Behind The Scenes, dims are FREAKING Out


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Here's a good article from Instapundit. One of the most reliable blogs in the Land, it is penned by Kimberly Strassel, one of the most respected Journo's in the COuntry. And one of the few remaining.

Think about it -- An obama insider, one that worked INSIDE the half-White House gets arrested, Creepy Porn Lawyer is going to Prison (he'll flip like a hippie broad at a Grateful Dead Concert) and the DoJ has a new Sheriff in Town. One that knows what he's doing and can't be bought or intimidated.

dims are in full panic mode.

Ace of Spades HQ

Meanwhile, Kim Strassel writes at the Wall Street Journal that Obama officials, Deep Staters, and Democrats are freaking out because they're afraid of what Barr's investigations might find -- and they're right to be afraid.

Quoting from Instapundit, Strassel first notes that Comey refused to brief the Gang of 8 leaders of Congress and the intelligence committees about his illegal spying on a presidential candidate, and the absurd reasons he offers for having so refused.

Here's a more plausible explanation: Mr. Comey and his crew have also testified that they were all convinced Mrs. Clinton would win the election. That would have meant that no politician other than the incoming Democratic president would have known the FBI had spied on the Trump team. Nor would the public. A Clinton presidency would have ensured no accountability.

Mr. Trump's victory destroyed that scenario, and it became clear that the new Republican president would soon know that the former Democratic administration had surveilled his campaign on the basis of information from his rival. At that point two things happened. Neither was accidental, and both were aimed, again, at forestalling accountability.

First, Mr. Comey and other intelligence officials, including Mr. Clapper, engineered the public release of all the scandalous claims against Mr. Trump, to provide some cover. As liberal commentator Matt Taibbi notes in his new book, "Hate Inc." Mr. Comey's Jan. 6, 2017, briefing of the president-elect about the dossier was a classic Washington "trick." It served as the "pretext" to get the details out, a "news hook" to allow the press to publish the dossier--with its salacious fictions about prostitutes and Moscow hotel rooms--and go wild.

Who's been telling you that much, forever?

Democrats used the furor in their successful push for a special counsel, which gave greater legitimacy to the FBI's probe. The appointment of a special counsel also froze other oversight. Congress can’t have access to certain documents or ask witnesses certain questions, since that might interfere with the probe. The White House can't demand answers, because that too would interfere. Mr. Trump's adversaries got to hide behind Robert Mueller for nearly two years.

Click on this WSJ link to read the whole thing. But it's paywalled, so you can't see it unless you subscribe. Oh well, even if you don't subscribe, give Strassel the hit.
She is a consistent conservative, so take it with the same grain of salt you'd take something written by a consistent liberal.

With one major difference........

dimocraps are lying scum.

Kimberly is as honest as it gets.
She is a consistent conservative, so take it with the same grain of salt you'd take something written by a consistent liberal.
Conservative or not.....she's simply stating the same thing I've been saying for years.
Mueller was protecting the real guilty parties....while trying to create crimes to attack the new administration with. None of the indictments had anything to do with the original intent of the investigation. They were released periodically by the media to make it look like Mueller was accomplishing something. Nothing more.
To top it off....James Comey comes out this week talking like he doesn't know that electronic surveillance is spying........?????
Is this jerk forreal?????
Here's a good article from Instapundit. One of the most reliable blogs in the Land, it is penned by Kimberly Strassel, one of the most respected Journo's in the COuntry. And one of the few remaining.

Think about it -- An obama insider, one that worked INSIDE the half-White House gets arrested, Creepy Porn Lawyer is going to Prison (he'll flip like a hippie broad at a Grateful Dead Concert) and the DoJ has a new Sheriff in Town. One that knows what he's doing and can't be bought or intimidated.

dims are in full panic mode.

Ace of Spades HQ

Meanwhile, Kim Strassel writes at the Wall Street Journal that Obama officials, Deep Staters, and Democrats are freaking out because they're afraid of what Barr's investigations might find -- and they're right to be afraid.

