Cognitive Dissonance

Yes, I have stated eating meat is always wrong and abortion is always wrong. You have stated eating meat is always wrong and abortions are sometimes wrong. Textbook cognitive dissonance.

I didn't say eating meat was ALWAYS wrong and if you think I did quote the post.,

I have said eating meat is unnecessary.

And I never said abortion is sometimes wrong.

If you think I did then quote the post
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Not really. I'd rather just keep pointing out your cognitive dissonance on how you view life. So you won't tell women that you believe it's wrong for them to abort their babies but you will tell meat eaters it's wrong for them to eat meat?

There is none on this issue.

If a woman said to me I am going to have an abortion even though I believe it is wrong I would use the same argument I did with you.

And again I'll ask you to quote the post where I ever said eating meat was always wrong. Or where I told anyone what they should or should not eat.

Once again you are up to your dishonest arguing style by making a statement then attributing it to me then arguing against it as if I actually said it.

So please, quote the post where I said eating meat is always wrong or any post where I told people what to eat then we can continue.
In a way cognitive dissonance is the opposite of intellectual honesty. So the cure for cognitive dissonance is to be intellectually honest.

Enjoying your eggs for breakfast does not mean you approve of the unethical treatment of animals. Nor does the duck a l'orange you have for dinner. Nor does that make you a hypocrite when you send your donations to the Animal Humane association or support the candidate who promotes laws for the ethical treatment of animals.

Re the corrupt politician, the intellectually honest will ask himself/herself, "Do I KNOW this person is guilty of crimes? Have I seen the evidence with my own eyes; heard it with my own ears? Or has he/she confessed to the crimes? Or has he/she been found guilty with due process in a properly conducted court of law by a jury of his/her peers?

Or do I believe he/she is guilty because I heard talking heads on television--people who hate the person--tell me he/she is guilty? Do I believe it because I dislike this person and want to believe it?

The intellectually honest will admit the truth once he/she arrives at it. The cognitively dissonant will not.

But if your eggs come from animals that are treated horribly and you knew it would your enjoyment trump the unethical treatment ?

Is saying you know eating meat is wrong but you are going to do it anyway and example of cognitive dissonance?

As far as the guilt or innocence example, it's pretty clear that either you think a person is innocent until proven guilty or you don't. When you hold different standards for different people that's where you run into dissonance.
How can you say that with a straight face. This sentence is exactly an example of cognitive dissonance
Not necessarily.

If he only ate eggs from chickens he knew were treated well then there is no conflict in his thoughts.

Obviously no factory farmed eggs would ever meet that standard
If it's not "wrong" then why would you impose ANY restrictions? You're not honest here. I think everyone sees it but you

I am not imposing any restrictions. This is my opinion that I will not force on other people.

I can accept this position because I happen to believe that personhood does not exist in a fetus until the nervous system is present.

But I am not a woman, I can never have an abortion so my opinion on the matter is not as important as a woman's is.

I don't know how far people want to take the stance here.

If you think that at the time of conception that the fertilized human ovum is a person and has all the rights of personhood that we recognize, then how far will you take your protection of that unborn person?

Now it seems to me that if the fertilized ovum is a person then the government would want to know of the existence of that person so should doctors be required to report the names of all their pregnant patients to the government?

What of home pregnancy tests? Would it be illegal not to report a positive result?

At what point to you take control of a woman's body to protect the unborn person and what would that control consist of?
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Sorry you feel that way. We raised chickens for years when I was growing up and believe me they were never mistreated. Nor would they have lived the well fed and pampered life they lived with us if it was not for the eggs they provided. They would follow us around, sit beside us when we were sunbathing in the yard, would eat out of our hands.

And I'm supposed to feel guilty for eating eggs?
But what of the eggs you buy at the supermarket?

Do you at least acknowledge that the treatment of chickens in factory farming is cruel and unethical?

