CIC Bone Spur: PEDO Roy Moore pleads for money to cover legal fees! For past DEEDS!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Former Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore (R) is asking his supporters for help covering his mounting legal fees amid a lawsuit from a woman who says he touched her sexually when she was a young teen.Roy Moore pleads for money, saying resources 'depleted'

:dunno::eek-52: :lmao::eek2:FFS! Please, DOPers GIVE!
AS Loyal DOPers needing to fund Child RAPE, Please Give, NOW!
This PEDO needs you!
This PEDO needs you and the Great Douche here.
For your Appoved of godly loved SINS for funding predatory RAPES, you feel are
needed to enter the heavens above!
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