Climate change 'tipping points' imminent

Why do you think it's propaganda?

You really seem to be making unsubstantiated assertions a habit.

Simply that he only looks at the graph after 2000 and assumes that all the energy is going into the atmosphere.

And the AGW church members looks at 100 years during a warming period and claims the world is coming to an end.

So to the AGW climate has only existed for 100 years, far worse than the claim that the Earth is only 6000 years old.
Why do you think it's propaganda?

You really seem to be making unsubstantiated assertions a habit.

Simply that he only looks at the graph after 2000 and assumes that all the energy is going into the atmosphere.

And the AGW church members looks at 100 years during a warming period and claims the world is coming to an end.

So to the AGW climate has only existed for 100 years, far worse than the claim that the Earth is only 6000 years old.

heck man.. those ice records dont even look at 50 yrs!!!!!!
Ive got proof ice was dissapearing just as fast just a couple years BFORE the 1979 start of those graphs.. So its propaganda that they even CHOSE that starting point. INFACT youll see that charted ice loss in 1972 in IPCC AR1 report.. But it was PURGED from all subsequent ARs for the sake of message purity.. ABSOLUTELY carefully prepared propaganda. Another reason I dont do ice...
heck man.. those ice records dont even look at 50 yrs!!!!!!
Ive got proof ice was dissapearing just as fast just a couple years BFORE the 1979 start of those graphs.. So its propaganda that they even CHOSE that starting point. INFACT youll see that charted ice loss in 1972 in IPCC AR1 report.. But it was PURGED from all subsequent ARs for the sake of message purity.. ABSOLUTELY carefully prepared propaganda. Another reason I dont do ice... are such a delusional brainwashed little liar, fecalhead, it just cracks me up watching you spew this kind of clueless bullshit....I mean, you're obviously trying to lie but you are just so incredibly bad at it....

After all this time, you still don't understand that many charts of Arctic sea ice extent start in 1979 because that's when the satellite records begin. Your crackpot conspiracy theory that "they" picked that year to support their "propaganda" because an earlier start time would show massive earlier melting is just so absurd, it's positively insane.

Monitoring Sea Ice
NASA Earth Observatory
Records assembled by Vikings showing the number of weeks per year that ice occurred along the north coast of Iceland date back to A.D. 870, but a more complete record exists since 1600. More extensive written records of Arctic sea ice date back to the mid-1700s. The earliest of those records relate to Northern Hemisphere shipping lanes, but records from that period are sparse. Air temperature records dating back to the 1880s can serve as a stand-in (proxy) for Arctic sea ice, but such temperature records were initially collected at only 11 locations. Russia’s Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute has compiled ice charts dating back to 1933. Today, scientists studying Arctic sea ice trends can rely on a fairly comprehensive record dating back to 1953, using a combination of satellite records, shipping records, and ice charts from several countries.

Satellite Monitoring
Since 1979, satellites have provided a continuous, nearly complete record of Earth’s sea ice. The most valuable data sets come from satellite sensors that observe microwaves emitted by the ice surface because, unlike visible light, the microwave energy radiated by the sea ice surface passes through clouds and can be measured even at night. The continuous sea ice record began with the Nimbus-7 Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (October 1978-August 1987) and continued with the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Special Sensor Microwave Imager (1987 to present). The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer–for EOS on NASA’s Aqua satellite has been observing sea ice since 2002.


Northern Hemisphere sea ice extent since 1953 - source


Arctic sea ice volume anomaly from PIOMAS updated once a month. - source
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What a bunch of hopeless maroons,,,

You guys are hysterical. Especially you Tink the retarded fairy.. Posting links and supersizing crap before you even know what im gonna say.... Your info is wrong BTW princess.. How long have we has satellite observations of Arrctic sea ice??

Theres a clue... bout time you clowns did some ORIGNAL research work...... :lol:
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Here's another one. I bet even you can see when this might first hit ZERO.


