Citizens Flee high Taxes in Illinois


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Or is it 'Ill-Noise'? I cant ever remember.

Fed-up Illinois homeowners consider moving: 'It’s not just the property taxes on my home; it’s all of them'

In 2016, Illinois lost 37,508 people, putting the state’s population at its lowest level in nearly a decade, according to U.S. census data. It was the third consecutive year the state lost more residents than any other state. The state’s population count for 2017 won’t be released until December.

Some of those who are leaving Illinois say they’re frustrated with their tax burden and the state’s financial situation. After going more than two years without a budget, Illinois lawmakers passed a spending plan over the summer, one that involved a 32 percent income tax hike for residents. The state is still digging itself out of the financial disarray that accumulated during the budget impasse. A Forbes listing of the best and worst states for taxes in 2016, before the tax hike, ranked Illinois 46th, signifying a heavier tax burden.
The 'Land of Lincoln' is now a disgrace worse than California.
Some of those who are leaving Illinois say they’re frustrated with their tax burden and the state’s financial situation.

Some of those, who voted for the same politicians and policies which are now causing them to flee. They will undoubtedly go to the next place and spread their stink on the electorate there. Liberalism is a cancer.
You blue bellies have been moving south since Reagan, nothing new how the North is a wasteland from Yankee management...
NW Arkanass has an average of 33 1/2 newcomers daily moving to the area, the 1/2 represents the midgets...
NW Arkanass has an average of 33 1/2 newcomers daily moving to the area, the 1/2 represents the midgets...
The Ozarks are a beautiful area of the country; cant fault them for that, even though it is Arkansas.
NW Arkanass has an average of 33 1/2 newcomers daily moving to the area, the 1/2 represents the midgets...
The Ozarks are a beautiful area of the country; cant fault them for that, even though it is Arkansas.
Yeah, I had to move out of Arkanass, their taxes were too high along with land prices...I am now a midwestern guy for the first time ever living in Mizzouri, yet In this little corner next to Okiehoma and Arkanass they are the same kind of folks....I live in the foothills of the Ozarks, farther away from the Clampetts than I like..

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