Climate AG'S flee the light

Granny says, "Dat's right - purt soon we won't be able to grow no food an' den we all gonna die...

Agricultural Activist on Climate Change: 'Eventually We Will Have Regulations That Will Force Us To Do Things'
November 3, 2016 – At an event to unveil a new United Nations report on the effect of climate change on global food and agriculture, an activist said on Wednesday that while some changes needed to be done voluntarily, government regulations will “force us to do things.” asked the panel, “When you talk about the transformation that you’re hoping for and addressing in this report, will this be something that’s voluntary within each country or will it be something that will be achieved through international treaties or regulations?” “I think, will this transformation be voluntary or be regulatory?” Miguel Garcia-Winder, a representative to the U.S. Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture, said at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. “I think it’s going to be both.” “Some people are already doing this voluntarily and eventually we will have regulations that will force us to do things,” Garcia-Winder said.


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.​

The Paris climate change agreement passed by the U.N. last year, with the Obama administration signing on, pledges to cut emissions between 26 and 28 percent compared with 2005 levels by 2025, according to Scientific American. “Article 4 of the [United Nations] Framework Convention [on Climate Change] obligates the U.S. and every other party to ‘formulate, implement, publish and regularly update national ... programmes [sic] containing measures to mitigate climate change by addressing anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases,’” reported the Natural Resources Defense Council.

This year, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced plans to regulate hydrofluorocarbons, used in air conditioning, fire extinguishing systems and aerosols, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the federal sector. As it states: “The President’s Climate Action Plan calls on the federal government to reduce emissions of HFCs by purchasing alternatives whenever feasible and transitioning to equipment that uses safer and more sustainable alternatives to HFCs. In May 2016, the Department of Defense (DoD), GSA, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) published a final rule to amend the FAR [Federal Acquistion Regulation] to implement Executive branch policy in the Climate Action Plan to procure, when feasible, alternatives to high global warming potential (GWP) HFCs.”


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