Chucky Schumer just announced Americans will lose all of these rights if Trump appoints a justice


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
This is a partial list:

  • Voting rights
  • Gay rights
  • Women's rights
  • Labor rights
  • Workers right
  • Civil Rights

  • Healthcare of all kinds will be gone.
  • The climate will be ruined.
No link yet.........just saw his ugly mug on TV spewing this bullshit.
This is a partial list:

  • Voting rights
  • Gay rights
  • Women's rights
  • Labor rights
  • Workers right
  • Civil Rights

  • Healthcare of all kinds will be gone.
  • The climate will be ruined.
No link yet.........just saw his ugly mug on TV spewing this bullshit.
And the elderly will be eating dog food!
/——/ At least the elderly will be alive with Trump. DemocRATs will send them off to nursing homes to get infected with COVID and die. Them send their SS to the illegals.
This is a partial list:

  • Voting rights
  • Gay rights
  • Women's rights
  • Labor rights
  • Workers right
  • Civil Rights

  • Healthcare of all kinds will be gone.
  • The climate will be ruined.
No link yet.........just saw his ugly mug on TV spewing this bullshit.



  • Republicans will roll all seniors off a cliff into a volcano.
  • They'll end Healthcare.
  • Give 100% tax-break for the rich, put everyone else in slave-labor camps
  • Minimum wage to $3.90 an hour.
  • The air will be like Venus.
  • Water will be undrinkable.
  • Gasoline will be $9.50 a gallon.
  • Food prices will quadruple.
  • There will be dead in the streets.
  • The Earth will tilt on its axis.
  • and Time will literally run backwards as space-time itself comes to an end.
This is a partial list:

  • Voting rights
  • Gay rights
  • Women's rights
  • Labor rights
  • Workers right
  • Civil Rights

  • Healthcare of all kinds will be gone.
  • The climate will be ruined.
No link yet.........just saw his ugly mug on TV spewing this bullshit.
Schumer is using a literary device known as projection, which is blaming your adversary for doing exactly what you just did and plan to do more of it. Chucky's partners in crime plan on taking away Second Amendment rights of gun ownership, First Amendment rights to freely worship by banning church worship to prevent covid-19 spread when the Constituion's words are very clear saying "make no law against religious worship." The atheist deep state is still circle-jerking over how easy it was to take worship services away from Americans, many of whom love their fellow church members or paritioners who dutifully bought new locks and alarms to prevent everyone from going inside church properties to pray, preach, and pal around with their friends in the Lord who love them.
This is a partial list:

  • Voting rights
  • Gay rights
  • Women's rights
  • Labor rights
  • Workers right
  • Civil Rights

  • Healthcare of all kinds will be gone.
  • The climate will be ruined.
No link yet.........just saw his ugly mug on TV spewing this bullshit.
And the elderly will be eating dog food!
Well, the ones the democrats didn’t kill off in nursing homes anyway.
This is a partial list:

  • Voting rights
  • Gay rights
  • Women's rights
  • Labor rights
  • Workers right
  • Civil Rights

  • Healthcare of all kinds will be gone.
  • The climate will be ruined.
No link yet.........just saw his ugly mug on TV spewing this bullshit.

Pretty good prediction given he doesn't even know who the nominee is just yet. After all the bashing of Kavanaugh, did he check his record on the SC yet? He sided with the liberals half of the time.
Schumer reminds me of howdy doody, prone to say and do anything regardless of the truth. A wise old man once said “sometimes it’s better to say nothing at all then be disclosed as a lying fool”
Schumer reminds me of howdy doody, prone to say and do anything regardless of the truth. A wise old man once said “sometimes it’s better to say nothing at all then be disclosed as a lying fool”
Schumer reminds me of howdy doody, prone to say and do anything regardless of the truth. A wise old man once said “sometimes it’s better to say nothing at all then be disclosed as a lying fool”
This is a partial list:

  • Voting rights
  • Gay rights
  • Women's rights
  • Labor rights
  • Workers right
  • Civil Rights

  • Healthcare of all kinds will be gone.
  • The climate will be ruined.
No link yet.........just saw his ugly mug on TV spewing this bullshit.

Meanwhile, California votes to bring racial discrimination back, because not having racial discrimination is white supremacy.
Schumer reminds me of howdy doody, prone to say and do anything regardless of the truth. A wise old man once said “sometimes it’s better to say nothing at all then be disclosed as a lying fool”

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