plenty amongst smaller schools. Look at the smaller schools and whites many times out number blacks on the football team. I did not need help to compete and atheletes want to face atheletes no matter what the color. I do not know an athelete that does not want to face good competition. I bowl jackpots these days with a hall of famer and lose consistantly but the experience is priceless. I fish with pro fisherman and get beat regularly but every time I fish with them I lose less. You are obvously not an athelete. Discimination is to rid me of these oportunities.
you obviously are an amateur and dumbass
13% of the population--who graduate high school at lower rates--but make up almost 60% of the NCAA?????!!! - discrimination
your obviously a peice of trash racist go fuck your self. you need momma to tell you are better because you are white but then say you need hlep to compete.. LOL go fuck your peice of trash cryiing bitch self. go play tiddly winnks with your children your bitch ass might win and you can feel good about your self for a minute.
wow---typical --the truth hurts you people and facts make you upset
hahahahahahahahhahaha and basketball scholarships discriminate against white students --plain and simple....
disciminate against white boys you done bumped your head. I am white and guess what got me a scholarship. may not see a bunch of white dudes on major college basketball teams but plenty amongst smaller schools. Look at the smaller schools and whites many times out number blacks on the football team. I did not need help to compete and atheletes want to face atheletes no matter what the color. I do not know an athelete that does not want to face good competition. I bowl jackpots these days with a hall of famer and lose consistantly but the experience is priceless. I fish with pro fisherman and get beat regularly but every time I fish with them I lose less. You are obvously not an athelete. Discimination is to rid me of these oportunities.
you obviously are an amateur and dumbass
13% of the population--who graduate high school at lower rates--but make up almost 60% of the NCAA?????!!! - discrimination
your obviously a peice of trash racist go fuck your self. you need momma to tell you are better because you are white but then say you need hlep to compete.. LOL go fuck your peice of trash cryiing bitch self. go play tiddly winnks with your children your bitch ass might win and you can feel good about your self for a minute.
wow---typical --the truth hurts you people and facts make you upset
ya i get it you need help to protect you from the black man we all geti t. you cant compete and want special consideration. We all get it. I guess you could not beat the kids at tiddly winks. maybe next time. Bet your bitch ass hurts dont it!LOL

