CNN: It's time to admit it: Mitt Romney was right about Russia

Well the Ukraine Russian leader chose to not implement the EU trade deal he was legally required to do. And that's why opposing Putin is in America's interests. Putin's world view is to use trade to achieve his oligarchy's interests. And America- and other free market republics -function by using capital to fund what other free market countries' INDIVIDUAL citizens want.

And Trump gave Putin a free pass on Crimea.
So you're not denying that your party meddled in the affairs of a country that did no harm to the U.S.

You're no fucking better than Bush and Cheney.
You mean your Boi Justin Castreau?
First of all, I don't too much care about who another country overwhelmingly elected as their president -- especially if the main people whining about that president are neo-nazis, white nationalists, etc...

That is the question you Trumpers always avoid tho....why is it that so many Nazis and white supremacists keep being drawn to your cause?? Do you think its because of deregulation in the financial sector?? Capital gains tax cuts? Or is it the xenophopia and dog-whistle racism??
Repubs praised every candidate they nominated and then pretended to hate them once they lost...

And the reason Republicans cite for this is "That GOP nominee wasn't depraved enough"

The reason Trump could have ran for president previous times and no one gave a fuck about him -- and then when he suddenly starts claiming the "black guy isn't American" and suddenly, he is the standard bearer of the GOP -- is because the GOP base revels in depravity...cruelty is the point for many of them....

And the minute Trump is no longer capable of being as depraved as the base wants him to be -- they will discard him for someone who is willing to go further with it.....perhaps a guy who is willing to make campaign ads shooting a rocket launcher at illegals.....

You’re everything we’ve come to expect from years of government education.
Not one lefty on this board will admit Obama is either stupid or lying.

SOMEONE CALL THE 1980s and ask for President Reagan back!
The 80’s called.
But now CNN must beat war drums for Brandon.

No, he's still wrong.

Russia is a major pain in the ass as they've demonstrated again but China is the far greater strategic and economical threat.

They continue making the same moves Japan was making during the 20's and thirties all over the Asia Pacific Region and expanding into Africa and South America as well.

At the same time they are on a mad dash to modernize their military and working on an expeditionary capable force with all due haste.

Other than Nukes, Russia is a paper tiger that cant' whip a nation the size of Texas with 1/10th the size army equipped mostly with obsolete Soviet Era Leftovers the Russians could not afford to send home after the SU imploded.
The bigger picture is Obama was wrong about Russia. His handlers and the lapdog media knew he was wrong about Russia yet they rallied around him and joined in mocking the inconvenient truth raised by Romney.
The bigger picture is Obama was wrong about Russia. His handlers and the lapdog media knew he was wrong about Russia yet they rallied around him and joined in mocking the inconvenient truth raised by Romney.
The list of things he was right about is several pages shorter than the list of things he got wrong.

That'll fit on a 3x5" card.
Obama called them a regional threat in the conventional sense.

They are a nuclear power. Not an un-super power with that threat.

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