CDZ Climate Change Question


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I used to understand the concept of Global Warming, i.e., that the Earth's atmosphere was increasing in temperature due to a buildup of carbon dioxide and/or other gasses/pollutants. Now that this concept has been replaced with Climate Change, I am uncertain as to what, exactly, is being described and what causal factors are involved.

Could someone please explain this in layman's terms?
I used to understand the concept of Global Warming, i.e., that the Earth's atmosphere was increasing in temperature due to a buildup of carbon dioxide and/or other gasses/pollutants. Now that this concept has been replaced with Climate Change, I am uncertain as to what, exactly, is being described and what causal factors are involved.

Could someone please explain this in layman's terms?

I can:

It's a scam.

Is that clear enough?
I think it all started innocently enough, maybe not. Scientists are paid to do research and studies. So what better to research then the climate and climate change?

They took a whole bunch of data and distilled it the best they could and came up with a graph showing teperature changing at a alarming unpresented rate. Countries joined in funding their research. Turns out that over the years it is clearly shown that the "hockey stick" was very incorrect. Yet is is still accepted as fact. Mostly, in my opinion, by people who don't bother reading past their first impression and they want to always be right.
So admitting to error is something that will not come easily.

So it started with the hockey stick and Gore's famous but BS ridden movie and that was the truth which is being repeated over an over again trying to make it true just by repeating it enough.

So when it is seen that there is not a rapid warming the focus changed to climate change and climate disruption. More sever storms were predicted. The tragedy would be great, and guess what, the storms have gotten less. The severe weather never happened. But that doesn't stop the GWers from citing places like CA as indication of CC. Which is anyone knows CA was never noted for their plentiful rainfall. They have been sucking up the ground water for years.
Power is the key factor in any change from what was to what is, to what will be, and if power is understood then the layman can make sense of this change from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" too.

Do you have the power to know the etymology of those words, so as to find who originated those words, and why they originated those words?

1. Peak Oil
2. Global Warming
3. Climate Change

I can add a few more powerful words.

1. Malthusianism
2. Overpopulation
3. Peak Oil
4. The War on Drugs
5. The War on Terrorism
6. Global Warming
7. Climate Change
8. The New World Order
9. World Reserve Currency
10. Mind Control

If you have the power to know the etymology of those words, so as to find who originated those words, and why those words were originated, then you may have the power to reach your goal with your question here on this forum.

My estimate is that the power to scare people into a defenseless state, or stupor, with the false advertisement campaign known as "Peak Oil," was less than the desired amount of power for those people who invented the term "Peak Oil," and so a new false advertisement campaign was invented for the similar, or the same, obvious goal. The new false advertisement campaign was launched with the new term "Global Warming," and when that was not as powerful as desired the term was then changed to "Climate Change," and a new term might soon be invented in the effort to reach the same or similar goal.

If anyone dares to question the criminal orders of the criminals who took over government those powerful criminals have set in motion a false advertisement campaign known as "Conspiracy Theorist," for similar purposes as the possible goal in mind concerning "Peak Oil," "Global Warming," and "Climate Change."

The idea is not to inform people as to the facts.

Similar, or the same goal is made obvious when the useful term "War on Drugs," became the "War on Terrorism," which will change the climate (of argument) again, when the words are once again changed.

If you are under the false presumption that all the scientists of the world are working cooperatively at finding the facts for all the people of the world so as to help defend all the people of the world from dangers with the help of the existing world governments, and they compete with "conspiracy theorists" who invent fake stories to have a laugh at the expense of everyone, just for fun, where the average concerned individual is unable to reason out fact from fiction, because "conspiracy theorists" are the problem, then your words will confess that mindset soon enough.
I used to understand the concept of Global Warming, i.e., that the Earth's atmosphere was increasing in temperature due to a buildup of carbon dioxide and/or other gasses/pollutants. Now that this concept has been replaced with Climate Change, I am uncertain as to what, exactly, is being described and what causal factors are involved.

Could someone please explain this in layman's terms?
"Global warming" and "climate change" reflect the same scientific model of increased CO2 (and other greenhouse gasses) on long-term climate. The terminology changed because of a marked increase in right-wing control of the media and political funding.
I used to understand the concept of Global Warming, i.e., that the Earth's atmosphere was increasing in temperature due to a buildup of carbon dioxide and/or other gasses/pollutants. Now that this concept has been replaced with Climate Change, I am uncertain as to what, exactly, is being described and what causal factors are involved.