Try to shut this shit down............gonna get real ugly in this country..........we love our football. and basketball scholarships discriminate against white students --plain and simple....
disciminate against white boys you done bumped your head. I am white and guess what got me a scholarship. may not see a bunch of white dudes on major college basketball teams but plenty amongst smaller schools. Look at the smaller schools and whites many times out number blacks on the football team. I did not need help to compete and atheletes want to face atheletes no matter what the color. I do not know an athelete that does not want to face good competition. I bowl jackpots these days with a hall of famer and lose consistantly but the experience is priceless. I fish with pro fisherman and get beat regularly but every time I fish with them I lose less. You are obvously not an athelete. Discimination is to rid me of these oportunities.
you obviously are an amateur and dumbass
13% of the population--who graduate high school at lower rates--but make up almost 60% of the NCAA?????!!! - discrimination
your obviously a peice of trash racist go fuck your self. you need momma to tell you are better because you are white but then say you need hlep to compete.. LOL go fuck your peice of trash cryiing bitch self. go play tiddly winnks with your children your bitch ass might win and you can feel good about your self for a minute.
wow---typical --the truth hurts you people and facts make you upset
ya i get it you need help to protect you from the black man we all geti t. you cant compete and want special consideration. We all get it. I guess you could not beat the kids at tiddly winks. maybe next time. Bet your bitch ass hurts dont it!LOL
so you prove you haven't graduated 4th grade math and basketball scholarships discriminate against white students --plain and simple....
disciminate against white boys you done bumped your head. I am white and guess what got me a scholarship. may not see a bunch of white dudes on major college basketball teams but plenty amongst smaller schools. Look at the smaller schools and whites many times out number blacks on the football team. I did not need help to compete and atheletes want to face atheletes no matter what the color. I do not know an athelete that does not want to face good competition. I bowl jackpots these days with a hall of famer and lose consistantly but the experience is priceless. I fish with pro fisherman and get beat regularly but every time I fish with them I lose less. You are obvously not an athelete. Discimination is to rid me of these oportunities.
you obviously are an amateur and dumbass
13% of the population--who graduate high school at lower rates--but make up almost 60% of the NCAA?????!!! - discrimination
your obviously a peice of trash racist go fuck your self. you need momma to tell you are better because you are white but then say you need hlep to compete.. LOL go fuck your peice of trash cryiing bitch self. go play tiddly winnks with your children your bitch ass might win and you can feel good about your self for a minute.
wow---typical --the truth hurts you people and facts make you upset
ya i get it you need help to protect you from the black man we all geti t. you cant compete and want special consideration. We all get it. I guess you could not beat the kids at tiddly winks. maybe next time. Bet your bitch ass hurts dont it!LOL
so you prove you haven't graduated 4th grade math
I have proven that your bitch ass is mad because you cant do anything and sat at home jacking off instead of doing what ya needed to do to get a scholarship. Now you wanna take away others chances because you are defective. You wanna be protected class. we all get it. Its not fair mikey gets to do it but I do not. LOL what is it like knowing you cant take care of your self, no wonder you are mad. LOL and basketball scholarships discriminate against white students --plain and simple....
disciminate against white boys you done bumped your head. I am white and guess what got me a scholarship. may not see a bunch of white dudes on major college basketball teams but plenty amongst smaller schools. Look at the smaller schools and whites many times out number blacks on the football team. I did not need help to compete and atheletes want to face atheletes no matter what the color. I do not know an athelete that does not want to face good competition. I bowl jackpots these days with a hall of famer and lose consistantly but the experience is priceless. I fish with pro fisherman and get beat regularly but every time I fish with them I lose less. You are obvously not an athelete. Discimination is to rid me of these oportunities.
you obviously are an amateur and dumbass
13% of the population--who graduate high school at lower rates--but make up almost 60% of the NCAA?????!!! - discrimination
your obviously a peice of trash racist go fuck your self. you need momma to tell you are better because you are white but then say you need hlep to compete.. LOL go fuck your peice of trash cryiing bitch self. go play tiddly winnks with your children your bitch ass might win and you can feel good about your self for a minute.
wow---typical --the truth hurts you people and facts make you upset
ya i get it you need help to protect you from the black man we all geti t. you cant compete and want special consideration. We all get it. I guess you could not beat the kids at tiddly winks. maybe next time. Bet your bitch ass hurts dont it!LOL
so you prove you haven't graduated 4th grade math
I have proven that your bitch ass is mad because you cant do anything and sat at home jacking off instead of doing what ya needed to do to get a scholarship. Now you wanna take away others chances because you are defective. You wanna be protected class. we all get it. Its not fair mikey gets to do it but I do not. LOL what is it like knowing you cant take care of your self, no wonder you are mad. LOL
nothing wrong with self pleasuring
why are you so upset? and basketball scholarships discriminate against white students --plain and simple....
disciminate against white boys you done bumped your head. I am white and guess what got me a scholarship. may not see a bunch of white dudes on major college basketball teams but plenty amongst smaller schools. Look at the smaller schools and whites many times out number blacks on the football team. I did not need help to compete and atheletes want to face atheletes no matter what the color. I do not know an athelete that does not want to face good competition. I bowl jackpots these days with a hall of famer and lose consistantly but the experience is priceless. I fish with pro fisherman and get beat regularly but every time I fish with them I lose less. You are obvously not an athelete. Discimination is to rid me of these oportunities.
you obviously are an amateur and dumbass
13% of the population--who graduate high school at lower rates--but make up almost 60% of the NCAA?????!!! - discrimination
your obviously a peice of trash racist go fuck your self. you need momma to tell you are better because you are white but then say you need hlep to compete.. LOL go fuck your peice of trash cryiing bitch self. go play tiddly winnks with your children your bitch ass might win and you can feel good about your self for a minute.
wow---typical --the truth hurts you people and facts make you upset
ya i get it you need help to protect you from the black man we all geti t. you cant compete and want special consideration. We all get it. I guess you could not beat the kids at tiddly winks. maybe next time. Bet your bitch ass hurts dont it!LOL
so you prove you haven't graduated 4th grade math
I have proven that your bitch ass is mad because you cant do anything and sat at home jacking off instead of doing what ya needed to do to get a scholarship. Now you wanna take away others chances because you are defective. You wanna be protected class. we all get it. Its not fair mikey gets to do it but I do not. LOL what is it like knowing you cant take care of your self, no wonder you are mad. LOL
you also prove you failed English class
''bitch ass'' old are you? and basketball scholarships discriminate against white students --plain and simple....
