CNN: Dow DOWN 1000 points

The recent stock market drop was a GREAT buying opportunity.

I'd recommend 2 real good stocks that you would be wise to buy at this time.
Coach COH buy it below $40.00 It's a gift. It's going to see $55.00 in a few months or less.
Coach stock has been showing support around 44.50 and resistance in the 49.20 range. A great buy at this price

And to make a fast score buy AVB (Avalon Bay Communities) but this baby anywhere below $100.00... It's good for $140.00

This is retarded.

At the time you wrote this, those support and resistance levels had already broken down and formed new lower ones.

Here's a great stock tip, guys...don't take stock tips from this dude.

Yep, I interpret it as, hey, I got stuck with a bunch of bad stock. Got some spare cash?

Buy what you know.
Anyone that would take a stock tip from some anonymous dude on the internet is a fool and deserves to be fleeced. I'm just sayin'.......................:lol:

There's nothing wrong with taking it into consideration and doing some due diligence. It's not like anonymous people don't have good ideas too.

But a quick look at the Coach chart showed that the guy was an idiot.
Anyone that would take a stock tip from some anonymous dude on the internet is a fool and deserves to be fleeced. I'm just sayin'.......................:lol:

There's nothing wrong with taking it into consideration and doing some due diligence. It's not like anonymous people don't have good ideas too.

But a quick look at the Coach chart showed that the guy was an idiot.

We agree.......although I think for most investors individual stocks are a lousy bet. They'd be better off with low cost index funds.
The recent stock market drop was a GREAT buying opportunity.

I'd recommend 2 real good stocks that you would be wise to buy at this time.
Coach COH buy it below $40.00 It's a gift. It's going to see $55.00 in a few months or less.
Coach stock has been showing support around 44.50 and resistance in the 49.20 range. A great buy at this price

And to make a fast score buy AVB (Avalon Bay Communities) but this baby anywhere below $100.00... It's good for $140.00

This is retarded.

At the time you wrote this, those support and resistance levels had already broken down and formed new lower ones.

Here's a great stock tip, guys...don't take stock tips from this dude.

I agree.

However, AVB is up $10 since he made that call while COH is down a few bucks. Net net, he made money, at least today.
And the Republicans want to privatize Social Security.

Why not? It is your money isn't it? If a person is willing to take the risk of investing their own money and opting out of Social Security, why should you care?

I would rather opt out of any of my tax dollars being used for war and such as well.

SS is not a 401k it is an insurance policy.
And the Republicans want to privatize Social Security.

Why not? It is your money isn't it? If a person is willing to take the risk of investing their own money and opting out of Social Security, why should you care?

I would rather opt out of any of my tax dollars being used for war and such as well.

SS is not a 401k it is an insurance policy.

Who can handle your money better you or the government?
Why not? It is your money isn't it? If a person is willing to take the risk of investing their own money and opting out of Social Security, why should you care?

I would rather opt out of any of my tax dollars being used for war and such as well.

SS is not a 401k it is an insurance policy.

Who can handle your money better you or the government?
Let's see..

I have a savings, and the government spent all its money and owes 13 trillion.

I'll get back to you on it.
Aug 23
Open 10,215.51
Close 10,174.41

-39.21 (-0.38%)

Yes, it's obviously time to panic.

Aug 23
Open 10,215.51
Close 10,174.41

-39.21 (-0.38%)

Yes, it's obviously time to panic.


Please try & keep-up. No one is in a panic over todays drop. Investors are worried about how rigged the stock market is due to the "FLASH CRASH" of May 6th 2010.
What's sad is that it took this long for them to figure it out.
What's sad is that it took this long for them to figure it out.

Even sadder still is the fact that they are still baffled.

The New York Times: Stock Swing Still Baffles, With an Ominous Tone
What is bizarre is that there should be a replicated fractal pattern for all of the patterns being discovered by this kind of analysis so where's the data on that? Does it replicate 1987, 1929, 08 or what? If it doesn't HFT is not the problem but more likely a cyber attack by China or Russia is to blame with buggy programming being the lesser probability.
And the Republicans want to privatize Social Security.

Why not? It is your money isn't it? If a person is willing to take the risk of investing their own money and opting out of Social Security, why should you care?
Anyone with a shred of common sense should care because the Social Security system was designed to work the way it's been working for over seventy years without a problem. Allowing ill-advised and voluntary options will undermine it. As it is, if the Republicans were allowed to go along with Bush and privatize the System it would be in the toilet today along with all the 401K plans and other stock market investments that went down.

Social Security is a good thing and it should not be tampered with. All it needs is legislation to forbid the Congress from accessing its fund for any reason.
And the Republicans want to privatize Social Security.

Why not? It is your money isn't it? If a person is willing to take the risk of investing their own money and opting out of Social Security, why should you care?
Anyone with a shred of common sense should care because the Social Security system was designed to work the way it's been working for over seventy years without a problem. Allowing ill-advised and voluntary options will undermine it. As it is, if the Republicans were allowed to go along with Bush and privatize the System it would be in the toilet today along with all the 401K plans and other stock market investments that went down.

Social Security is a good thing and it should not be tampered with. All it needs is legislation to forbid the Congress from accessing its fund for any reason.

Yeah, right. Congress has been spending the "surplus" from Social Security from the day it began. The worthlkess IOU's that the Fed holds aren't worth a cent. They are promises to pay dollars backed by promises to pay dollars. How comforting! Congress won't be changing anything soon -after all Social Security is the "3rd rail" of American politics. :clap2:

In reality it nothing but a gigantic Ponzi scheme that is coming to the end of the con. The system will be insolvent in less than 7 years according to the latest reports.. If you are under 50 and counting on getting Social Security you may be deeply disappointed.

I'd rather take "PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY" for my life. Some people have a hard time with the concept......they count on the government for everything. "Why save for the future", they ask? "I have Social Security to bail me out!"

I'd trade the promise of Social Security for the cash paid in my name to date any time. I have ZERO faith in the system. Ponzi schemes always fail......eventually. Good luck!

PS - the Amish and Menonites opted out of the Ponzi, er I mean, Social Security system a long time ago - along with a three counties in Texas -Galveston, Brazoria, and Matagorda. The Texas counties use a private pension plan created and administered by First Financial Benefits, Inc. These lucky employees get a far more generous payout....
* Workers making $17,000 a year are expected to receive about 50 percent more per month on our alternative plan than on Social Security - $1,036 instead of $683. [See the Figure.]
* Workers making $26,000 a year will make almost double Social Security's return - $1,500 instead of $853.
* Workers making $51,000 a year will get $3,103 instead of $1,368.
* Workers making $75,000 or more will nearly triple Social Security - $4,540 instead of $1,645.
* Galveston County's survivorship benefits pay four times a worker's annual salary - a minimum of $75,000 to a maximum $215,000 - versus Social Security, which forces widows to wait until age 60 to qualify for benefits, or provides 75 percent of a worker's salary for school-age children.

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