Climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer lays the smack to '2014 warmest year ever' nonsense

So point out how him being a creationist, or how you know this fact, has effected his view on Climate Change

Why don't you ask this guy that question? How the fuck would I know what this guy thinks about how his view of creation ties into his view of global warming. Ask him.

All I know is that I think those that believe in the creation of the world as told in the Bible, that believes that the creation story should be taken literally, well I don't have any confidence in that persons ability to understand complicated science.

Fairy tales are not science. No matter how much you "believe".

thank you for once again proving what I said was correct. You have no idea what this guy thinks yet you spoke for him. That is what makes you disengenous, thanks for confirming what we all already knew.
Roy Spencer, just got love this guy... The darling of the deniers.

Now lets look at Dr. Spencer:
He is on board of advisors of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.
So lets look at these fellows:
There mission statement first:
"The Cornwall Declaration further sets forth an articulate and Biblically-grounded set of beliefs and aspirations in which God can be glorified through a world in which "human beings care wisely and humbly for all creatures" and "widespread economic freedom…makes sound ecological stewardship available to ever greater numbers."

Some more statements:
We believe Earth and its ecosystems – created by God’s intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence – are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory. Earth’s climate system is no exception. Recent global warming is one of many natural cycles of warming and cooling in geologic history.

If Roy Spencer has indeed signed this declaration then he has essentially made up his mind about global warming. His research is not to consider if global warming is natural, it’s to show that global warming is natural. This completely changes how one should assess his research and anything he writes about global warming and climate change. Many accuse climate scientists of being biased but this seems like a classic example of explicit bias. Essentially it seems that Roy Spencer’s research is aimed at confirming his view that global warming and climate change are simply a consequence of some natural process and are not anthropogenic. I think everyone should bear this in mind when considering Roy Spencer’s views on global warming and climate change.

I mean we are talking about a scientist who thinks the world is 6000 years old and God who not let Climate Change happen

All you have to do is read the emails that were exposed in Climategate I and Climategate II to understand that the idiot AGW scam artist that make up data in order to lie to people about the real man made effects on the climate.

The AGW scam artist have zero credibility nowadays and only the stupid Moon Bats still believe that silly shit anymore.

Of course the Moon Bats have never been very smart so it is understandable they get it wrong.

Dr. Roy Spencer is a real problem for global warmists. They can't say he's not a climate scientist, because he is. They can't accuse him of taking oil industry money, because all the funding he's ever received has come from the U.S. government - including his work with NASA, NOAA and the Department of Energy.

And they can't refute his arguments, because he knows what he's talking about and they don't. So when he comes across their latest nonsense - this time the claim that 2014 was the warmest year on record - he takes aim and destroys the claim in beautiful fashion:

"Science as a methodology for getting closer to the truth has been all but abandoned. It is now just one more tool to achieve political ends.

Reports that 2014 was the “hottest” year on record feed the insatiable appetite the public has for definitive, alarming headlines. It doesn’t matter that even in the thermometer record, 2014 wasn’t the warmest within the margin of error. Who wants to bother with “margin of error”? Journalists went into journalism so they wouldn’t have to deal with such technical mumbo-jumbo. I said this six weeks ago, as did others, but no one cares unless a mainstream news source stumbles upon it and is objective enough to report it.

In what universe does a temperature change that is too small for anyone to feel over a 50 year period become globally significant? Where we don’t know if the global average temperature is 58 or 59 or 60 deg. F, but we are sure that if it increases by 1 or 2 deg. F, that would be a catastrophe?

Where our only truly global temperature measurements, the satellites, are ignored because they don’t show a record warm year in 2014?

In what universe do the climate models built to guide energy policy are not even adjusted to reflect reality, when they over-forecast past warming by a factor of 2 or 3?

And where people have to lie about severe weather getting worse (it hasn’t)? Or where we have totally forgotten that more CO2 is actually good for life on Earth, leading to increased agricultural productivity, and global greening?

It’s the universe where political power and the desire to redistribute wealth have taken control of the public discourse. It’s a global society where people believe we can replace fossil fuels with unicorn farts and antigravity-based energy.

Feelings now trump facts.

At least engineers have to prove their ideas work. The widgets and cell phones and cars and jets and bridges they build either work or they don’t.