disciminate against white boys you done bumped your head. I am white and guess what got me a scholarship. may not see a bunch of white dudes on major college basketball teams but plenty amongst smaller schools. Look at the smaller schools and whites many times out number blacks on the football team. I did not need help to compete and atheletes want to face atheletes no matter what the color. I do not know an athelete that does not want to face good competition. I bowl jackpots these days with a hall of famer and lose consistantly but the experience is priceless. I fish with pro fisherman and get beat regularly but every time I fish with them I lose less. You are obvously not an athelete. Discimination is to rid me of these oportunities.
you obviously are an amateur and dumbass
13% of the population--who graduate high school at lower rates--but make up almost 60% of the NCAA?????!!! - discrimination
your obviously a peice of trash racist go fuck your self. you need momma to tell you are better because you are white but then say you need hlep to compete.. LOL go fuck your peice of trash cryiing bitch self. go play tiddly winnks with your children your bitch ass might win and you can feel good about your self for a minute.
wow---typical --the truth hurts you people and facts make you upset
ya i get it you need help to protect you from the black man we all geti t. you cant compete and want special consideration. We all get it. I guess you could not beat the kids at tiddly winks. maybe next time. Bet your bitch ass hurts dont it!LOL
so you prove you haven't graduated 4th grade math
I have proven that your bitch ass is mad because you cant do anything and sat at home jacking off instead of doing what ya needed to do to get a scholarship. Now you wanna take away others chances because you are defective. You wanna be protected class. we all get it. Its not fair mikey gets to do it but I do not. LOL what is it like knowing you cant take care of your self, no wonder you are mad. LOL
nothing wrong with self pleasuring
why are you so upset?
I am not the one crying that sport scholarships are unfair you are. You want the entire collegate system to change things up because your bitch ass cant get a scholarship. The color of your skin was not right I guess. it had nothing to do with you not putting in the work did it. While you were at home jacking off I was at practice putting in the work and you wanna cry and you call your self a consevative!LOL After practice I was likely doing your girl instead of having to do it myself. and basketball scholarships discriminate against white students --plain and simple....
disciminate against white boys you done bumped your head. I am white and guess what got me a scholarship. may not see a bunch of white dudes on major college basketball teams but plenty amongst smaller schools. Look at the smaller schools and whites many times out number blacks on the football team. I did not need help to compete and atheletes want to face atheletes no matter what the color. I do not know an athelete that does not want to face good competition. I bowl jackpots these days with a hall of famer and lose consistantly but the experience is priceless. I fish with pro fisherman and get beat regularly but every time I fish with them I lose less. You are obvously not an athelete. Discimination is to rid me of these oportunities.
you obviously are an amateur and dumbass
13% of the population--who graduate high school at lower rates--but make up almost 60% of the NCAA?????!!! - discrimination
your obviously a peice of trash racist go fuck your self. you need momma to tell you are better because you are white but then say you need hlep to compete.. LOL go fuck your peice of trash cryiing bitch self. go play tiddly winnks with your children your bitch ass might win and you can feel good about your self for a minute.
wow---typical --the truth hurts you people and facts make you upset
ya i get it you need help to protect you from the black man we all geti t. you cant compete and want special consideration. We all get it. I guess you could not beat the kids at tiddly winks. maybe next time. Bet your bitch ass hurts dont it!LOL
so you prove you haven't graduated 4th grade math
I have proven that your bitch ass is mad because you cant do anything and sat at home jacking off instead of doing what ya needed to do to get a scholarship. Now you wanna take away others chances because you are defective. You wanna be protected class. we all get it. Its not fair mikey gets to do it but I do not. LOL what is it like knowing you cant take care of your self, no wonder you are mad. LOL
nothing wrong with self pleasuring
why are you so upset?
I am not the one crying that sport scholarships are unfair you are. You want the entire collegate system to change things up because your bitch ass cant get a scholarship. The color of your skin was not right I guess. it had nothing to do with you not putting in the work did it. While you were at home jacking off I was at practice putting in the work and you wanna cry and you call your self a consevative!LOL After practice I was likely doing your girl instead of having to do it myself.
oooga boooga and basketball scholarships discriminate against white students --plain and simple....
disciminate against white boys you done bumped your head. I am white and guess what got me a scholarship. may not see a bunch of white dudes on major college basketball teams but plenty amongst smaller schools. Look at the smaller schools and whites many times out number blacks on the football team. I did not need help to compete and atheletes want to face atheletes no matter what the color. I do not know an athelete that does not want to face good competition. I bowl jackpots these days with a hall of famer and lose consistantly but the experience is priceless. I fish with pro fisherman and get beat regularly but every time I fish with them I lose less. You are obvously not an athelete. Discimination is to rid me of these oportunities.
you obviously are an amateur and dumbass
13% of the population--who graduate high school at lower rates--but make up almost 60% of the NCAA?????!!! - discrimination
your obviously a peice of trash racist go fuck your self. you need momma to tell you are better because you are white but then say you need hlep to compete.. LOL go fuck your peice of trash cryiing bitch self. go play tiddly winnks with your children your bitch ass might win and you can feel good about your self for a minute.
wow---typical --the truth hurts you people and facts make you upset
ya i get it you need help to protect you from the black man we all geti t. you cant compete and want special consideration. We all get it. I guess you could not beat the kids at tiddly winks. maybe next time. Bet your bitch ass hurts dont it!LOL
so you prove you haven't graduated 4th grade math
I have proven that your bitch ass is mad because you cant do anything and sat at home jacking off instead of doing what ya needed to do to get a scholarship. Now you wanna take away others chances because you are defective. You wanna be protected class. we all get it. Its not fair mikey gets to do it but I do not. LOL what is it like knowing you cant take care of your self, no wonder you are mad. LOL
nothing wrong with self pleasuring
why are you so upset?
I am not the one crying that sport scholarships are unfair you are. You want the entire collegate system to change things up because your bitch ass cant get a scholarship. The color of your skin was not right I guess. it had nothing to do with you not putting in the work did it. While you were at home jacking off I was at practice putting in the work and you wanna cry and you call your self a consevative!LOL After practice I was likely doing your girl instead of having to do it myself.
I'd rather pleasure myself than practice sports
Imagine, if you will, American colleges deciding collectively that while they can hold classed in a fairly rational manner under the Covid constraints, in sports it's just not feasible. There is too much contact and "togetherness" intrinsic with Sport, so they just drop sports altogether...for a time.

