CNN / ORC Poll: Trump Tops in Iowa as Scott Walker Drops


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
CNN / ORC Poll: Trump tops in Iowa as Scott Walker drops

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump has a significant lead in the race to win over likely Iowa caucus-goers, according to the first CNN/ORC poll in the state this cycle.

Trump tops the field with 22% and is the candidate seen as best able to handle top issues including the economy, illegal immigration and terrorism. He's most cited as the one with the best chance of winning the general election, and, by a wide margin, as the candidate most likely to change the way things work in Washington.


Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson follows Trump in overall preference with 14%, bumping Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who had held the top spot in most recent public polling in Iowa, down to third place with 9%. Walker is nearly even with a slew of other candidates.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz follows the top three at 8%, with businesswoman Carly Fiorina and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee both at 7%. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is tied at 5% with senators Rand Paul and Marco Rubio. The rest of the field stands at 3% or less.

Two-thirds of Iowa Republicans who are likely to attend the caucus say they're still trying to decide whom to support. Among the 34% who say they have made up their mind or are leading toward a candidate, Trump's lead grows, and the top of the field shifts. Among that group, 33% back Trump, 14% Carson, 11% Fiorina, and 9% each back Paul and Walker. Cruz follows at 7%, and all others have less than 5% support.

But Trump's advantages are not universal. He faces a large gender gap: While holding a 15-point lead over his nearest competitor among men (27% Trump to 12% Walker, Carson at 10%), he trails among women (20% back Carson, 15% Trump, and 11% support Fiorina). He runs behind Carson and about even with Walker and Cruz among those who describe themselves as "very conservative" (25% Carson, 15% each Cruz and Walker, 12% Trump), and he runs even with Carson among evangelical Christians (18% each Trump and Carson, 12% Cruz, 11% Huckabee, 10% Walker).

CNN ORC Poll Trump tops in Iowa as Scott Walker drops -
Interesting how "No Opinion" get more than Christie, Jindal, Graham, Santorum, Perry, Kasich and Pataki.
A vote for Trump, is not really a vote for him; it is a vote against the usual bought and paid for politicians, that end up continuing screwing the middle and working classes, after they get elected.
Finally, they've seen thru the established political facade.........and it's about time.
Interesting how "No Opinion" get more than Christie, Jindal, Graham, Santorum, Perry, Kasich and Pataki.
It is too bad the in the first debate, there was so much precious time allotted to Trump. Many of the other candidates suffered from lack of time to answer anything about their stances.
CNN / ORC Poll: Trump tops in Iowa as Scott Walker drops

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump has a significant lead in the race to win over likely Iowa caucus-goers, according to the first CNN/ORC poll in the state this cycle.

Trump tops the field with 22% and is the candidate seen as best able to handle top issues including the economy, illegal immigration and terrorism. He's most cited as the one with the best chance of winning the general election, and, by a wide margin, as the candidate most likely to change the way things work in Washington.


Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson follows Trump in overall preference with 14%, bumping Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who had held the top spot in most recent public polling in Iowa, down to third place with 9%. Walker is nearly even with a slew of other candidates.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz follows the top three at 8%, with businesswoman Carly Fiorina and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee both at 7%. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is tied at 5% with senators Rand Paul and Marco Rubio. The rest of the field stands at 3% or less.

Two-thirds of Iowa Republicans who are likely to attend the caucus say they're still trying to decide whom to support. Among the 34% who say they have made up their mind or are leading toward a candidate, Trump's lead grows, and the top of the field shifts. Among that group, 33% back Trump, 14% Carson, 11% Fiorina, and 9% each back Paul and Walker. Cruz follows at 7%, and all others have less than 5% support.

But Trump's advantages are not universal. He faces a large gender gap: While holding a 15-point lead over his nearest competitor among men (27% Trump to 12% Walker, Carson at 10%), he trails among women (20% back Carson, 15% Trump, and 11% support Fiorina). He runs behind Carson and about even with Walker and Cruz among those who describe themselves as "very conservative" (25% Carson, 15% each Cruz and Walker, 12% Trump), and he runs even with Carson among evangelical Christians (18% each Trump and Carson, 12% Cruz, 11% Huckabee, 10% Walker).