Quoting from Instapundit, Strassel first notes that Comey refused to brief the Gang of 8 leaders of Congress and the intelligence committees about his illegal spying on a presidential candidate, and the absurd reasons he offers for having so refused.

Here's a more plausible explanation: Mr. Comey and his crew have also testified that they were all convinced Mrs. Clinton would win the election. That would have meant that no politician other than the incoming Democratic president would have known the FBI had spied on the Trump team. Nor would the public. A Clinton presidency would have ensured no accountability.

Mr. Trump's victory destroyed that scenario, and it became clear that the new Republican president would soon know that the former Democratic administration had surveilled his campaign on the basis of information from his rival. At that point two things happened. Neither was accidental, and both were aimed, again, at forestalling accountability.

First, Mr. Comey and other intelligence officials, including Mr. Clapper, engineered the public release of all the scandalous claims against Mr. Trump, to provide some cover. As liberal commentator Matt Taibbi notes in his new book, "Hate Inc." Mr. Comey's Jan. 6, 2017, briefing of the president-elect about the dossier was a classic Washington "trick." It served as the "pretext" to get the details out, a "news hook" to allow the press to publish the dossier--with its salacious fictions about prostitutes and Moscow hotel rooms--and go wild.

Who's been telling you that much, forever?

Democrats used the furor in their successful push for a special counsel, which gave greater legitimacy to the FBI's probe. The appointment of a special counsel also froze other oversight. Congress can’t have access to certain documents or ask witnesses certain questions, since that might interfere with the probe. The White House can't demand answers, because that too would interfere. Mr. Trump's adversaries got to hide behind Robert Mueller for nearly two years.

Click on this WSJ link to read the whole thing. But it's paywalled, so you can't see it unless you subscribe. Oh well, even if you don't subscribe, give Strassel the hit.

Yeah it's looking like the shit is about to hit the demodummie fan and it's gonna be all over and really stink up place for a lot of them. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
It's gonna be comical watching the main stream media try to cover their tracks and deny their part in this fiasco. Their ad revenue could go negative as they may have to start paying people to dial them in. "We'll give you a dollar to dial in our demodummie."
The race has already begun as to who can throw who under the bus the fastest. Clapper and company are already outing Obama as the ringleader of this attempted coup. Thus proving the old adage of no honor among thieves.
Here's a good article from Instapundit. One of the most reliable blogs in the Land, it is penned by Kimberly Strassel, one of the most respected Journo's in the COuntry. And one of the few remaining.

Think about it -- An obama insider, one that worked INSIDE the half-White House gets arrested, Creepy Porn Lawyer is going to Prison (he'll flip like a hippie broad at a Grateful Dead Concert) and the DoJ has a new Sheriff in Town. One that knows what he's doing and can't be bought or intimidated.

dims are in full panic mode.

Ace of Spades HQ

Meanwhile, Kim Strassel writes at the Wall Street Journal that Obama officials, Deep Staters, and Democrats are freaking out because they're afraid of what Barr's investigations might find -- and they're right to be afraid.

Quoting from Instapundit, Strassel first notes that Comey refused to brief the Gang of 8 leaders of Congress and the intelligence committees about his illegal spying on a presidential candidate, and the absurd reasons he offers for having so refused.

Here's a more plausible explanation: Mr. Comey and his crew have also testified that they were all convinced Mrs. Clinton would win the election. That would have meant that no politician other than the incoming Democratic president would have known the FBI had spied on the Trump team. Nor would the public. A Clinton presidency would have ensured no accountability.

Mr. Trump's victory destroyed that scenario, and it became clear that the new Republican president would soon know that the former Democratic administration had surveilled his campaign on the basis of information from his rival. At that point two things happened. Neither was accidental, and both were aimed, again, at forestalling accountability.