In climate science, whichever side is favored by politicians and journalism graduates is the side that wins.

And what about those 97% of scientists who agree? Well, what they all agree on is that if their government climate funding goes away, their careers will end." "

Politics Climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer lays the smack to 2014 warmest year ever nonsense Best of Cain
I wonder how he explains the fact that the north polar ice cap is disappearing and that this might be the first summer in human history in which it disappears completely. Or the massive methane eruptions that are occurring up there.
Roy Spencer, just got love this guy... The darling of the deniers.

Now lets look at Dr. Spencer:
He is on board of advisors of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.
So lets look at these fellows:
There mission statement first:
"The Cornwall Declaration further sets forth an articulate and Biblically-grounded set of beliefs and aspirations in which God can be glorified through a world in which "human beings care wisely and humbly for all creatures" and "widespread economic freedom…makes sound ecological stewardship available to ever greater numbers."

Some more statements:
We believe Earth and its ecosystems – created by God’s intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence – are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory. Earth’s climate system is no exception. Recent global warming is one of many natural cycles of warming and cooling in geologic history.

If Roy Spencer has indeed signed this declaration then he has essentially made up his mind about global warming. His research is not to consider if global warming is natural, it’s to show that global warming is natural. This completely changes how one should assess his research and anything he writes about global warming and climate change. Many accuse climate scientists of being biased but this seems like a classic example of explicit bias. Essentially it seems that Roy Spencer’s research is aimed at confirming his view that global warming and climate change are simply a consequence of some natural process and are not anthropogenic. I think everyone should bear this in mind when considering Roy Spencer’s views on global warming and climate change.

I mean we are talking about a scientist who thinks the world is 6000 years old and God who not let Climate Change happen

All you have to do is read the emails that were exposed in Climategate I and Climategate II to understand that the idiot AGW scam artist that make up data in order to lie to people about the real man made effects on the climate.

The AGW scam artist have zero credibility nowadays and only the stupid Moon Bats still believe that silly shit anymore.

Of course the Moon Bats have never been very smart so it is understandable they get it wrong.
Oh yes, tell us all about science Mr. Flash.

Dr. Roy Spencer is a real problem for global warmists. They can't say he's not a climate scientist, because he is. They can't accuse him of taking oil industry money, because all the funding he's ever received has come from the U.S. government - including his work with NASA, NOAA and the Department of Energy.

And they can't refute his arguments, because he knows what he's talking about and they don't. So when he comes across their latest nonsense - this time the claim that 2014 was the warmest year on record - he takes aim and destroys the claim in beautiful fashion:

"Science as a methodology for getting closer to the truth has been all but abandoned. It is now just one more tool to achieve political ends.

Reports that 2014 was the “hottest” year on record feed the insatiable appetite the public has for definitive, alarming headlines. It doesn’t matter that even in the thermometer record, 2014 wasn’t the warmest within the margin of error. Who wants to bother with “margin of error”? Journalists went into journalism so they wouldn’t have to deal with such technical mumbo-jumbo. I said this six weeks ago, as did others, but no one cares unless a mainstream news source stumbles upon it and is objective enough to report it.

In what universe does a temperature change that is too small for anyone to feel over a 50 year period become globally significant? Where we don’t know if the global average temperature is 58 or 59 or 60 deg. F, but we are sure that if it increases by 1 or 2 deg. F, that would be a catastrophe?

Where our only truly global temperature measurements, the satellites, are ignored because they don’t show a record warm year in 2014?

In what universe do the climate models built to guide energy policy are not even adjusted to reflect reality, when they over-forecast past warming by a factor of 2 or 3?

And where people have to lie about severe weather getting worse (it hasn’t)? Or where we have totally forgotten that more CO2 is actually good for life on Earth, leading to increased agricultural productivity, and global greening?

It’s the universe where political power and the desire to redistribute wealth have taken control of the public discourse. It’s a global society where people believe we can replace fossil fuels with unicorn farts and antigravity-based energy.

Feelings now trump facts.

At least engineers have to prove their ideas work. The widgets and cell phones and cars and jets and bridges they build either work or they don’t.

In climate science, whichever side is favored by politicians and journalism graduates is the side that wins.