CNN ORC Poll Trump tops in Iowa as Scott Walker drops -

Trump is still the one to beat.
Didn't Paul win in that state all the time? Why one or two states get to set a pace for the rest of the nation is beyond me. Like the elections the primaries should be set on one day nation wide. It's not fair to voters in the last states to essentially be told your vote doesn't matter.
Interesting how "No Opinion" get more than Christie, Jindal, Graham, Santorum, Perry, Kasich and Pataki.
It is too bad the in the first debate, there was so much precious time allotted to Trump. Many of the other candidates suffered from lack of time to answer anything about their stances.
The guys, not in first place, always says that about the guy in first place.
Trump is still the one to beat.
Didn't Paul win in that state all the time? Why one or two states get to set a pace for the rest of the nation is beyond me. Like the elections the primaries should be set on one day nation wide. It's not fair to voters in the last states to essentially be told your vote doesn't matter.
So NOW you are interested in the process?? What took you so long?!

BTW, you are right. It should be one day nation wide. Doing it this was is just wasting candidate's money and time.
Interesting how "No Opinion" get more than Christie, Jindal, Graham, Santorum, Perry, Kasich and Pataki.
It is too bad the in the first debate, there was so much precious time allotted to Trump. Many of the other candidates suffered from lack of time to answer anything about their stances.
no matter what the others would have said with their added time , well most of it would be BS about things that don't really matter Jackson . Economy , jobs , schools , education are all BS that the 'rinos' like bush talk about but they have no answers . The important things like a country with strong military , secure borders and Sovereignty are the things that matter and they are PART of Trumps issues .
Trump is still the one to beat.
Didn't Paul win in that state all the time? Why one or two states get to set a pace for the rest of the nation is beyond me. Like the elections the primaries should be set on one day nation wide. It's not fair to voters in the last states to essentially be told your vote doesn't matter.
So NOW you are interested in the process?? What took you so long?!

BTW, you are right. It should be one day nation wide. Doing it this was is just wasting candidate's money and time.
That's a pretty dumb conclusion to draw. I've been interested for years. Just because I'm not falling all over myself to defend a fraud (Trump) doesn't mean I'm not interested.
I still think the Establishment Republicans will find a way to dethrone Trump and Jeb will surface again....just sayin.........:rolleyes:
Trump is still the one to beat.
Didn't Paul win in that state all the time? Why one or two states get to set a pace for the rest of the nation is beyond me. Like the elections the primaries should be set on one day nation wide. It's not fair to voters in the last states to essentially be told your vote doesn't matter.

It's called the 1st amendment and the right to free association...also states rights.
Interesting how "No Opinion" get more than Christie, Jindal, Graham, Santorum, Perry, Kasich and Pataki.
It is too bad the in the first debate, there was so much precious time allotted to Trump. Many of the other candidates suffered from lack of time to answer anything about their stances.
no matter what the others would have said with their added time , well most of it would be BS about things that don't really matter Jackson . Economy , jobs , schools , education are all BS that the 'rinos' like bush talk about but they have no answers . The important things like a country with strong military , secure borders and Sovereignty are the things that matter and they are PART of Trumps issues .
I agree with you on the important issues. I'm not well acquainted with the stances on all of the candidates. That is why I was hoping to learn more about them. They are all different.
Trump is still the one to beat.
Didn't Paul win in that state all the time? Why one or two states get to set a pace for the rest of the nation is beyond me. Like the elections the primaries should be set on one day nation wide. It's not fair to voters in the last states to essentially be told your vote doesn't matter.

It's called the 1st amendment and the right to free association...also states rights.
Irrelevant to my opinion. And we all know how people like you feel about states rights so stuff it sister
Trump is still the one to beat.
Didn't Paul win in that state all the time? Why one or two states get to set a pace for the rest of the nation is beyond me. Like the elections the primaries should be set on one day nation wide. It's not fair to voters in the last states to essentially be told your vote doesn't matter.

It's called the 1st amendment and the right to free association...also states rights.
Each state can select their own day.

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