First, Mr. Comey and other intelligence officials, including Mr. Clapper, engineered the public release of all the scandalous claims against Mr. Trump, to provide some cover. As liberal commentator Matt Taibbi notes in his new book, "Hate Inc." Mr. Comey's Jan. 6, 2017, briefing of the president-elect about the dossier was a classic Washington "trick." It served as the "pretext" to get the details out, a "news hook" to allow the press to publish the dossier--with its salacious fictions about prostitutes and Moscow hotel rooms--and go wild.

Who's been telling you that much, forever?

Democrats used the furor in their successful push for a special counsel, which gave greater legitimacy to the FBI's probe. The appointment of a special counsel also froze other oversight. Congress can’t have access to certain documents or ask witnesses certain questions, since that might interfere with the probe. The White House can't demand answers, because that too would interfere. Mr. Trump's adversaries got to hide behind Robert Mueller for nearly two years.

Click on this WSJ link to read the whole thing. But it's paywalled, so you can't see it unless you subscribe. Oh well, even if you don't subscribe, give Strassel the hit.

She is a consistent conservative, so take it with the same grain of salt you'd take something written by a consistent liberal.

She is a consistent conservative, so take it with the same grain of salt you'd take something written by a consistent liberal.
Conservative or not.....she's simply stating the same thing I've been saying for years.
Mueller was protecting the real guilty parties....while trying to create crimes to attack the new administration with. None of the indictments had anything to do with the original intent of the investigation. They were released periodically by the media to make it look like Mueller was accomplishing something. Nothing more.
To top it off....James Comey comes out this week talking like he doesn't know that electronic surveillance is spying........?????
Is this jerk forreal?????

They got them, we know it, and the Left knows it! Barr is not a fool, nor very political. He was in retirement and came back to fix this mess.

What have they got?

Lets start with this-)

Here's a good article from Instapundit. One of the most reliable blogs in the Land, it is penned by Kimberly Strassel, one of the most respected Journo's in the COuntry. And one of the few remaining.

Think about it -- An obama insider, one that worked INSIDE the half-White House gets arrested, Creepy Porn Lawyer is going to Prison (he'll flip like a hippie broad at a Grateful Dead Concert) and the DoJ has a new Sheriff in Town. One that knows what he's doing and can't be bought or intimidated.

dims are in full panic mode.

Ace of Spades HQ

Meanwhile, Kim Strassel writes at the Wall Street Journal that Obama officials, Deep Staters, and Democrats are freaking out because they're afraid of what Barr's investigations might find -- and they're right to be afraid.

Quoting from Instapundit, Strassel first notes that Comey refused to brief the Gang of 8 leaders of Congress and the intelligence committees about his illegal spying on a presidential candidate, and the absurd reasons he offers for having so refused.

Here's a more plausible explanation: Mr. Comey and his crew have also testified that they were all convinced Mrs. Clinton would win the election. That would have meant that no politician other than the incoming Democratic president would have known the FBI had spied on the Trump team. Nor would the public. A Clinton presidency would have ensured no accountability.

Mr. Trump's victory destroyed that scenario, and it became clear that the new Republican president would soon know that the former Democratic administration had surveilled his campaign on the basis of information from his rival. At that point two things happened. Neither was accidental, and both were aimed, again, at forestalling accountability.

First, Mr. Comey and other intelligence officials, including Mr. Clapper, engineered the public release of all the scandalous claims against Mr. Trump, to provide some cover. As liberal commentator Matt Taibbi notes in his new book, "Hate Inc." Mr. Comey's Jan. 6, 2017, briefing of the president-elect about the dossier was a classic Washington "trick." It served as the "pretext" to get the details out, a "news hook" to allow the press to publish the dossier--with its salacious fictions about prostitutes and Moscow hotel rooms--and go wild.

Who's been telling you that much, forever?

Democrats used the furor in their successful push for a special counsel, which gave greater legitimacy to the FBI's probe. The appointment of a special counsel also froze other oversight. Congress can’t have access to certain documents or ask witnesses certain questions, since that might interfere with the probe. The White House can't demand answers, because that too would interfere. Mr. Trump's adversaries got to hide behind Robert Mueller for nearly two years.