And what about those 97% of scientists who agree? Well, what they all agree on is that if their government climate funding goes away, their careers will end." "

Politics Climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer lays the smack to 2014 warmest year ever nonsense Best of Cain
I wonder how he explains the fact that the north polar ice cap is disappearing and that this might be the first summer in human history in which it disappears completely. Or the massive methane eruptions that are occurring up there.

What..."North Polar Ice cap to disappear this summer"??? Maybe you should tell these people!!! In the meantime check the below!
Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Arctic sea ice extent remained about a standard deviation below average for the month of December. Compared to recent years, 2014 as a whole was rather unremarkable. The bigger story was the record high extents observed in the Antarctic through more than half of the year.
At year’s end, Antarctic sea ice extent was again at a record high, but poised for a rapid decline as the austral summer wears on.
Both Hudson Bay and Baffin Bay are now essentially completely ice covered.

On the Atlantic side, recent winters have been characterized by reduced winter ice extent in the Kara and Barents seas.
This is not the case for the winter of 2014 to 2015.
The only two regions where extent is notably below average are in the Bering Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk.
This contrasts with recent winters when ice extent has been greater than average in the Bering Sea.
Sea ice extent grew 2.00 million square kilometers (772,000 square miles) during the month of December.
As the year drew to a close, sea ice extent again reached record high levels for the date by declining far more slowly than usual. Extent anomalies are particularly large in the Ross Sea and Amundsen Sea regions, and in the northern Weddell Sea—areas that have been anomalously high for most of the calendar year.
Oh yes, tell us all about science Mr. Flash.[/QUOTE]

Read the emails. They are on the internet. Google is your friend. You will see where these scam artists made up data and fudge factors in order to promote what they referred to as the common good. They had to do it because the real data did not support their scam agenda.

This is old news. Only you stupid Moon Bat still believe the scam.
  1. Roy Spencer
  2. Roy Warren Spencer is a climatologist, Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and the U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on NASA's Aqua satellite.Wikipedia
Sounds like every Climate Change fearists dream.

Yes indeed, I wish every denier was like this man. You do realize that he is also a creationist, right? Tells you where is 'scientific' head is at, doesn't it?

So? So he is a creationist whatever that broad term might mean to you. Obama is a self professed creationist so what is your point?

So point out how him being a creationist, or how you know this fact, has effected his view on Climate Change. The CC fear mongers wail that there is no real climatologist speaking against the fear, here is one and you see how they are treated.

Obama is not claiming to be a scientist. Spencer is. He is also on the board of directors of the George C. Marshall Institute, a right-wing conservative think tank on scientific issues and public policy. He listed as an expert for the Heartland Institute.

Climate misinformer Roy Spencer

Ha, Obama is worse he sets government policy.

So what if he does believes something other then you about how man can into existance? It matters not one inch to climate change if he believes in INTELLIGENT DESIGN. But considering you know for sure he is so wrong that means you think yourself as the end all and be all of all knowledge. I don't think so.

Why you need to mix the two, climate and intelligent design, is quite curious. I assume because he is an actually climate scientist he must be destroyed by other means.

Dr. Roy Spencer is a real problem for global warmists. They can't say he's not a climate scientist, because he is. They can't accuse him of taking oil industry money, because all the funding he's ever received has come from the U.S. government - including his work with NASA, NOAA and the Department of Energy.

And they can't refute his arguments, because he knows what he's talking about and they don't. So when he comes across their latest nonsense - this time the claim that 2014 was the warmest year on record - he takes aim and destroys the claim in beautiful fashion:

"Science as a methodology for getting closer to the truth has been all but abandoned. It is now just one more tool to achieve political ends.

Reports that 2014 was the “hottest” year on record feed the insatiable appetite the public has for definitive, alarming headlines. It doesn’t matter that even in the thermometer record, 2014 wasn’t the warmest within the margin of error. Who wants to bother with “margin of error”? Journalists went into journalism so they wouldn’t have to deal with such technical mumbo-jumbo. I said this six weeks ago, as did others, but no one cares unless a mainstream news source stumbles upon it and is objective enough to report it.

In what universe does a temperature change that is too small for anyone to feel over a 50 year period become globally significant? Where we don’t know if the global average temperature is 58 or 59 or 60 deg. F, but we are sure that if it increases by 1 or 2 deg. F, that would be a catastrophe?

Where our only truly global temperature measurements, the satellites, are ignored because they don’t show a record warm year in 2014?

