Cognitive Dissonance

No. I just want you to be consistent and admit you support doing some things that are wrong so that you can end your cognitive dissonance. You are so invested in being seen as a good person that you are willing to make excuses and rationalizations for doing wrong things.

You mean things YOU say are wrong.

You have not produced proof that I said eating meat was wrong or that I said killing a person is always wrong.

So if you want to get into the ethics of abortion let's play.

I have explained this too many times but you don't want to look that up before you start lying about what I have actually said.

In my opinion I believe it comes down to when a human zygote becomes a person. I happen to hold the opinion that a developed nervous system is the defining trait of personhood.

Now do you believe that the instant a human ovum is fertilized by a human sperm cell that the resulting embryo is a person and therefore has attained all the rights of personhood that we recognize?
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All you have to do to prove me wrong is to end your rationalizations and excuses for justifying killing as good and just.
No the first step is you proving that I actually said the things you are claiming i said.

I quoted where you said killing animals was wrong did I not? I then based my argument on words you actually wrote here not wotrds I merely claimed you wrote here.

But you refuse to do that.
All you have to do to prove me wrong is to end your rationalizations and excuses for justifying killing as good and just.
you have to prove your claim that I actually said what you claim I said
You mean things YOU say are wrong.

You have not produced proof that I said eating meat was wrong or that I said killing a person is always wrong.

So if you want to get into the ethics of abortion let's play.

I have explained this too many times but you don't want to look that up before you start lying about what I have actually said.

In my opinion I believe it comes down to when a human zygote becomes a person. I happen to hold the opinion that a developed nervous system is the defining trait of personhood.

Now do you believe that the instant a human ovum is fertilized by a human sperm cell that the resulting embryo is a person and therefore has attained all the rights of personhood that we recognize?
Rationalizations and excuses.
No the first step is you proving that I actually said the things you are claiming i said.

I quoted where you said killing animals was wrong did I not? I then based my argument on words you actually wrote here not wotrds I merely claimed you wrote here.

But you refuse to do that.
Evade, escape, deny are hallmarks of cognitive dissonance.
Rationalizations and excuses.
So you are refusing to substantiate your claims as you told me I said.

Why am I not surprised

This is your intellectually disingenuous argumentative style.
This is you evading, escaping and denying.

You are evading by refusing to prove your claims as to what I have said.

You are making shit up and you refuse to provide proof
But if your eggs come from animals that are treated horribly and you knew it would your enjoyment trump the unethical treatment ?

Is saying you know eating meat is wrong but you are going to do it anyway and example of cognitive dissonance?

As far as the guilt or innocence example, it's pretty clear that either you think a person is innocent until proven guilty or you don't. When you hold different standards for different people that's where you run into dissonance.
Of course if I knew that I never would have ordered the eggs in the first place. So I buy uncaged eggs and choose free range poultry and meat whenever possible. In a restaurant I can't know so just hope. I do what I reasonably can to promote the ethical treatment of animals. I also can't know whether all the plant based foods I consume were produced and harvested ethically but I do care about that too.

Even vegans don't seem to care whether the fruit and veggies they consume is produced responsibly and ethically, that the labor utilized to get it to the market or into the restaurant is treated justly.

And when we buy eggs labeled uncaged or meat labeled free range or organic fruit and vegetables, without personally checking to see that these are honestly labeled and were honorably harvested, do any of us really know? All we can do is the best we can.

And as for the innocence and guilt I do not excuse my bias that I hope one one person is innocent and I wouldn't mind if another was found guilty based on my opinion of those people. That is honest period.

But it is strong cognitive dissonance to not see the difference between the way two people are treated by the MSM, on social media/message boards, by the law. Also when we demand all benefit of the doubt and due process be given the one we like and don't care that it is denied the other. Especially if we feel righteous in the process.
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But what of the eggs you buy at the supermarket?

Do you at least acknowledge that the treatment of chickens in factory farming is cruel and unethical?

I don't really have an issue with your family chickens. I know people who have chickens and they are well cared for and not killed for their meat. They are allowed to live their natural lifespan which is only about 7 years and they are well fed, housed and provided medical care.
See my Post #331.
So you are refusing to substantiate your claims as you told me I said.

Why am I not surprised

This is your intellectually disingenuous argumentative style.
No, that would be your style. I own the things I do wrong. You rationalize your away.
You are evading by refusing to prove your claims as to what I have said.

You are making shit up and you refuse to provide proof
Your cognitive dissonance regarding ending lives has been amply recorded in these pages. I'm not interested in hearing anymore of your excuses and rationalizations for why you are good person even though you justify some killing as good and just.
But what of the eggs you buy at the supermarket?

