Close Putin Ally Warns of Nuclear 'Dystopia'......

Russia understands completely that it would be annihilated, but Russia also understands that they can do as much damage to America.

Is it worth it to America?

That's all just avoiding the question on this being the end of America's aggression against the world's countries that don'g obey America's political agenda.
Should the world kowtow to every despot in all the countries that have nukes?
Russia would be annihilated if they ever launched a nuke at the USA....
We should have a dozen nuclear subs in the black sea right now....
They won't launch "a nuke". They will launch (if necessary) more than one thousand of them.
There are ways. Mostly when, as now, the Russians increase their readiness, and the USA, as now, decrease it to avoid "accidential" accidents, because some decision-makers don't believe in the possibility of the non-accidential nuclear war.
For example - Russia increases number of RVs on their SLBMs up to 10 (in violation of the New Start treaty, of course), and then, in three minutes, launch 112 missiles from their SSBNs from Canadian Sector of Arctic. 1120 warheads, with 95% probability of single-short kill, and 7 minutes of flight time, means, that roughly all 400 silo-based Minutemen will be destroyed. Even if few of them survived, there are pretty good chances, that their warheads (one warhead per missile) will be intercepted by the Russian ABD or erzats-ABD.
Should the USA attack every "despot" they want? IMHO, no.
Who said anything about attacking "every despot" but you?

With that said I'll add so there is no doubt where I stand; I do believe that as a world leader we should assist another country that is attempting to be a Democratic nation in every way that we can (without putting boots on the ground if at all possible).

Who was it that promised Ukraine that if they did away with their nukes they would help with their security?
Should the world kowtow to every despot in all the countries that have nukes?
The world actually has kowtowed to the US since the end of WW2, as the US has started about 40 wars of aggression. No large nuclear power has dared to come to those countries' rescue because of the MAD factor.

The Ukraine appears to be a challenge to that by the US, but will the US remain restrained?

I think Russia means business this time, suggesting they won't be pushed any further. Putin keeps bringing up the nuclear threat that Russia possesses.

And so the question is, can America's interference in the economies of the world's countries that don't tow the US line of imperialist capitalism continue, now that Russia has taken a stand.

As has Israel fallen under the nuclear umbrella of America, other vulnerable countries will be turning to the other superpowers for safety and assurance.


In the interest of saving this forum by putting up at least 'one' serious thread.

He is saying that to try to scare America and the West.

Also, capitalism is the greatest socioeconomic system ever invented while communism sucks.
The world actually has kowtowed to the US since the end of WW2, as the US has started about 40 wars of aggression. No large nuclear power has dared to come to those countries' rescue because of the MAD factor.

The Ukraine appears to be a challenge to that by the US, but will the US remain restrained?

I think Russia means business this time, suggesting they won't be pushed any further. Putin keeps bringing up the nuclear threat that Russia possesses.
Being "pushed any further"? Putin's claims have all been bullshit as to why he invaded Ukraine. He is a thug plain and simple.

Per any other military actions and the wheres and whys I am not going there with you as this conversation is about Russia invading Ukraine. Plain and simple as that. He had no right to do such.
Who said anything about attacking "every despot" but you?

With that said I'll add so there is no doubt where I stand; I do believe that as a world leader we should assist another country that is attempting to be a Democratic nation in every way that we can (without putting boots on the ground if at all possible).

Who was it that promised Ukraine that if they did away with their nukes they would help with their security?

Exactly. Russia promised peace if Ukraine gave up their nukes. Oops!

Russians have killed millions of Ukrainians and dominated Ukraine for centuries. Can anyone blame the Ukrainians for fighting for their freedom?
Being "pushed any further"? Putin's claims have all been bullshit as to why he invaded Ukraine. He is a thug plain and simple.

Per any other military actions and the wheres and whys I am not going there with you as this conversation is about Russia invading Ukraine. Plain and simple as that. He had no right to do such.
Actually quite a few Americans have started to admit that it's their country that is the aggressor.

Soon Russia and China will form an untouchable alliance, so let's hope that they don't become the aggressors.

Whatever happens, the US will be untouchable too with it's nuclear weapons. I'm thinking that all the world's small countries will choose their nuclear power for protection.

And so the question is, can America's interference in the economies of the world's countries that don't tow the US line of imperialist capitalism continue, now that Russia has taken a stand.

As has Israel fallen under the nuclear umbrella of America, other vulnerable countries will be turning to the other superpowers for safety and assurance.


In the interest of saving this forum by putting up at least 'one' serious thread.
When your thread’s original post includes language like “tow [sic] the US line of imperialist capitalism” — it is minimally disingenuous of you to claim that it is intended to be a “serious” thread.

By the way, the expression is “toe the line.”
Exactly. Russia promised peace if Ukraine gave up their nukes. Oops!

Russians have killed millions of Ukrainians and dominated Ukraine for centuries. Can anyone blame the Ukrainians for fighting for their freedom?
There are no any Ukrainians at all. It is a fake.
When your thread’s original post includes language like “tow [sic] the US line of imperialist capitalism” — it is minimally disingenuous of you to claim that it is intended to be a “serious” thread.

By the way, the expression is “toe the line.”
I don't waste a lot of time on trailer trash.
Exactly. Russia promised peace if Ukraine gave up their nukes. Oops!

Russians have killed millions of Ukrainians and dominated Ukraine for centuries. Can anyone blame the Ukrainians for fighting for their freedom?
Europeans have killed tens or even hundreds of millions of Russian in their Crusades, from Dagobert I to Hitler and Scholz. Can anyone blame the Russians for fighting for their freedom and survival?
Europeans have killed tens or even hundreds of millions of Russian in their Crusades, from Dagobert I to Hitler and Scholz. Can anyone blame the Russians for fighting for their freedom and survival?

I can. There was no threat to Russia as a peaceful member of the world community. Now the real threat is Russia. And the world is responding, and the Russians are starting to suffer.

The suffering will continue for decades because of the madman Putin.

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