I see that 2012 is when we hit the bottom. Now we're on the climb up. You see dear silly person they have already reported that multi-year ice survived quite well this last year and that will lead to an ever greater increase in volume this year. So you see where it jumped from 3.3 to 4.9? You see that, next year it will be even bigger.
Wow. You guys are something. Twenty eight years of declining ice volume and you think ONE year is enough to say the trend has reversed. Why didn't the trend reverse in 82, 83, 86, 92, 94, 96, 97, 01 or 08? Ice volume increased every single one of those years. Yet where are we now?

About to bottom out.

"I'm using a volume of ice for a few cocktails.

Glacier ice is best! Makes wonderful crackling sounds when trapped pressurized air is released. Sadly, though, it will be all gone in about 1.3 million years unless, of course, nature's cycles prevent it. Guess we better drink up quick!
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Ive got proof ice was dissapearing just as fast just a couple years BFORE the 1979 start of those graphs..

Let's see your proof.

Bump your ass and go fetch.. Im out doing community service lighting 1000 luminary candles in a 15knot wind. Its beautiful...... Might keep the fire Dept busy tho.....

Got to telll ya Abe ---- A got a couple middle schoolers with mme that are real cllose to pulling up that chart info.. Think youre gonna lose this one.
Probably gave em too many clues already.

Ho Ho Ho and Oy Vey !!!!!!!
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Wow. You guys are something. Twenty eight years of declining ice volume and you think ONE year is enough to say the trend has reversed. Why didn't the trend reverse in 82, 83, 86, 92, 94, 96, 97, 01 or 08? Ice volume increased every single one of those years. Yet where are we now?

About to bottom out.

Because there seems to be a 30 year cycle that we are now trending out of. I think there are far more variables to our climate than your simplistic "it's all CO2's fault" meme. I am making a prediction, something you fraudsters are deathly afraid of.. We'll see how accurate I am.
Ive got proof ice was dissapearing just as fast just a couple years BFORE the 1979 start of those graphs..

Let's see your proof.

Bump your ass and go fetch.. Im out doing community service lighting 1000 luminary candles in a 15knot wind. Its beautiful...... Might keep the fire Dept busy tho.....

Got to telll ya Abe ---- A got a couple middle schoolers with mme that are real cllose to pulling up that chart info.. Think youre gonna lose this one.
Probably gave em too many clues already.

Fecalhead always claims that he has "lots of evidence", or, even more idiotically, "proof", to support the moronic denier cult myths and delusions that he posts, but he can never produce anything that actually qualifies as real evidence (and of course, there is no such thing as "proof" in science, something he's too ignorant about science to comprehend). Usually he'll just give you an endless runaround when you ask to see any of it, like he's trying to do here, but occasionally he'll come up with some ridiculously fraudulent graph created on some denier cult blog by some nitwit with no science background or degrees in science. After a while, you will come to realize that he has no conception of what actual 'evidence' is, so it is no surprise that he can't tell the difference between actual evidence and the fossil fuel industry propaganda that his puppet masters tell him is 'evidence'. He will nevertheless continually assure you that he is smarter and knows more than all of the actual climate scientists in the whole world, who, he is sure, are all engaged in a massive conspiracy to deceive everybody. He would be the poster boy for the Dunning-Kruger Effect, if the walleyedretard had not got there first.
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Wow. You guys are something. Twenty eight years of declining ice volume and you think ONE year is enough to say the trend has reversed. Why didn't the trend reverse in 82, 83, 86, 92, 94, 96, 97, 01 or 08? Ice volume increased every single one of those years. Yet where are we now?

About to bottom out.

Because there seems to be a 30 year cycle that we are now trending out of. I think there are far more variables to our climate than your simplistic "it's all CO2's fault" meme. I am making a prediction, something you fraudsters are deathly afraid of.. We'll see how accurate I am.

Be sure you review the Johnny Carson Karmak routine before you do this.. And have the natives agree to worship and obey your every wish should you make the ice reappear..
I hear it can be very rewarding if you don't end up in the tribal pot for dinner...
Let's see your proof.

Bump your ass and go fetch.. Im out doing community service lighting 1000 luminary candles in a 15knot wind. Its beautiful...... Might keep the fire Dept busy tho.....

