City of Mariupol 90% destroyed it's time for Ukrainian insurgents to surrender

Anyone have his Psych eval..................

Lessee: Putin rides around on a pet brown bear 8X his size and weight for a good time!


What does that tell you about the guy?!
Tell that to the Ukrainians in their 60's and 70's that are in the ditches firing on the Russians.
Well I guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do. It appears as though the Russian army is not to swift though. Seventy year old men have no buisness going up against professional soldiers. This war has been going on for weeks. Spending months and years in fox holes dealing with the elements is a different story.
Well I guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do. It appears as though the Russian army is not to swift though. Seventy year old men have no buisness going up against professional soldiers. This war has been going on for weeks. Spending months and years in fox holes dealing with the elements is a different story.

Then I take it you would not fight for your country and your freedom given the same circumstances no matter your age.
Putin's action are the same on a much larger scale as a gang home invasion.
No bullet proof vest ........EASY KILL........Nice Blanket from the Bear...........and I don't know how Bear meat tastes.

Depends on the time of the year for the kill. Fall the meat is fatty and grills nicely, Spring it's tough and has to be marinated for some time and baked at around 300 degrees for hours
Then I take it you would not fight for your country and your freedom given the same circumstances no matter your age.
Putin's action are the same on a much larger scale as a gang home invasion.
Lol, you are a dumb fuck. You take it wrong. I already fought for my country. I still live out doors. I hunt and fish for a living. I take dumb ducks like you out to hunt in the shitty weather. Very rarely do I run into people who are effective at it. Fuckers show up with two thousand dollar guns , top of the line out door gear and a whole lot of stories. It's their trip I will not shoot unless their game is getting away. Only two trips all year where I did not have to do their killing for them. Stupid ducks like you and Suni is all talk and no action and dumb as a box of rocks to boot.
Fk U. I have never called President Biden that. Show the quote or admit you are a fking lying Cnt.

No. I support free elections that count and when the recounts and court cases are over withing the two months after election. It is over and the newly elected president is the newly elected president.
Do you, grammar buff, know that you can be used as an umbrella term? Who the fuck is you in the grand scheme of events?
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Do you, grammar buff, know that you can used as an umbrella term? Who the fuck is you in the grand scheme of events?
The one guy you tried to lie about at that moment. You ought to clean up your act.
Where the hell have you been, hillbilly boy? Or is English, like a second language to you?
There you go again! The lamest rebuttal you could come up with. I'm Russian. What did you think my first language was? Besides, I could name a few regulars whose English is not only second but second to last, the most prominent of them all is an illiterate fuck who goes by the alias of Litvin, whose keyboard must be screaming with pain when he hits the buttons with his dirty fingers, yet you chose me, practically a grammar nazi, to upbraid for my English as the second language.😀
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The insurgents don't have a Chinaman's chance of defeating the Russian army. All they are doing is sacrificing the lives of Ukrainian citizens for a hopeless cause.
Even if they don't win the war---they have won by costing Russia Trillions. Xi is worried about his Taiwan plans also as a result already and quickly making deals with his puppet Biden.

Meanwhile Ukraine has killed off about a 1/4 of Russia's Generals involved in Ukraine 5 of them bastards----Russia will never control Ukraine. It's a stalemate, a killing one where Russia is quickly running out or is out of weapons already (missiles) while the world watches and seeks Russians blood for the barbarism.
No, I don't wish for any more Ukrainian people to be killed.
If the psycho Zelensky would just surrender.
All of this mayhem and destruction would immediately end.
I know you mean well and believe it is better to minimalize the damage and death.

However Sunni Man
This is similar to expecting the person forcibly raped at gunpoint to stop fighting and just save their life.
What if that person would rather die fighting instead of living with the memory of being raped and surrendering to it?

What if the surrendering fighters fear getting executed or tortured to death anyway?
Similar to crime victims getting killed anyway because the perpetrator doesn't want to have to deal with survivors.

How many people would keep fighting off the rapist even if it means risking greater injury or death?
No, I don't wish for any more Ukrainian people to be killed.
If the psycho Zelensky would just surrender.
All of this mayhem and destruction would immediately end.
I have a slavic background; the Ukrainians will live free. They will do whatever it takes. Or die trying. 500 years of the Ottomans couldn't break us; why do you think Putin will?

And this is TOTALLY on Putin. No one expected Biden to show any bottle and we are not disappointed.

I have a slavic background; the Ukrainians will live free. They will do whatever it takes. Or die trying. 500 years of the Ottomans couldn't break us; why do you think Putin will?

And this is TOTALLY on Putin. No one expected Biden to show any bottle and we are not disappointed.

When was the last time someone was breaking you?
When was the last time someone was breaking you?
1989/90. But the Wall came down and The Tsar returned as Prime Minister a few years later.

As you know The Bulgarian people share kinship with our Russian brothers from the liberation of the Balkans from the Turks. Communism betrayed BOTH the Russian people and Bulgarians. Putin is a remnant of the Old Communist Command clique; we both know that the Old controllers are back in charge in Moscow. Now they have no ideology (if ever they did); they only have power!!!

The rubble provides a lot of excellent hides for snipers.

Of course if the defenders have anti-tank weapons they can destroy a lot of tanks but obviously they might run out of these weapons before the Russians run out of tanks and armored vehicles.

The Russians have to get out of their tanks and armored vehicles and when they do they make excellent targets for snipers.

It will take a hell of a lot of Russians to occupy and control Ukraine if the Ukrainians continue to resist.

It will also take a hell of a lot of money to rebuild the Ukraine so Putin hasn’t gained much and he probably doesn’t have the money to rebuild Ukraine.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Putin decides to nuke a city in Ukraine and threatens to nuke more. That likely would get the Ukrainians to surrender.

Nuclear weapons are a great deterrent when sane people are in charge of them. The question is if Putin is sane.

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