Click on this WSJ link to read the whole thing. But it's paywalled, so you can't see it unless you subscribe. Oh well, even if you don't subscribe, give Strassel the hit.

Unless there are repercussions IDC.
You gotta love th idiot Dimms who are whistling past the graveyard, like Schiff and Stallwell.

They are just going to go down with the ship, I suppose.

Trump is going to have the last laugh.
You gotta love th idiot Dimms who are whistling past the graveyard, like Schiff and Stallwell.

They are just going to go down with the ship, I suppose.

Trump is going to have the last laugh.

Not necessarily. Politics abhors a vacuum. The air of the D regions is getting scarce and I doubt anyone can predict what kind of a mess D replacement will be much less how difficult it will be to prevent a GOP split in an attempt to own the political spectrum.
She is a consistent conservative, so take it with the same grain of salt you'd take something written by a consistent liberal.
Conservative or not.....she's simply stating the same thing I've been saying for years.
Mueller was protecting the real guilty parties....while trying to create crimes to attack the new administration with. None of the indictments had anything to do with the original intent of the investigation. They were released periodically by the media to make it look like Mueller was accomplishing something. Nothing more.
To top it off....James Comey comes out this week talking like he doesn't know that electronic surveillance is spying........?????
Is this jerk forreal?????

Well it's not spying if the person isn't a spy right. Comey is going probably going to end up in Jail along with the rest of the Treasonous rat pack Barr is just getting started Greg Craig is just the Tip of the Obama Spy network Iceberg. We'll get to watch the destruction and Ultimate Disgrace of a former President. Counter intelligence surveillance is only Directed from one office, The Oval Office. Treason charges for them all would be Justice served ( cold)
She is a consistent conservative, so take it with the same grain of salt you'd take something written by a consistent liberal.
Conservative or not.....she's simply stating the same thing I've been saying for years.
Mueller was protecting the real guilty parties....while trying to create crimes to attack the new administration with. None of the indictments had anything to do with the original intent of the investigation. They were released periodically by the media to make it look like Mueller was accomplishing something. Nothing more.
To top it off....James Comey comes out this week talking like he doesn't know that electronic surveillance is spying........?????
Is this jerk forreal?????

Anytime the media needed to justify the Russia investigation they pushed the indictments of Flynn, Manafort, Papadopolus and Cohen, without ever clarifying none of the indictments had anything to do with Russia.
Elected republicans with the exception of a handful didn't help with their blind support of Mueller and unwillingness to challenge or question what started the investigation, along with their support in forcing Session to recuse while allowing Rosenstein to run things.
Here's a good article from Instapundit. One of the most reliable blogs in the Land, it is penned by Kimberly Strassel, one of the most respected Journo's in the COuntry. And one of the few remaining.

Think about it -- An obama insider, one that worked INSIDE the half-White House gets arrested, Creepy Porn Lawyer is going to Prison (he'll flip like a hippie broad at a Grateful Dead Concert) and the DoJ has a new Sheriff in Town. One that knows what he's doing and can't be bought or intimidated.

dims are in full panic mode.

Ace of Spades HQ

Meanwhile, Kim Strassel writes at the Wall Street Journal that Obama officials, Deep Staters, and Democrats are freaking out because they're afraid of what Barr's investigations might find -- and they're right to be afraid.

Quoting from Instapundit, Strassel first notes that Comey refused to brief the Gang of 8 leaders of Congress and the intelligence committees about his illegal spying on a presidential candidate, and the absurd reasons he offers for having so refused.

Here's a more plausible explanation: Mr. Comey and his crew have also testified that they were all convinced Mrs. Clinton would win the election. That would have meant that no politician other than the incoming Democratic president would have known the FBI had spied on the Trump team. Nor would the public. A Clinton presidency would have ensured no accountability.