In what universe do the climate models built to guide energy policy are not even adjusted to reflect reality, when they over-forecast past warming by a factor of 2 or 3?

And where people have to lie about severe weather getting worse (it hasn’t)? Or where we have totally forgotten that more CO2 is actually good for life on Earth, leading to increased agricultural productivity, and global greening?

It’s the universe where political power and the desire to redistribute wealth have taken control of the public discourse. It’s a global society where people believe we can replace fossil fuels with unicorn farts and antigravity-based energy.

Feelings now trump facts.

At least engineers have to prove their ideas work. The widgets and cell phones and cars and jets and bridges they build either work or they don’t.

In climate science, whichever side is favored by politicians and journalism graduates is the side that wins.

And what about those 97% of scientists who agree? Well, what they all agree on is that if their government climate funding goes away, their careers will end." "

Politics Climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer lays the smack to 2014 warmest year ever nonsense Best of Cain
I wonder how he explains the fact that the north polar ice cap is disappearing and that this might be the first summer in human history in which it disappears completely. Or the massive methane eruptions that are occurring up there.

What..."North Polar Ice cap to disappear this summer"??? Maybe you should tell these people!!! In the meantime check the below!
Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Arctic sea ice extent remained about a standard deviation below average for the month of December. Compared to recent years, 2014 as a whole was rather unremarkable. The bigger story was the record high extents observed in the Antarctic through more than half of the year.
At year’s end, Antarctic sea ice extent was again at a record high, but poised for a rapid decline as the austral summer wears on.
Both Hudson Bay and Baffin Bay are now essentially completely ice covered.

On the Atlantic side, recent winters have been characterized by reduced winter ice extent in the Kara and Barents seas.
This is not the case for the winter of 2014 to 2015.
The only two regions where extent is notably below average are in the Bering Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk.
This contrasts with recent winters when ice extent has been greater than average in the Bering Sea.
Sea ice extent grew 2.00 million square kilometers (772,000 square miles) during the month of December.
As the year drew to a close, sea ice extent again reached record high levels for the date by declining far more slowly than usual. Extent anomalies are particularly large in the Ross Sea and Amundsen Sea regions, and in the northern Weddell Sea—areas that have been anomalously high for most of the calendar year.
Sea ice extent doesn't mean anything. Sea ice volume does. Check this out.


Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
Oh yes, tell us all about science Mr. Flash.

Read the emails. They are on the internet. Google is your friend. You will see where these scam artists made up data and fudge factors in order to promote what they referred to as the common good. They had to do it because the real data did not support their scam agenda.

This is old news. Only you stupid Moon Bat still believe the scam.
The scientists accused in 'Climategate' were vindicated years ago. People who don't know anything about how science is done were the ones to point fingers. Not the people who are trained in scientific or technical fields.
  1. Roy Spencer
  2. Roy Warren Spencer is a climatologist, Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and the U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on NASA's Aqua satellite.Wikipedia
Sounds like every Climate Change fearists dream.

Yes indeed, I wish every denier was like this man. You do realize that he is also a creationist, right? Tells you where is 'scientific' head is at, doesn't it?

So? So he is a creationist whatever that broad term might mean to you. Obama is a self professed creationist so what is your point?

So point out how him being a creationist, or how you know this fact, has effected his view on Climate Change. The CC fear mongers wail that there is no real climatologist speaking against the fear, here is one and you see how they are treated.

Obama is not claiming to be a scientist. Spencer is. He is also on the board of directors of the George C. Marshall Institute, a right-wing conservative think tank on scientific issues and public policy. He listed as an expert for the Heartland Institute.

Climate misinformer Roy Spencer

Ha, Obama is worse he sets government policy.

So what if he does believes something other then you about how man can into existance? It matters not one inch to climate change if he believes in INTELLIGENT DESIGN. But considering you know for sure he is so wrong that means you think yourself as the end all and be all of all knowledge. I don't think so.

Why you need to mix the two, climate and intelligent design, is quite curious. I assume because he is an actually climate scientist he must be destroyed by other means.

