CNN endorses Hillary Clinton for president in 2024

The working class American people want.
We all know what they're wanting for.
Trump captured their hearts with promises of bringing those wants and needs.
But Trump lied and didn't bring them.

The secret for any candidate for pres is in convincing the working class American that he/she will bring it.

Does Hillary still have that potential or have the people been burnt too many times already.

And too, will their burns ever heal that were brought to them by Trump?

And then, will Bernie or a Bernie clone by trusted to bring .................?

Socially responsible government may have a chance!

Socialism within a capitalist system has to at least compete with the turn to fascism. That fascist way is just a copout from bringing it.
Here she comes!


I can't wait to see the board lefties campaigning HARD for Hillary next year :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:


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