Could someone please explain this in layman's terms?
"Global warming" and "climate change" reflect the same scientific model of increased CO2 (and other greenhouse gasses) on long-term climate. The terminology changed because of a marked increase in right-wing control of the media and political funding.

So "climate change" is just another term for "global warming?" Does that mean that if the Earth's atmosphere is not warming, there should be no concern about climate change?
OK, after a little research I have found that replacement of the term "global warming" with "climate change" is supposedly attributed to GOP pollster Frank Luntz, as a way to diffuse public concern about global warming. Upon reflection, this seems more like political spin than unbiased analysis. Why would the dominant liberal media adopt this new term if it was designed to undercut one of their major issues? A more likely explanation is that global warming predictions (e.g., "hockey stick") were failing to materialize and that a less factually challengeable substitute had to be found in order to preserve support for carbon tax credits and other economically destructive policies.
I used to understand the concept of Global Warming, i.e., that the Earth's atmosphere was increasing in temperature due to a buildup of carbon dioxide and/or other gasses/pollutants. Now that this concept has been replaced with Climate Change, I am uncertain as to what, exactly, is being described and what causal factors are involved.

Could someone please explain this in layman's terms?

The best website for you to peruse.

Welcome to Skeptical Science
I used to understand the concept of Global Warming, i.e., that the Earth's atmosphere was increasing in temperature due to a buildup of carbon dioxide and/or other gasses/pollutants. Now that this concept has been replaced with Climate Change, I am uncertain as to what, exactly, is being described and what causal factors are involved.

Could someone please explain this in layman's terms?

The best website for you to peruse.

Welcome to Skeptical Science

In the 70s it was the coming Ice Age. When that didn't work, they moved to Global Warming. In the 90s-early 00s they found that wasn't working, so they moved to Climate Change, and called it "settled science".

It's merely a ruse by internationalists to gain control over the global economy.

Personally, I think we oughtta flatline the debt with a penstroke and go back on the gold standard. Fuck 'em. :laugh:
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Oh my, I think it's enough. People discuss it like they're professional meteorologists and climatologists. What's about continental drift? Is it a lie?
I used to understand the concept of Global Warming, i.e., that the Earth's atmosphere was increasing in temperature due to a buildup of carbon dioxide and/or other gasses/pollutants. Now that this concept has been replaced with Climate Change, I am uncertain as to what, exactly, is being described and what causal factors are involved.

Could someone please explain this in layman's terms?

It means the planets hasn't warmed for 2 decades so the AGWCult changed the narrative from "Warming" to "Turn on the Weather Channel"
OK, after a little research I have found that replacement of the term "global warming" with "climate change" is supposedly attributed to GOP pollster Frank Luntz, as a way to diffuse public concern about global warming. Upon reflection, this seems more like political spin than unbiased analysis. Why would the dominant liberal media adopt this new term if it was designed to undercut one of their major issues? A more likely explanation is that global warming predictions (e.g., "hockey stick") were failing to materialize and that a less factually challengeable substitute had to be found in order to preserve support for carbon tax credits and other economically destructive policies.

That's interesting. Thanks for posting.
Why would the dominant liberal media adopt this new term if it was designed to undercut one of their major issues?

Pretty obvious. The media is rather conservative, and slavishly repeated whatever the Bush administration asked of them. See "War, Iraq".

A more likely explanation is that global warming predictions (e.g., "hockey stick") were failing to materialize and that a less factually challengeable substitute had to be found in order to preserve support for carbon tax credits and other economically destructive policies.

That's a bizarre conspiracy theory, which is flatly contradicted by all the actual evidence. That's why only a few right wing fringe extremists are willing to push it. It takes a willful disregard of facts, evidence and logic to embrace such a conspiracy theory. There is no VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot, and that whole conspiracy is literally as nutty as the birther, flat earth, antivaxxer, 9/11 truther, alien abduction or JFK conspiracy theories.
Oh my, I think it's enough. People discuss it like they're professional meteorologists and climatologists. What's about continental drift? Is it a lie?
The thing is that predictions of doom based on man made climate change are being used to drive energy policy. Many beleive that the energy policy espoused by the sky is falling climate changers will have very negative economic consequences while having little or no effect on climate change.
Continential drift -- not so much.
Notice how the no-conspiracy theorist fails to mention MLK "conspiracy theories" in the list of conspiracies theorized as non-conspiracies by this non-conspiracy theorist.