Actually, it matters very much. Why? If "God did it", which is what he believes, is all he can come up with wrt to the nature of the universe, that is fine for his personal life, but I don't want him near a public science lab, a satellite console, or anything else having to do with science, because he has already dulled his mind to science and the scientific process and obviously has no more curiosity to learn what nature is telling him because he has stopped listening to it. And so, as Neil DeGrasse Tyson once said, he is "useless on the frontier of understanding the nature of the world", and so is also wasting my tax dollars and everyone else's.
  1. Roy Spencer
  2. Roy Warren Spencer is a climatologist, Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and the U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on NASA's Aqua satellite.Wikipedia
Sounds like every Climate Change fearists dream.

Yes indeed, I wish every denier was like this man. You do realize that he is also a creationist, right? Tells you where is 'scientific' head is at, doesn't it?

So? So he is a creationist whatever that broad term might mean to you. Obama is a self professed creationist so what is your point?

So point out how him being a creationist, or how you know this fact, has effected his view on Climate Change. The CC fear mongers wail that there is no real climatologist speaking against the fear, here is one and you see how they are treated.

Obama is not claiming to be a scientist. Spencer is. He is also on the board of directors of the George C. Marshall Institute, a right-wing conservative think tank on scientific issues and public policy. He listed as an expert for the Heartland Institute.

Climate misinformer Roy Spencer

Ha, Obama is worse he sets government policy.

So what if he does believes something other then you about how man can into existance? It matters not one inch to climate change if he believes in INTELLIGENT DESIGN. But considering you know for sure he is so wrong that means you think yourself as the end all and be all of all knowledge. I don't think so.

Why you need to mix the two, climate and intelligent design, is quite curious. I assume because he is an actually climate scientist he must be destroyed by other means.

Actually, it matters very much. Why? If "God did it", which is what he believes, is all he can come up with wrt to the nature of the universe, that is fine for his personal life, but I don't want him near a public science lab, a satellite console, or anything else having to do with science, because he has already dulled his mind to science and the scientific process and obviously has no more curiosity to learn what nature is telling him because he has stopped listening to it. And so, as Neil DeGrasse Tyson once said, he is "useless on the frontier of understanding the nature of the world", and so is also wasting my tax dollars and everyone else's.

So you have completely closed your mind to a Creator God, and you don't trust him?

But I'll give you a chance, tell me how you think live came from non-life.
Yes indeed, I wish every denier was like this man. You do realize that he is also a creationist, right? Tells you where is 'scientific' head is at, doesn't it?

So? So he is a creationist whatever that broad term might mean to you. Obama is a self professed creationist so what is your point?

So point out how him being a creationist, or how you know this fact, has effected his view on Climate Change. The CC fear mongers wail that there is no real climatologist speaking against the fear, here is one and you see how they are treated.

Obama is not claiming to be a scientist. Spencer is. He is also on the board of directors of the George C. Marshall Institute, a right-wing conservative think tank on scientific issues and public policy. He listed as an expert for the Heartland Institute.

Climate misinformer Roy Spencer

Ha, Obama is worse he sets government policy.

So what if he does believes something other then you about how man can into existance? It matters not one inch to climate change if he believes in INTELLIGENT DESIGN. But considering you know for sure he is so wrong that means you think yourself as the end all and be all of all knowledge. I don't think so.

Why you need to mix the two, climate and intelligent design, is quite curious. I assume because he is an actually climate scientist he must be destroyed by other means.

Actually, it matters very much. Why? If "God did it", which is what he believes, is all he can come up with wrt to the nature of the universe, that is fine for his personal life, but I don't want him near a public science lab, a satellite console, or anything else having to do with science, because he has already dulled his mind to science and the scientific process and obviously has no more curiosity to learn what nature is telling him because he has stopped listening to it. And so, as Neil DeGrasse Tyson once said, he is "useless on the frontier of understanding the nature of the world", and so is also wasting my tax dollars and everyone else's.

So you have completely closed your mind to a Creator God, and you don't trust him?

But I'll give you a chance, tell me how you think live came from non-life.

I can't close my mind to something that doesn't exist.

Life, all life, is chemistry. Every life process can be understood in biochemical terms. Even consciousness is an electrochemical process. It can be shut down or activated with chemicals or with an electrical or mechanical shock. And so life began as it continues today, via chemistry and the physical processes that sustain this universe.
Btw way zeke do you really want me to take a picture of the local paper and post and write on it bear513? I am getting tired , I Will do it tomorrow on this thread, dude I am the real deal lmao

I promise you I will do it tomorrow

psstt. bear,if you see this, what the fuck are you babbling about you real deal dude you? Take a picture and post it with your name on it? Tomm? Did I get that correct?