I don't really have an issue with your family chickens. I know people who have chickens and they are well cared for and not killed for their meat. They are allowed to live their natural lifespan which is only about 7 years and they are well fed, housed and provided medical care.
No it's not

For one I can never have an abortion and two I never said killing a person was always wrong.

You want to try to pull some clever gotcha here but you really can't. I cornered you on your position on eating meat because it is your behavior that you said you knew was wrong.

I never said killing a person is always wrong nor did I ever say I would kill a person so you have nothing on me.

You want to hold me responsible for the morality of women who have abortions.

Unlike you I know I can only control my behavior and I have no obligation nor authority to force anyone else to change their behavior
You have cognitive dissonance about your cognitive dissonance. You can categorically state that killing animals is wrong but you can't categorically state that killing babies in the womb is wrong. And until you can you will be forever trapped in rationalizations, excuses and cognitive dissonance.
No I called YOU a shitty person not ALL meat eaters.

And I did so because you said you believed eating meat was wrong and you were making excuses as to why you would keep doing what you knew was wrong.

If you would have said that you do not think eating meat was wrong and you eat it because you like it there was no argument to be had

You just refused to admit that you are doing what you say you know and believe is wrong because you choose to.

That exhibits your subjective morals
The cognitive dissonance in you is strong. You can't state that killing babies in the womb is wrong but you can state that killing animals for food is wrong.
You have cognitive dissonance about your cognitive dissonance. You can categorically state that killing animals is wrong but you can't categorically state that killing babies in the womb is wrong. And until you can you will be forever trapped in rationalizations, excuses and cognitive dissonance.
OK here we go again

Please quote the post where i "categorically stated" that killing animals is wrong

Why is you that you have to be dishonest in this way?

YOU said you know killing animals is wrong and I quoted the post where you said that so why do you refuse to quote the post where I said what you claim I said?
The cognitive dissonance in you is strong. You can't state that killing babies in the womb is wrong but you can state that killing animals for food is wrong.

Once again you want me to adopt your particular opinion on abortion.

I am pretty sure I never used the words "right" or "wrong" in any abortion argument

So once again I'll ask you to quote the post where I did.
I didn't say eating meat was ALWAYS wrong and if you think I did quote the post.,

I have said eating meat is unnecessary.

And I never said abortion is sometimes wrong.

If you think I did then quote the post
It's funny how you have constructed rationalizations and excuses for ending lives.
It's funny how you have constructed rationalizations and excuses for ending lives.
It's funny how you can never provide proof that I actually said the things you say I did.
There is none on this issue.

If a woman said to me I am going to have an abortion even though I believe it is wrong I would use the same argument I did with you.

And again I'll ask you to quote the post where I ever said eating meat was always wrong. Or where I told anyone what they should or should not eat.

Once again you are up to your dishonest arguing style by making a statement then attributing it to me then arguing against it as if I actually said it.

So please, quote the post where I said eating meat is always wrong or any post where I told people what to eat then we can continue.
Sure there is. At least as long as you continue to make excuses and rationalizations for ending innocent lives.
OK here we go again

Please quote the post where i "categorically stated" that killing animals is wrong

Why is you that you have to be dishonest in this way?

YOU said you know killing animals is wrong and I quoted the post where you said that so why do you refuse to quote the post where I said what you claim I said?
How many rationalizations and excuses do you have that undermine your core belief that killing is wrong? Because by definition that is cognitive dissonance.
If we don't want to live a life in contradiction to our beliefs what should we do?
embrace perspective blues.....


Once again you want me to adopt your particular opinion on abortion.

I am pretty sure I never used the words "right" or "wrong" in any abortion argument

So once again I'll ask you to quote the post where I did.
No. I just want you to be consistent and admit you support doing some things that are wrong so that you can end your cognitive dissonance. You are so invested in being seen as a good person that you are willing to make excuses and rationalizations for doing wrong things.
It's funny how you can never provide proof that I actually said the things you say I did.
All you have to do to prove me wrong is to end your rationalizations and excuses for justifying killing as good and just.

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