Clarissa of Two Fat Ladies has passed: Great chef and greater rebel


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I absolutely loved the Two Fat Ladies. Magnificent would be an understatement to describe their show and their talents. RIP dear one. Thanks for the laughter and of course the recipes.

One heck of an amazing soul.

One fab lady: She made love in the Commons, drank two pints of gin a day - and infuriated the PC brigade. QUENTIN LETTS raises a last glass to Clarissa Dickson Wright

Two Fat Ladies star died yesterday aged 66 following a period of illness
But she was more influential and complex than 'TV chef' suggests
She was a lawyer, battled with drink and plunged herself into penury
The essence of Clarissa was that she was disobedient - magnificently so



I think the hunting show was my favorite. I had so many favorites though.

She was a bird-watcher, but also a bird eater. Pink-foot geese? Yes, she said, beautiful creatures - and with a very delicate flavour.:eusa_angel:


Clarissa Dickson Wright: QUENTIN LETTS raises a last glass | Mail Online
That's sad. I haven't thought about them in years. I remember watching their shows a long time ago. They were such a riot.
She overcame her alcoholism long before she began appearing on TV, which is something the media deliberately ignores when covering one of Britain's forthright eccentrics. She was also - to date, I believe - the youngest women to be called to the Bar. I have her book, Spilling the Beans.

Rest in peace, Clarissa.

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