Got to telll ya Abe ---- A got a couple middle schoolers with mme that are real cllose to pulling up that chart info.. Think youre gonna lose this one.
Probably gave em too many clues already.

Fecalhead always claims that he has "lots of evidence", or, even more idiotically, "proof", to support the moronic denier cult myths and delusions that he posts, but he can never produce anything that actually qualifies as real evidence (and of course, there is no such thing as "proof" in science, something he's too ignorant about science to comprehend). Usually he'll just give you an endless runaround when you ask to see any of it, like he's trying to do here, but occasionally he'll come up with some ridiculously fraudulent graph created on some denier cult blog by someone nitwit with no science background or degrees in science. After a while, you will come to realize that he has no conception of what actual 'evidence' is, so it is no surprise that he can't tell the difference between actual evidence and the fossil fuel industry propaganda that his puppet masters tell him is 'evidence'. He will nevertheless continually assure you that he is smarter and knows more than all of the actual climate scientists in the whole world, who, he is sure, are all engaged in a massive conspiracy to deceive everybody. He would be the poster boy for the Dunning-Kruger Effect, if the walleyedretard had not got there first.

You wouldn't have a PRAYER of fetching the IPCC AR1 report and looking at the plot of Sea Ice that they had in there.. You're lazy, you're brainwashed, and you're too STUPID to be a D-K candidate..

You posted a bunch of crap claiming that our sea ice extent records go back to 1979.. Yet the one in the IPCC AR1 goes back to 1970 with SATELLITE data.. I should know.. One of the companies I worked for DESIGNED the LANDSAT image processing for that bird.

It's not the SAME RESOLUTION as the post 1979 sat data -- but it's COMPLETELY reliable for cataloguing ice extent. I know -- I watched folks DO THAT in about 1982...

IPCC didn't LIKE what the ice extent looked like in the early 70s (before the BIG CHILL and NEXT ICE AGE suddenly came into public conscience) --- So they CHOPPED that data in subsequent reports and constantly claim that the data only goes back to 1979... WHICH IS --- the highest point of ice coverage in the early satellite era.. Not a coincidence --- trust me..

Nimbus-5 ESMR Polar Gridded Sea Ice Concentrations

Daily and monthly averaged sea ice concentrations from the Nimbus-5 Electrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer (ESMR) are available for the Arctic and Antarctic from 12 December 1972 through 31 December 1976 at 25 km gridded resolution. Raw data were reprocessed to include ocean masks that reduce weather effects and coastal contamination, and to include a 15 percent ice threshold. Reprocessed data are in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) and are available via FTP.

Citing These Data
The following example shows how to cite the use of this data set in a publication. For more information, see our Use and Copyright Web page.

Parkinson, C. L., J. C. Comiso, and H. Zwally. 2004. Nimbus-5 ESMR Polar Gridded Sea Ice Concentrations. [indicate subset used]. Edited by W. Meier and J. Stroeve. Boulder, Colorado USA: NASA DAAC at the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

Remember --- I don't do ice.. Because it's a meaningless non-linear proxy for temperature. The only temp. that matters is 45 days of late summer when the temp is above 1degC. But THIS is about the propaganda that another poster cited. And NOT ACKNOWLEDGING that the current sea ice Graphs start from a RELATIVE HIGH POINT is a fucking criminal act of propaganda..

Figure 7.20.... IPCC 1st Report.. 1972 to 1975 less ice..

about 1976 the areal extent of sea-ice in the Northern
Hemisphere has varied about a constant climatological
level but in 1972-1975 sea-ice extent was significantly less.
In the Southern Hemisphere since about 1981, sea-ice
extent has also varied about a constant level. Between 1973
and 1980 there were periods of several years when
Southern Hemisphere sea-ice extent was either appreciably
more than or less than that typical in the 1980s.

HOW MUCH LESS was it before the start of the CURRENT graphs on sea ice???


PRETTY DAMN LOW.. In fact -- you should be able to come up with an ABSOLUTE sq km estimate by just eyeballing the "anomaly" in the old graph to the new scale in the current SIE graphs..

You guys are lazy.. And you're hopelessly duped.. And your cult is in it's death throes..
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