Clash of GOP titans as Trump v Kochs Feud Escalates

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
With the midterms looming, this isn't helping what looks to a a Dem Victory, at least in the house.
Trump is a RINO vs the Koch Bros (Real Billionaires/Republicans), who are in it for the money
Of course, Trump is also in EVERYTHING for the money.
And Dear Trumpov, the Koch Bros are no "joke", YOU are.

Clash of GOP titans as Trump v Kochs feud escalates
The Canadian Press - July 31, 2018
Clash of GOP titans as Trump v Kochs feud escalates

The war of words intensified between two titans in Republican politics on Tuesday as President Donald Trump trashed the conservative billionaire Koch brothers as a "total joke in real Republican circles."

The presidential insult followed a weekend gathering of Koch officials who repeatedly condemned Trump's trade policies, the explosion of government spending under his watch and his divisive tone.

The intra-party feud could hurt the GOP in this fall's midterm elections and beyond. While the Kochs refused to endorse Trump's first presidential run, the president's loyalists don't want his 2020 re-election campaign bogged down by lingering bad blood.

The Koch network boasts an army of grassroots activists across 36 states and has promised to spend between $300 million and $400 million on politics and policy this election cycle alone.

"The globalist Koch Brothers, who have become a total joke in real Republican circles, are against Strong Borders and Powerful Trade," Trump tweeted. "I never sought their support because I don't need their money or bad ideas." The president later added: "I'm for America First & the American Worker — a puppet for no one. Two nice guys with bad ideas."

Over the weekend, network patriarch, 82-year-old Charles Koch, refused to criticize Trump personally when The Associated Press asked whether the president should bear any responsibility for the divisive tone in Washington.
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