If so,, sure, why not.

ppsst psstt, this ain't no "debate" society, but if you want to argue and insult, I'm game though. If you want a real debate, better go to college and join the debate society. Cause it ain't happening here.
If the Earth's climactic well being and its overall environmental health can be trusted to God, if God can fix anything,

why have anti-pollution laws at all?

Dr. Roy Spencer is a real problem for global warmists. They can't say he's not a climate scientist, because he is. They can't accuse him of taking oil industry money, because all the funding he's ever received has come from the U.S. government - including his work with NASA, NOAA and the Department of Energy.

And they can't refute his arguments, because he knows what he's talking about and they don't. So when he comes across their latest nonsense - this time the claim that 2014 was the warmest year on record - he takes aim and destroys the claim in beautiful fashion:

"Science as a methodology for getting closer to the truth has been all but abandoned. It is now just one more tool to achieve political ends.

Reports that 2014 was the “hottest” year on record feed the insatiable appetite the public has for definitive, alarming headlines. It doesn’t matter that even in the thermometer record, 2014 wasn’t the warmest within the margin of error. Who wants to bother with “margin of error”? Journalists went into journalism so they wouldn’t have to deal with such technical mumbo-jumbo. I said this six weeks ago, as did others, but no one cares unless a mainstream news source stumbles upon it and is objective enough to report it.

In what universe does a temperature change that is too small for anyone to feel over a 50 year period become globally significant? Where we don’t know if the global average temperature is 58 or 59 or 60 deg. F, but we are sure that if it increases by 1 or 2 deg. F, that would be a catastrophe?

Where our only truly global temperature measurements, the satellites, are ignored because they don’t show a record warm year in 2014?

In what universe do the climate models built to guide energy policy are not even adjusted to reflect reality, when they over-forecast past warming by a factor of 2 or 3?

And where people have to lie about severe weather getting worse (it hasn’t)? Or where we have totally forgotten that more CO2 is actually good for life on Earth, leading to increased agricultural productivity, and global greening?

It’s the universe where political power and the desire to redistribute wealth have taken control of the public discourse. It’s a global society where people believe we can replace fossil fuels with unicorn farts and antigravity-based energy.

Feelings now trump facts.

At least engineers have to prove their ideas work. The widgets and cell phones and cars and jets and bridges they build either work or they don’t.

In climate science, whichever side is favored by politicians and journalism graduates is the side that wins.

And what about those 97% of scientists who agree? Well, what they all agree on is that if their government climate funding goes away, their careers will end." "

Politics Climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer lays the smack to 2014 warmest year ever nonsense Best of Cain
I wonder how he explains the fact that the north polar ice cap is disappearing and that this might be the first summer in human history in which it disappears completely. Or the massive methane eruptions that are occurring up there.

What..."North Polar Ice cap to disappear this summer"??? Maybe you should tell these people!!! In the meantime check the below!
Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Arctic sea ice extent remained about a standard deviation below average for the month of December. Compared to recent years, 2014 as a whole was rather unremarkable. The bigger story was the record high extents observed in the Antarctic through more than half of the year.
At year’s end, Antarctic sea ice extent was again at a record high, but poised for a rapid decline as the austral summer wears on.
Both Hudson Bay and Baffin Bay are now essentially completely ice covered.

On the Atlantic side, recent winters have been characterized by reduced winter ice extent in the Kara and Barents seas.
This is not the case for the winter of 2014 to 2015.
The only two regions where extent is notably below average are in the Bering Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk.
This contrasts with recent winters when ice extent has been greater than average in the Bering Sea.
Sea ice extent grew 2.00 million square kilometers (772,000 square miles) during the month of December.
As the year drew to a close, sea ice extent again reached record high levels for the date by declining far more slowly than usual. Extent anomalies are particularly large in the Ross Sea and Amundsen Sea regions, and in the northern Weddell Sea—areas that have been anomalously high for most of the calendar year.
Sea ice extent doesn't mean anything. Sea ice volume does. Check this out.


Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Huh... and yet the earth's atmosphere isn't warming beyond the natural cycles common to such, and the seas aren't rising... and the Left remains without a shred of credibility on a single dam' thing.