Mr. Trump's victory destroyed that scenario, and it became clear that the new Republican president would soon know that the former Democratic administration had surveilled his campaign on the basis of information from his rival. At that point two things happened. Neither was accidental, and both were aimed, again, at forestalling accountability.

First, Mr. Comey and other intelligence officials, including Mr. Clapper, engineered the public release of all the scandalous claims against Mr. Trump, to provide some cover. As liberal commentator Matt Taibbi notes in his new book, "Hate Inc." Mr. Comey's Jan. 6, 2017, briefing of the president-elect about the dossier was a classic Washington "trick." It served as the "pretext" to get the details out, a "news hook" to allow the press to publish the dossier--with its salacious fictions about prostitutes and Moscow hotel rooms--and go wild.

Who's been telling you that much, forever?

Democrats used the furor in their successful push for a special counsel, which gave greater legitimacy to the FBI's probe. The appointment of a special counsel also froze other oversight. Congress can’t have access to certain documents or ask witnesses certain questions, since that might interfere with the probe. The White House can't demand answers, because that too would interfere. Mr. Trump's adversaries got to hide behind Robert Mueller for nearly two years.

Click on this WSJ link to read the whole thing. But it's paywalled, so you can't see it unless you subscribe. Oh well, even if you don't subscribe, give Strassel the hit.

Yeah it's looking like the shit is about to hit the demodummie fan and it's gonna be all over and really stink up place for a lot of them. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
It's gonna be comical watching the main stream media try to cover their tracks and deny their part in this fiasco. Their ad revenue could go negative as they may have to start paying people to dial them in. "We'll give you a dollar to dial in our demodummie."

The right has been saying the same thing for years. What makes you think this time will be any different?
You gotta love th idiot Dimms who are whistling past the graveyard, like Schiff and Stallwell.

They are just going to go down with the ship, I suppose.

Trump is going to have the last laugh.

Lol, just checked out Schiff and a few other of the dems twitter and their supporters are :blowup: that they didn't get anything out of the Mueller Russia investigation.

And now TRUMP is slamming them on immigration. :laughing0301:

It's getting hard to keep up with all the WINNING!!! :highfive:
Trump is a counter puncher.

Those corrupt people who tried to stage a coup are some shivering bitches.
Trump is a counter puncher.

Those corrupt people who tried to stage a coup are some shivering bitches.

America Owes him 4 more years so he can finish the job. My father always told me never pick a fight with someone you can't out run. I don't think the Dem conspirators can run far enough fast enough to get away from their Attempt to subvert and then destroy a duly elected President. Mr. Barr is there for a reason. And I don't think he really cares for crooked Politicians and there bureaucrat appointees spying on an opposition campaign and lying to do it. If they didn't, let them show us all what Probable cause they used for a Counter intelligence warrant. I'd be interested in that wouldn't y'all ?:dig:
This is the worst political scandal in American History.

At least the Confederacy stood up and fought face-to-face like Men.

dimocrap FILTH took the low road, the only one they know.

The problem was/is, they never had a chance to succeed. Not really.

Maybe they were hoping they could drag this all out until 2020. They looked at the 2018 MidTerms and thought, "Wow! We kicked their asses (they didn't but that's okay). All we gotta do is keep this shitstorm going for another 18 Months"


This wasn't 'Politics As Usual", people. This was an illegal, unconstitutional power-grab by ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES, and even worse..... Much worse.......... Much, MUCH, MUCH worse by unelected, careerists in NON-POLITICAL organizations.

I'm talking the DoJ, the FBI, the CIA, the FISA Courts (you'll see, I'm always right about this stuff) and career prosecutors all over the East Coast.

We need to do what a Caesar would have done after a failed assassination attempt, which this was. We need to do what the Union Army did after a successful assassination attempt.

We need to grind these TRAITORS into the ground and bury them there for all eternity. We need to imprison those that broke the Law with no mercy. None.

Otherwise, the American People, INCLUDING the left, will never trust Government again. Ever.

Come to think of it..... Maybe that's not a bad thing

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