The fact is that the vast majority of college sports programs lose money. They make a bit of money on football and basketball, and those surpluses partially fund the other sports ("stupid sports"), but overall, when considering the staff, facilities, and expenses of the sports programs overall, they lose money.

Then maybe they would make it permanent. No college sports. No athletic scholarships. No AD's. Just like EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, where college sports is/are a total mystery.

To quote the old song lyric, "...what a wonderful world it would be."

Post-high school Yoots who want to play sports would have to play for "club" teams. The major leagues would have to support minor-professional leagues to nurture the talent, rather than forcing the colleges to do their work for them.

Can you even imagine it?
The 98lb weakling ranting against sports - AGAIN. and basketball scholarships discriminate against white students --plain and simple....
disciminate against white boys you done bumped your head. I am white and guess what got me a scholarship. may not see a bunch of white dudes on major college basketball teams but plenty amongst smaller schools. Look at the smaller schools and whites many times out number blacks on the football team. I did not need help to compete and atheletes want to face atheletes no matter what the color. I do not know an athelete that does not want to face good competition. I bowl jackpots these days with a hall of famer and lose consistantly but the experience is priceless. I fish with pro fisherman and get beat regularly but every time I fish with them I lose less. You are obvously not an athelete. Discimination is to rid me of these oportunities.
you obviously are an amateur and dumbass
13% of the population--who graduate high school at lower rates--but make up almost 60% of the NCAA?????!!! - discrimination
your obviously a peice of trash racist go fuck your self. you need momma to tell you are better because you are white but then say you need hlep to compete.. LOL go fuck your peice of trash cryiing bitch self. go play tiddly winnks with your children your bitch ass might win and you can feel good about your self for a minute.
wow---typical --the truth hurts you people and facts make you upset
ya i get it you need help to protect you from the black man we all geti t. you cant compete and want special consideration. We all get it. I guess you could not beat the kids at tiddly winks. maybe next time. Bet your bitch ass hurts dont it!LOL
so you prove you haven't graduated 4th grade math
I have proven that your bitch ass is mad because you cant do anything and sat at home jacking off instead of doing what ya needed to do to get a scholarship. Now you wanna take away others chances because you are defective. You wanna be protected class. we all get it. Its not fair mikey gets to do it but I do not. LOL what is it like knowing you cant take care of your self, no wonder you are mad. LOL
nothing wrong with self pleasuring
why are you so upset?
I am not the one crying that sport scholarships are unfair you are. You want the entire collegate system to change things up because your bitch ass cant get a scholarship. The color of your skin was not right I guess. it had nothing to do with you not putting in the work did it. While you were at home jacking off I was at practice putting in the work and you wanna cry and you call your self a consevative!LOL After practice I was likely doing your girl instead of having to do it myself.
I'd rather pleasure myself than practice sports
then dont bitch about the scholarships and go pleasure your self. Some of us like to do other things with our life. I do not stop you from pleasuring your self do not stop me from being athletic. Different strokes for different folks. At my age aint much of either going on. If you notice i talk about bowling and fishing these days. I am not getting up and down a court,tossing 90 mile an hour fastballs, or even getting it up to often now adays. I had my day let the young ones have thiers. At least some one is still having some fun, it is a better world when the people around you are happy. I much like Billy Crystal beleive if riding your wife wihle wearing a clown out fit with a midget watching makes you happy. Then go be fucking happy. I on the other hand wanna do what I wanna do. I wanna fish,golf,travel,gamble and drink now adays. Aint nothing wrong with that either.

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