Cohen: "The Fixer"

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Hey, what happened to the "collusion" and "obstruction of justice" charges they had on Trump? Oh...yeah, never it. So now it's the shadowy Cohen who's going to be threatened with a life-sentence for something...anything... to rat out the President and expose all the.........uh, what exactly would he have on Trump? 8x10 glossies of the man in Stormy's drawing? Or maybe how Mueller tried to worm his way out his greens fees at Trump's National golf club and got thrown out? Correspondence with a known felon like Martha Stewart? Anybody who's watched the Ray Donovan series knows a "fixer" ain't the lawyer and for sure isn't going to fall for a cheap stunt like the Mueller goons pulled...more air fries with the nothing burger. :blahblah:

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Incidentally, if no master was named to oversee the FBI "taint-team", nothing they took from Cohen can be used in a court of law due to attorney-client privilege. If anybody thinks even a district court, much less an appellate court or the USSC, is going to ignore that privilege, which is the bedrock of American jurisprudence, doesn't know their ass from up. :eusa_snooty:
Why are they threatening Cohen with life in prison, for nothing. Just snatch his son and send Cohen a couple of fingers. He will say anything they want.
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Why are they threatening Cohen with life in prison, for nothing. Just snatch his son and send Cohen a couple of fingers. He will say anything they want.

It was Rudy Giuliani who put away the rackets boys.....stick leg Comey was a twerp lawyer watching from the sidelines.
Cohen will rat out Trump big deal. I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Papopopolous will rat out Trump big deal. I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Jared will rat out Trump big deal. I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Deutsche Bank will rat out Trump big deal. I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Gates will rat out Trump big deal. I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Manafort will rat out Trump big deal. I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Flynn will rat out Trump big deal. I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Trump has no path to the White House I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Cohen will rat out Trump big deal. I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Papopopolous will rat out Trump big deal. I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Jared will rat out Trump big deal. I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Deutsche Bank will rat out Trump big deal. I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Gates will rat out Trump big deal. I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Manafort will rat out Trump big deal. I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Flynn will rat out Trump big deal. I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Trump has no path to the White House I can guarantee it. Guarantee it. Guarantee
Unless Cohen was literally meeting in Prague with Boris and Nathasha, it's not much in reality.
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Bottom line? Mueller is daring Trump to fire him so he can send a report to CONgress about Trump "crimes" that he can't prove because they never happened. All this time and money and the horse-face creep found nothing but a bunch of Russians he can indict but never prosecute. Comey's sidekick McCabe will be indicted for perjury in the next couple days. Manafort and Flynn will get pardons and so will Cohen and he knows it so he can spit in their eye. A few more appearances by "leakin Jim", and Mueller might as well call in the dogs and piss on the fire.
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Mueller received a message today from the DOJ-IG with the criminal referral to the Fed Prosecutors... Now if he has the vision to see what is coming down the pike is yet to be seen...

Fired FBI deputy director McCabe may face criminal charges
Are you sure you want to go down that trail, oh wise one?

Of particular concern was that McCabe effectively authorized the FBI to confirm an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation, by revealing a phone call in which he pushed back against a Justice Department official who warned that the bureau should not be taking overt steps in the case close to an election. McCabe asked the official: "Are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?"

Inspector general has referred findings on McCabe to U.S. attorney for consideration of criminal charges

Not that I doubt McCabe is a self-serving jerk.
if Cohen wasnt in Prague he isnt producing an alibi to prove he wasnt.
just saying he wasnt there ?


got it

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