But consistency is something, even when the only thing you're consistent is being wrong.
Last edited:
If the Earth's climactic well being and its overall environmental health can be trusted to God, if God can fix anything,

why have anti-pollution laws at all?

Oh! For the same reason as we have laws against theft. A large percentage of the population are incapable of bearing the responsibilities that sustain their rights.

But that's only because Relativism is the means by which evil is manifested.

Left-think... it's the reason we need government, law and prisons.
So? So he is a creationist whatever that broad term might mean to you. Obama is a self professed creationist so what is your point?

So point out how him being a creationist, or how you know this fact, has effected his view on Climate Change. The CC fear mongers wail that there is no real climatologist speaking against the fear, here is one and you see how they are treated.

Obama is not claiming to be a scientist. Spencer is. He is also on the board of directors of the George C. Marshall Institute, a right-wing conservative think tank on scientific issues and public policy. He listed as an expert for the Heartland Institute.

Climate misinformer Roy Spencer

Ha, Obama is worse he sets government policy.

So what if he does believes something other then you about how man can into existance? It matters not one inch to climate change if he believes in INTELLIGENT DESIGN. But considering you know for sure he is so wrong that means you think yourself as the end all and be all of all knowledge. I don't think so.

Why you need to mix the two, climate and intelligent design, is quite curious. I assume because he is an actually climate scientist he must be destroyed by other means.

Actually, it matters very much. Why? If "God did it", which is what he believes, is all he can come up with wrt to the nature of the universe, that is fine for his personal life, but I don't want him near a public science lab, a satellite console, or anything else having to do with science, because he has already dulled his mind to science and the scientific process and obviously has no more curiosity to learn what nature is telling him because he has stopped listening to it. And so, as Neil DeGrasse Tyson once said, he is "useless on the frontier of understanding the nature of the world", and so is also wasting my tax dollars and everyone else's.

So you have completely closed your mind to a Creator God, and you don't trust him?

But I'll give you a chance, tell me how you think live came from non-life.

I can't close my mind to something that doesn't exist.

Nature doesn't exist?

Are you sure?
About 150 years ago they were waving thermometers in the air and writing down the data that became the statistical basis of the climate at that time. No doubt there were pockets of warm or cold air that didn't get recorded and Africa was still unexplored. Today we have freaking satellites that monitor every square foot of the globe 24/7. Does anybody think that waving a thermometer stands up to satellite technology? In other words we need to start with a clean slate and only consider and compare the yearly results of modern technology. You have to add that it has become apparent that there are eco-cheaters (the end justifies the means?) who take temperature data from black asphalt areas in the middle of summer and ignore extreme cold readings and come up with a hypothisis paid for by the political left. And then their are pompous fools like pop-astronomer Carl Sagan who made all sorts of crazy claims that the left desperately wanted to believe so they didn't bother examining them.
About 150 years ago they were waving thermometers in the air and writing down the data that became the statistical basis of the climate at that time. No doubt there were pockets of warm or cold air that didn't get recorded and Africa was still unexplored. Today we have freaking satellites that monitor every square foot of the globe 24/7. Does anybody think that waving a thermometer stands up to satellite technology? In other words we need to start with a clean slate and only consider and compare the yearly results of modern technology. You have to add that it has become apparent that there are eco-cheaters (the end justifies the means?) who take temperature data from black asphalt areas in the middle of summer and ignore extreme cold readings and come up with a hypothisis paid for by the political left. And then their are pompous fools like pop-astronomer Carl Sagan who made all sorts of crazy claims that the left desperately wanted to believe so they didn't bother examining them.

Good post.

Historical temperature data has been very unreliable.

Up until WWII half the data collected in the world were from American and European colleges near or in big cites. The Southern Hemisphere, Siberia and many parts of Asia have always been vastly under reported so when the scam artist uses data from say 1903 to show you a correlation between temperature and CO2 emission he really doesn't have good data. Of course that has never stopped the scam artists.

Siberia has been notoriously ignored in the global temperature modeling as has the Amazon Basin.

As far as satellite data goes there was a report a few years ago that said the calibration of the satellite instruments was not even close enough to detect the changes in temperatures that the scam artists were reporting. For instance, the scam artists were saying that the Pacific Ocean was getting a half degree warmer but yet the satellite could only detect the temperature to within +/- 4 degrees.