Had the list included the MLK conspiracy as one of the conspiracies theorized as a being a non-conspiracy (lone gunman theory, lone "terrorist" theory, whatnot) the non-conspiracy theorist would then have to contend with the actual trial where the MLK conspiracy was proven, beyond reasonable doubt, to be a conspiracy in fact. FAMILY TRIAL TRANSCRIPT.pdf

Complete Transcript of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination Conspiracy Trial

Examples of testimony:

James M. Lawson, Jr
Page 541
"The movement was aimed at reversing that. King's motto was, the SCLC motto, it was not civil rights, it was redeem the soul of America. That was our motto. So you see right away that that is much larger than getting a hamburger at a lunch counter."

Arthur Jackson Haynes, Jr
Page 804
"I have considered in my thirty-five-year career a jury is the best lie detector there is."

Joseph B. Brown
Page 856
"Mr. Ray had never confessed to the killing of Dr. King, but he had entered what is known as an Alford versus North Carolina plea. That is a plea delivered under the principle of the case of Alford versus North Carolina, which is a moderately old U.S. Supreme Court case that stands for the proposition that you may plead guilty even if you are not actually guilty if you believe it is in your best interest to do so, from all of the proof in evidence you think it in your best interest to do that and you did it freely, voluntarily, knowingly, advisedly and intelligently if the State otherwise has a reasonable factual basis upon which to proceed."

Jack Saltman
Page 1119
Q. And the juries were chosen according to usual jury selection procedures?

A. To get a jury, I think my total bill was sixty-four thousand dollars. That's a good question. I had employed a company to send them -- first of all, I got three cities agreed between both attorneys that they thought they were fair cities to attract jurors from. For example, New York was regarded as too liberal a state so that was refused by the prosecution, and we sent these private detectives to select or to choose. We finished up interviewing -- I think there was twelve hundred and something jurors. Out of which, we came down to a hundred and something, which, together with the two attorneys, we then played videotapes of them answering the voir dire questions. At the end of which, we tried to then balance male, female and to get an ethnic mix as well so that it looked fair as well as being fair, but insofar as we could, that was as fair a jury as I think it was possible to get.

Page 1176
"I do remember he saying friendlies would not be wearing ties. Took that to mean that somebody inside the King group as informant."

Page 1468
"Grand Jury was convened but nothing –"

Page 1582
William Schaap
"Because when year, after year, after year you hear that something was the case, one story -- one day saying, hey, the whole thing was a lie, and it doesn't register on their brain."

Page 1614
"Q. (BY MR. PEPPER) Mr. Schaap, you've described an awesome power that exists in government influenced and controlled, sometimes owned, media -- print, audio, visual media entities -- and how that infrastructure gets focused on opponents of the United States such as Martin Luther King."

[Defenders of the innocent are not opponents of the many (50 or so) Republics which are united into a voluntary federation, the Legal Fiction known as U.S. Inc., is a false front, so people who are opposed to frauds are opponents of frauds, not opponents of the false word]

Page 1632
A. Oh, but -- as we know, silence can be deafening. Disinformation is not only getting certain things to appear in print, it's also getting certain things not to appear in print. I mean, the first -- the first thing I would say as a way of explanation is the incredibly powerful effect of disinformation over a long period of time that I mentioned before. For 30 years the official line has been that James Earl Ray killed Martin Luther King and he did it all by himself. That's 30 years, not -- nothing like the short period when the line was that the Cubans raped the Angolan women. But for 30 years it's James Earl Ray killed Dr. King, did it all by himself.

And when that is imprinted in the minds of the general public for 30 years, if somebody stood up and confessed and said: I did it. Ray didn't do it, I did it. Here's a movie. Here's a video showing me do it. 99 percent of the people wouldn't believe him because it just -- it just wouldn't click in the mind. It would just go right to -- it couldn't be. It's just a powerful psychological effect over 30 years of disinformation that's been imprinted on the brains of the -- the public. Something to the country couldn't -- couldn't be.

Page 1648
THE COURT (James E. Swearengen, Judge presiding?)
"One of the most sacred rights in our judicial system is that right to subpoena witnesses on one's behalf."

