CLIMATEGATE Untangling Myth and Reality Ten Years Later

I see that this article BY ITSELF has beaten a few warmist/alarmists who not once challenged the presentation,

We pointed out that the denier frauds were totally humiliated, as it proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that they were engaging in massive systemic fraud.

I can see why you really don't want to talk about that, and why you just pouted and retreated to one of your alternate realities.

You should have learned a lesson from it, little fraud. If you act like a fraud, as you did, you'll get busted for it, like you did. But you didn't learn the lesson, which is why you keep getting busted for fraud.

Now, what does WUWT tell you to say about that? What do your other fraud sources say? Be sure to let us know.

By the way, you especially should lay off the fraud, given how inept you are at it. You're skilled at whining, pouting and parroting, so stick with what you're good at.

Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla,

Still no actual counterpoint against the article. It is clear you are full of hot air, empty hot air...……..

Post one remains unchallenged.


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