Climate Change Kills Tesla


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
In the new extremes of climate change a Tesla car is useless. We are wasting our natural resources building Teslas, we are releasing more CO2 into the air building Teslas. We are using coal and oil building Teslas. Now we find out that you can not depend on a Tesla in extreme weather or emergencies!

Cold Weather Driving

When the battery pack is below freezing the car will not permit charging, as this will damage the cells. One side-effect of this is that you also lose your regenerative brakes. This is shown by the yellow dotted line on the speedometer. If the car has cold soaked below freezing you may have no regenerative brakes whatsoever. Pay attention, because the car will really really coast - this can be very surprising the first time!!! You'll have to use the conventional brakes until the car warms up.

Car won't charge
Submitted by nick-r on January 7, 2014
I live in Pennsylvania where this morning, outside temperatures plummeted to a very brisk -7F. My P85+ was in my garage all night but found that the garage temperature was 28F this morning. As I was getting ready for work, I used the mobile app to pre-heat the car and discovered, to my surprise, that the car did not charge at all since yesterday evening after getting home from work.
And in the extreme heat? Well they have a cooling system for the battery so if it must be charged in the heat it is using more electricity to cool the batteries so that they dont catch fire. A very real danger.
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Wow, National Geographic is even complaining.
In Tesla Motors-NYT Spat, Cold Realities About Electric Cars
But to set out in an all-electric car on a 30-degree (Fahrenheit) day with the heat on and experience less-than-perfect battery performance, to leave the car unplugged overnight and wake to find its charge has depleted in the freezing temperatures—this isn’t surprising, and it’s far from “fake.”
Musk is killing Tesla with his antics.

The man has some serious issues going on and Wall St is noticing
Considering the OP it is plain he is causing more pollution just by opening his mouth.
Dead Battery Experience

The real learnings here are:

Sub zero cold weather is a real energy drainer. In multiple ways.

- Heating the cabin and battery,

- higher air resistance

- and most importantly less usable energy available in the battery during extreme cold weather. The battery never gets a chance to warm itself enough to get to an optimum temperature. In this trip you consumed 0.330*170 = 56 kWh. Since you charged to car to 90% this means your full bartery can only hold 56/0.9 = 62.3 kWh.

Obviously even with degradation you may have close to 70kWh, but at this low temperature and at your rate of discharge you were only able to extract 62.3kWh. On a good 70F day and driving at 65mph you would have been able to drive the full 220 miles or even more at 300 wh/mile.

Car won't charge
Submitted by nick-r on January 7, 2014
I live in Pennsylvania where this morning, outside temperatures plummeted to a very brisk -7F. My P85+ was in my garage all night but found that the garage temperature was 28F this morning. As I was getting ready for work, I used the mobile app to pre-heat the car and discovered, to my surprise, that the car did not charge at all since yesterday evening after getting home from work.

Sorry Electra, although I agree Electric cars struggles in cold weather, from the comment section:

"nick-r | January 7, 2014
Update: I took the car to a public charging station and found that it charged fine. I also tried a different outlet in the house (regular 110 line) with the same problem, so the problem was the charging cable itself.

Tesla is sending me a new charging cable overnight."

Looks like the cold weather does not really affect the car any more than it does ICE cars. Temps down to -38 C.

The manual for the Tesla says you are a liar old crock. How do you figure you know more than Elon Musk himself? Either way the Tesla fails in the extremes of the climate.
LOL Poor little Miss Elektra, got her tit in the ringer with a silly lie. Often happens when she posts on matters she has not researched.
LOL Poor little Miss Elektra, got her tit in the ringer with a silly lie. Often happens when she posts on matters she has not researched.
Battery of complaints against Tesla in Norway
"I've had the car for eight months and it ran fine for four days," says Yngve Solberg, who like many Norwegians is fed up with the slew of problems his Tesla X has given him.


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