CNN must apologize???


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
No, I think CNN should be burnt to the ground by antifa blm queers.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
Lol he’s such a fucking idiot. He’s apparently too stupid to realize that this will only bring more attention to the poll’s existence.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
No, I think CNN should be burnt to the ground by antifa blm queers.
That's the ONE building that police managed to keep from having all its windows broken out and being burned to the ground.

Kinda makes ya wonder, dunnit?

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
No, I think CNN should be burnt to the ground by antifa blm queers.

What news outlet would you leave standing since you're one of the morons who maintains the media is all left wing lies?
I know, I know.....Fox. The Trump Channel. A line up of central casting suck-ups who will lose their job if they don't kiss Trump ass.
Yeah, let's burn 'em all down.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
Lol he’s such a fucking idiot. He’s apparently too stupid to realize that this will only bring more attention to the poll’s existence.

Shit he goes on a rant Sunday morning after watching Gen. Colin Powell criticize him on....CNN!
So he watches CNN and MSNBC, because he's got a hard-on for Scarborough so bad it's embarrassing.

Trump spends all fucking day on Twitter and watching cable news. Jared Kushner is the defacto POTUS.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
No, I think CNN should be burnt to the ground by antifa blm queers.
You’re such a drama queen. Christ lol

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
Thanks for the laugh!! ... :thup:

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
"Soon after the poll was released, Trump tweeted that he had hired Republican pollster McLaughlin & Associates to "analyze" the CNN poll and others, "which I felt were FAKE based on the incredible enthusiasm we are receiving." McLaughlin ranks as one of the least accurate pollsters in the industry, as measured by FiveThirtyEight."

McLaughlin missed Cantor losing by 45 points :)
Trump IS losing. This is just from today.


Latest Polls

Wednesday, June 10

CNN is a complete joke! But I doubt that CNN would ever apologize for anything. Besides, the poll is just to hype the left up. Get them all wile up, because "Hey! Trump is losing!" :auiqs.jpg:
Same thing happened when Hillary entered the race back in the Summer of 2016.
I can't wait to see Trump prove CNN wrong (again!) ....

Liberal pukes lie and broadcast fake polls in an attempt to rig elections. President Trump calls them out and triggers them.

The only one trying to rig the election is Trump, and he's got his lord and master on his side. Putin may pull it off for him.


Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
No, I think CNN should be burnt to the ground by antifa blm queers.
They almost were in Atlanta until the "POLICE" showed up and put the rioters down. Funny how CNN doesnt give a shit about black peoples business, but if their place even gets close to burning, they call the police. Talk about hypocrisy at the forefront.

Another desperate tactic from a President on the verge of going down in flames. His massive defeat at the hands of Vice President Biden is a foregone conclusion. The big question is how many other Republicans bite the dust with him. His only real hope will be in trying to invalidate the election,, and with the SCOTUS in his pocket, he could damn well do it. You know he will try. He has met the perfect storn, a pandemic well beyond his ability to deal with killing Americans and race issues that, as the racist in chief, confounds him.

If, as he constantly claims, CNN is nothing but "fake news," then why is he concerned about a poll that he sees as fake?
No, I think CNN should be burnt to the ground by antifa blm queers.

What news outlet would you leave standing since you're one of the morons who maintains the media is all left wing lies?
I know, I know.....Fox. The Trump Channel. A line up of central casting suck-ups who will lose their job if they don't kiss Trump ass.
Yeah, let's burn 'em all down.
Pretty much damn near all of them can be burnt to the ground for what they are worth. News journalism integrity is very low. This is what I get. Repubs do all the bad things. Progs are as innocent as newborn babes. And speaking of that....Get the baby food!

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