College staff Bloat


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
For the Chirren of wonder they come out confused debt slaves.
The failed academy, which used to include, for example, St. Paul’s own Hamline University, founded in 1854, employs too many people who don’t really have anything to do.

Stanford University, according to various reports shocked by the sheer weight of the thing, has 15,750 administrators, while only 2,279 academic types, teachers I suppose, and 16,914 students.
LOL....There was a guy in one of my old hunt clubs who I always thought was well to do (nice home/PU) and asked him one day at hunt camp what he did for a living.....He said he was a general maintenance man at George Mason University.....He said "in other words I unplug toilets and change light bulbs".

If you can get a job working for a university (not a contractor) you are in like Flint.....Employed for life.
For the Chirren of wonder they come out confused debt slaves.
The failed academy, which used to include, for example, St. Paul’s own Hamline University, founded in 1854, employs too many people who don’t really have anything to do.

Stanford University, according to various reports shocked by the sheer weight of the thing, has 15,750 administrators, while only 2,279 academic types, teachers I suppose, and 16,914 students.
My wife is retiring from college academia in June and it is none to soon. Colleges are turning into Woke Romper Rooms where teachers spend countless hours counseling, mentoring, diversifying, inclusiveiying, Equitizing, and still do the course work, testing, grading....etc. It's absolutely nuts.
For the Chirren of wonder they come out confused debt slaves.
The failed academy, which used to include, for example, St. Paul’s own Hamline University, founded in 1854, employs too many people who don’t really have anything to do.

Stanford University, according to various reports shocked by the sheer weight of the thing, has 15,750 administrators, while only 2,279 academic types, teachers I suppose, and 16,914 students.
B-B-B-But it's all for the Keeeeeeedzzz!!!
B-B-B-But it's all for the Keeeeeeedzzz!!!

Somebody has to run the Video Game Competition team. That person needs an assistant. That assistant needs a secretary. That secretary needs a couple work study students. The financial aid office and the payroll department each need a coordinator to make sure the Director of Video Gaming and staff comply with all the rules and stay within budget. The student counseling office needs an extra counselor to make sure that the Video Game Team members are not too depressed or planning to shoot up the school because of all the stress and exposure to violence they experience representing the school at nerd competitions. The list goes on and on and on.
Somebody has to run the Video Game Competition team. That person needs an assistant. That assistant needs a secretary. That secretary needs a couple work study students. The financial aid office and the payroll department each need a coordinator to make sure the Director of Video Gaming and staff comply with all the rules and stay within budget. The student counseling office needs an extra counselor to make sure that the Video Game Team members are not too depressed or planning to shoot up the school because of all the stress and exposure to violence they experience representing the school at nerd competitions. The list goes on and on and on.
I'd rather see them spending money staffing video game departments than diversity, equity and inclusion departments. My son tells me there's big money in video game competition!
I'd rather see them spending money staffing video game departments than diversity, equity and inclusion departments. My son tells me there's big money in video game competition!

They can use the windfall to settle the lawsuits over their being transexclusionary by not having urinals in the lady's room.

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