Page 1925
Judge Battle:
"Do you know that you have a right to trial by jury on the charge of Murder in the First Degree against you, the punishment for Murder in the First Degree ranging from death by electrocution to any time over 20 years? The burden of proof is on the State of Tennessee to prove you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty, and the decision of the Jury must be unanimous both as to guilt and punishment."

Page 1926
Judge Battle:
"Do you understand that you are waiving, which means ‘giving up,’ a formal trial by your Plea of Guilty although the laws of this State require the prosecution to present certain evidence to a jury in all cases of Pleas of Guilty to Murder in the First Degree?"

Page 2666
Attorney at Law
"Ultimately truth-crushed earth will rise again, and it has risen in this courtroom, ladies and gentlemen. Send that message. You, you twelve, represent the American people. You are their representatives with respect to justice in this case. They cannot be here. The media will keep the truth from them forever. You represent the people of this land. You must speak for them."

The no-conspiracy theorist dictating that there are no conspiracies on a forum is alternatively not so much in the way of exculpating those accused.

A global temperature conundrum Cooling or warming climate

"Data from observation says global cooling. The physical model says it has to be warming."

"The question is, 'Who is right?'" says Liu. "Or, maybe none of us is completely right. It could be partly a data problem, since some of the data in last year's study contradicts itself. It could partly be a model problem because of some missing physical mechanisms."

North American Weather Consultants - Cloud Seeding Weather Modification
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Notice how the no-conspiracy theorist fails to mention MLK "conspiracy theories" in the list of conspiracies theorized as non-conspiracies by this non-conspiracy theorist.

Had the list included the MLK conspiracy as one of the conspiracies theorized as a being a non-conspiracy (lone gunman theory, lone "terrorist" theory, whatnot) the non-conspiracy theorist would then have to contend with the actual trial where the MLK conspiracy was proven, beyond reasonable doubt, to be a conspiracy in fact. FAMILY TRIAL TRANSCRIPT.pdf

Complete Transcript of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination Conspiracy Trial

Examples of testimony:

James M. Lawson, Jr
Page 541
"The movement was aimed at reversing that. King's motto was, the SCLC motto, it was not civil rights, it was redeem the soul of America. That was our motto. So you see right away that that is much larger than getting a hamburger at a lunch counter."

Arthur Jackson Haynes, Jr
Page 804
"I have considered in my thirty-five-year career a jury is the best lie detector there is."

Joseph B. Brown
Page 856
"Mr. Ray had never confessed to the killing of Dr. King, but he had entered what is known as an Alford versus North Carolina plea. That is a plea delivered under the principle of the case of Alford versus North Carolina, which is a moderately old U.S. Supreme Court case that stands for the proposition that you may plead guilty even if you are not actually guilty if you believe it is in your best interest to do so, from all of the proof in evidence you think it in your best interest to do that and you did it freely, voluntarily, knowingly, advisedly and intelligently if the State otherwise has a reasonable factual basis upon which to proceed."

Jack Saltman
Page 1119
Q. And the juries were chosen according to usual jury selection procedures?

A. To get a jury, I think my total bill was sixty-four thousand dollars. That's a good question. I had employed a company to send them -- first of all, I got three cities agreed between both attorneys that they thought they were fair cities to attract jurors from. For example, New York was regarded as too liberal a state so that was refused by the prosecution, and we sent these private detectives to select or to choose. We finished up interviewing -- I think there was twelve hundred and something jurors. Out of which, we came down to a hundred and something, which, together with the two attorneys, we then played videotapes of them answering the voir dire questions. At the end of which, we tried to then balance male, female and to get an ethnic mix as well so that it looked fair as well as being fair, but insofar as we could, that was as fair a jury as I think it was possible to get.

Page 1176
"I do remember he saying friendlies would not be wearing ties. Took that to mean that somebody inside the King group as informant."

Page 1468
"Grand Jury was convened but nothing –"

Page 1582
William Schaap
"Because when year, after year, after year you hear that something was the case, one story -- one day saying, hey, the whole thing was a lie, and it doesn't register on their brain."

Page 1614
"Q. (BY MR. PEPPER) Mr. Schaap, you've described an awesome power that exists in government influenced and controlled, sometimes owned, media -- print, audio, visual media entities -- and how that infrastructure gets focused on opponents of the United States such as Martin Luther King."