Do you at least acknowledge that the treatment of chickens in factory farming is cruel and unethical?

I don't really have an issue with your family chickens. I know people who have chickens and they are well cared for and not killed for their meat. They are allowed to live their natural lifespan which is only about 7 years and they are well fed, housed and provided medical care.
But many pullets were killed for food. It was done quickly and humanely but killed they were, plucked, cleaned, and stored in freezers for future meals. And sometimes it was a hen that became the roasted chicken dinner. It is a fact of life that humans all over the world use domestic and wild animals, birds, fish, sea creatures for food.

Unless a person is strictly vegan, there is no way to get around exploiting Earth's creatures for food. And we exploit animals in others ways, i.e. using the border collie to herd sheep or geese or whatever, using them to sniff out drugs at the airport, using them in times of war or keeping and training any creatures for our own enjoyment. When they become sufficiently injured or ill, we have them humanely put down while we do not do the same for humans.

Cognitive dissonance? Or culture? Hindus don't eat cows due to cultural conditions/religious beliefs, but many do eat other forms of animal protein. Other cultures eat dog and horse meat that would be repulsive to Americans.

Speaking of horses, the U.S. isn't a huge exporter of horsemeat but we do export horsemeat that cannot be sold domestically to Americans. Also thousands of horses are shipped from the USA to Mexico for slaughter every year. Rescue operations can save only so many.

So why do the French and Swiss enjoy horse meat and Americans reject it? There are presumably still cultures in the world where cannibalism is common. We accept that it's okay to eat quail, squab, pheasant but would think it wrong to eat a robin. Hunters hunt deer, elk, antelope for food but would reject coyote or wolf meat. Right or wrong it's culture.

And does culture involve cognitive dissonance? Would be an interesting debate.
Of course if I knew that I never would have ordered the eggs in the first place. So I buy uncaged eggs and choose free range poultry and meat whenever possible. In a restaurant I can't know so just hope. I do what I reasonably can to promote the ethical treatment of animals. I also can't know whether all the plant based foods I consume were produced and harvested ethically but I do care about that too.

Even vegans don't seem to care whether the fruit and veggies they consume is produced responsibly and ethically, that the labor utilized to get it to the market or into the restaurant is treated justly.

And when we buy eggs labeled uncaged or meat labeled free range or organic fruit and vegetables, without personally checking to see that these are honestly labeled and were honorably harvested, do any of us really know? All we can do is the best we can.

And as for the innocence and guilt I do not excuse my bias that I hope one one person is innocent and I wouldn't mind if another was found guilty based on my opinion of those people. That is honest period.

But it is strong cognitive dissonance to not see the difference between the way two people are treated by the MSM, on social media/message boards, by the law. Also when we demand all benefit of the doubt and due process be given the one we like and don't care that it is denied the other. Especially if we feel righteous in the process.

I went plant based for health reasons.

I was in good shape in no way even close to being overweight and I exercise but was on blood pressure and cholesterol medication and my triglycerides were high . The statins made my muscle sore and I wasn't recovering from workouts because of that.

So I went 100% whole food plant based I didn't eat the fake processed vegan "meat" products I just stuck to fruits , veg and whole grains beans and legumes that's it

And I was off all my medications in less than 6 months

I was always marginally aware of the conditions in the factory farming industry but when I realized that I didn't have to eat meat or any animal products to be healthy and fit it was easy for me to make the choice not to add to the suffering of all those animals and I'm glad i did.

I won't go back to eating meat because you are right we just don't know if "free range" animals are really treated well and the word organic on packaging is basically meaningless.
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No, that would be your style. I own the things I do wrong. You rationalize your away.
That's funny

You are lying about what I have said. Just like you always do.

So prove you're not lying by quoting the posts where I actually said what you claim I did

How many pages did it take for you to admit you eat meat because your pleasure is more important to you than the killing animals even though you say you think it is wrong?

And I'm still waiting for you to tell me what I did that was wrong?

I have never had an abortion, I have never killed anyone.

I told you the reason for my particular stance on abortion but you haven't responded to any of that

You have made claims that I have made certain statements but you cannot produce any evidence that I actually said any of them here.

So put up or shut up.
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Your cognitive dissonance regarding ending lives has been amply recorded in these pages. I'm not interested in hearing anymore of your excuses and rationalizations for why you are good person even though you justify some killing as good and just.

You haven't proven anything because you have not provided any proof of the statement you claim I made.

I never said killing animals was wrong. I never said meat eaters are evil.
I never said killing a person is always wrong. I never said abortion was right or wrong.

If you think you can prove me wrong on this then quote the posts

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