One of the things that Climategate exposed was that when the data did not substantiate the AGW models then the scam artists used either fake data or include some fudge factor to make it fit. Despicable science. Only these stupid Moon Bats believe it.

Dr. Roy Spencer is a real problem for global warmists. They can't say he's not a climate scientist, because he is. They can't accuse him of taking oil industry money, because all the funding he's ever received has come from the U.S. government - including his work with NASA, NOAA and the Department of Energy.

And they can't refute his arguments, because he knows what he's talking about and they don't. So when he comes across their latest nonsense - this time the claim that 2014 was the warmest year on record - he takes aim and destroys the claim in beautiful fashion:

"Science as a methodology for getting closer to the truth has been all but abandoned. It is now just one more tool to achieve political ends.

Reports that 2014 was the “hottest” year on record feed the insatiable appetite the public has for definitive, alarming headlines. It doesn’t matter that even in the thermometer record, 2014 wasn’t the warmest within the margin of error. Who wants to bother with “margin of error”? Journalists went into journalism so they wouldn’t have to deal with such technical mumbo-jumbo. I said this six weeks ago, as did others, but no one cares unless a mainstream news source stumbles upon it and is objective enough to report it.

In what universe does a temperature change that is too small for anyone to feel over a 50 year period become globally significant? Where we don’t know if the global average temperature is 58 or 59 or 60 deg. F, but we are sure that if it increases by 1 or 2 deg. F, that would be a catastrophe?

Where our only truly global temperature measurements, the satellites, are ignored because they don’t show a record warm year in 2014?

In what universe do the climate models built to guide energy policy are not even adjusted to reflect reality, when they over-forecast past warming by a factor of 2 or 3?

And where people have to lie about severe weather getting worse (it hasn’t)? Or where we have totally forgotten that more CO2 is actually good for life on Earth, leading to increased agricultural productivity, and global greening?

It’s the universe where political power and the desire to redistribute wealth have taken control of the public discourse. It’s a global society where people believe we can replace fossil fuels with unicorn farts and antigravity-based energy.

Feelings now trump facts.

At least engineers have to prove their ideas work. The widgets and cell phones and cars and jets and bridges they build either work or they don’t.

In climate science, whichever side is favored by politicians and journalism graduates is the side that wins.

And what about those 97% of scientists who agree? Well, what they all agree on is that if their government climate funding goes away, their careers will end." "

Politics Climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer lays the smack to 2014 warmest year ever nonsense Best of Cain
I wonder how he explains the fact that the north polar ice cap is disappearing and that this might be the first summer in human history in which it disappears completely. Or the massive methane eruptions that are occurring up there.

What..."North Polar Ice cap to disappear this summer"??? Maybe you should tell these people!!! In the meantime check the below!
Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Arctic sea ice extent remained about a standard deviation below average for the month of December. Compared to recent years, 2014 as a whole was rather unremarkable. The bigger story was the record high extents observed in the Antarctic through more than half of the year.
At year’s end, Antarctic sea ice extent was again at a record high, but poised for a rapid decline as the austral summer wears on.
Both Hudson Bay and Baffin Bay are now essentially completely ice covered.

On the Atlantic side, recent winters have been characterized by reduced winter ice extent in the Kara and Barents seas.
This is not the case for the winter of 2014 to 2015.
The only two regions where extent is notably below average are in the Bering Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk.
This contrasts with recent winters when ice extent has been greater than average in the Bering Sea.
Sea ice extent grew 2.00 million square kilometers (772,000 square miles) during the month of December.
As the year drew to a close, sea ice extent again reached record high levels for the date by declining far more slowly than usual. Extent anomalies are particularly large in the Ross Sea and Amundsen Sea regions, and in the northern Weddell Sea—areas that have been anomalously high for most of the calendar year.
Sea ice extent doesn't mean anything. Sea ice volume does. Check this out.


Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Huh... and yet the earth's atmosphere isn't warming beyond the natural cycles common to such, and the seas aren't rising... and the Left remains without a shred of credibility on a single dam' thing.

But consistency is something, even when the only thing you're consistent is being wrong.
Post the graph that shows that temperature isn't rising and you'll see that it's because the person who doesn't want there to be any warming started in a warm month and ended in a cool month.

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