[Defenders of the innocent are not opponents of the many (50 or so) Republics which are united into a voluntary federation, the Legal Fiction known as U.S. Inc., is a false front, so people who are opposed to frauds are opponents of frauds, not opponents of the false word]

Page 1632
A. Oh, but -- as we know, silence can be deafening. Disinformation is not only getting certain things to appear in print, it's also getting certain things not to appear in print. I mean, the first -- the first thing I would say as a way of explanation is the incredibly powerful effect of disinformation over a long period of time that I mentioned before. For 30 years the official line has been that James Earl Ray killed Martin Luther King and he did it all by himself. That's 30 years, not -- nothing like the short period when the line was that the Cubans raped the Angolan women. But for 30 years it's James Earl Ray killed Dr. King, did it all by himself.

And when that is imprinted in the minds of the general public for 30 years, if somebody stood up and confessed and said: I did it. Ray didn't do it, I did it. Here's a movie. Here's a video showing me do it. 99 percent of the people wouldn't believe him because it just -- it just wouldn't click in the mind. It would just go right to -- it couldn't be. It's just a powerful psychological effect over 30 years of disinformation that's been imprinted on the brains of the -- the public. Something to the country couldn't -- couldn't be.

Page 1648
THE COURT (James E. Swearengen, Judge presiding?)
"One of the most sacred rights in our judicial system is that right to subpoena witnesses on one's behalf."

Page 1925
Judge Battle:
"Do you know that you have a right to trial by jury on the charge of Murder in the First Degree against you, the punishment for Murder in the First Degree ranging from death by electrocution to any time over 20 years? The burden of proof is on the State of Tennessee to prove you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty, and the decision of the Jury must be unanimous both as to guilt and punishment."

Page 1926
Judge Battle:
"Do you understand that you are waiving, which means ‘giving up,’ a formal trial by your Plea of Guilty although the laws of this State require the prosecution to present certain evidence to a jury in all cases of Pleas of Guilty to Murder in the First Degree?"

Page 2666
Attorney at Law
"Ultimately truth-crushed earth will rise again, and it has risen in this courtroom, ladies and gentlemen. Send that message. You, you twelve, represent the American people. You are their representatives with respect to justice in this case. They cannot be here. The media will keep the truth from them forever. You represent the people of this land. You must speak for them."
Did you mean to post to this thread which is about climate change?
"Did you mean to post to this thread which is about climate change?"

Did you notice the following?

"That's a bizarre conspiracy theory, which is flatly contradicted by all the actual evidence. That's why only a few right wing fringe extremists are willing to push it. It takes a willful disregard of facts, evidence and logic to embrace such a conspiracy theory. There is no VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot, and that whole conspiracy is literally as nutty as the birther, flat earth, antivaxxer, 9/11 truther, alien abduction or JFK conspiracy theories."

If you want to make a claim that my contribution to this Topic is out of place then it might be a good idea to spread the love further than targeting me alone as the lone thread spammer.

If someone were accused of causing climate change then someone might face a trial according to that accusation. What would then happen in that case?
"Did you mean to post to this thread which is about climate change?"

Did you notice the following?

"That's a bizarre conspiracy theory, which is flatly contradicted by all the actual evidence. That's why only a few right wing fringe extremists are willing to push it. It takes a willful disregard of facts, evidence and logic to embrace such a conspiracy theory. There is no VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot, and that whole conspiracy is literally as nutty as the birther, flat earth, antivaxxer, 9/11 truther, alien abduction or JFK conspiracy theories."

If you want to make a claim that my contribution to this Topic is out of place then it might be a good idea to spread the love further than targeting me alone as the lone thread spammer.

If someone were accused of causing climate change then someone might face a trial according to that accusation. What would then happen in that case?
Sorry! After skimming through a quite long post about a MLK conspiracy with no apparent connection to climate change, I thought you actually may have intended to post this to another thread. That being said, I did miss the reference to climate change near the bottom of your post. Excuse me as I go and Google the price of eggs in China.
"Excuse me as I go and Google the price of eggs in China."

Is that useful? The price paid, the cost paid, by those paying the price, or paying the cost, not of eggs in China, but of "climate change," or whatever you, or anyone else, may want to call it, is a cost that is quantifiable, or not, if it is not quantifiable by any means whatsoever, then "climate change" is more or less a concern for anyone compared to egg prices anywhere?

If someone were accused of changing the climate (climate change) then what might be a good idea concerning that well thought out (or not so well thought out) accusation?

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