City of Mariupol 90% destroyed it's time for Ukrainian insurgents to surrender

The Russian army has turned the vital port city of Mariupol into a pile of smoking rubble.
While the psycho Zelensky hides safely in his Fuhrer bunker in the capitol city of Kyiv refusing to surrender. Vowing to fight on until the last Ukrainian defender is killed.

Not surprised that a Muslim(you) is a coward and wants to surrender. Muslims are losers who can't fight, and Mohammed was a faggot who loved people who surrender, the whole religion is based on surrender.
There you go again! The lamest rebuttal you could come up with. I'm Russian. What did you think my first language was? Besides, I could name a few regulars whose English is not only second but second to last, the most prominent of them all is an illiterate fuck who goes by the alias of Litvin, whose keyboard must be screaming with pain when he hits the buttons with his dirty fingers, yet you chose me, practically a grammar nazi, to upbraid for my English as the second language.😀
Well, that may explain, somewhat. I did not know you were Russian. The last Russian I knowingly spoke with was a Russian 4 Star, Armor General, back in the early to mid 90s, while I was pulling duty in Germany. He spoke excellent English, by the way. We got along fine, though I did not like the Russian foreign service guy with him. As for Litvin, he has an anti-Putin Russian aggression in Ukraine stance, I agree with and have held since the Cold War days. I am not actually one of the true grammar nazis on here. If my own spelling and syntax passes scrutiny, it is often due to practically unlimited edit after post privileges, I have as a supporting member.
Well, that may explain, somewhat. I did not know you were Russian. The last Russian I knowingly spoke with was a Russian 4 Star, Armor General, back in the early to mid 90s, while I was pulling duty in Germany. He spoke excellent English, by the way. We got along fine, though I did not like the Russian foreign service guy with him. As for Litvin, he has an anti-Putin Russian aggression in Ukraine stance, I agree with and have held since the Cold War days. I am not actually one of the true grammar nazis on here. If my own spelling and syntax passes scrutiny, it is often due to practically unlimited edit after post privileges, I have as a supporting member.
Okay, thus we've got acquainted in a way. ;)
There you go again! The lamest rebuttal you could come up with. I'm Russian. What did you think my first language was? Besides, I could name a few regulars whose English is not only second but second to last, the most prominent of them all is an illiterate fuck who goes by the alias of Litvin, whose keyboard must be screaming with pain when he hits the buttons with his dirty fingers, yet you chose me, practically a grammar nazi, to upbraid for my English as the second language.😀
Anti-Globalists Are the Last Best Hope of Mankind

The ignorant and dysfunctional language of America's irrationally privileged Diploma Dumbos is an indication that college education is a fraud and must be replaced with highly paid professional education.

If Russia wants to dominate this century's economy, it must pay students for their grades. That will motivate superior minds, each of whom can produce a thousand times what the unpaid students produce at the jobs they only get through childish slavishness.
No, I don't wish for any more Ukrainian people to be killed.
If the psycho Zelensky would just surrender.
All of this mayhem and destruction would immediately end.
Zalensky's judgment sucks. He could have avoided any invasion whatsoever simply by making a few harmless agreements. His decision to choose war makes him a war criminal too as far as I'm concerned.

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