Christine O’Donnell On Mitt Romney: ‘He’s Been Consistent Since He Changed His Mind’


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Tanya Somanader

2010′s most bewitching political figure, former GOP Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell, is adding her involvement to the political circus surrounding the GOP primary presidential contest. The failed Senate candidate announced her endorsement of Mitt Romney last night and took to CNN’s American Morning to trumpet his many qualifications, one of them apparently being “consistency.” When host Carol Costello noted how the GOP’s designated flip-flopper has actually “changed his mind” quite a bit on important issues, O’Donnell offered this analysis: “That’s one of the things I like about him, because he’s been consistent since he changed his mind.” Watch it:

Christine O'Donnell On Mitt Romney: "He's Been Consistent Since He Changed His Mind" - YouTube

Christine O'Donnell On Mitt Romney: 'He's Been Consistent Since He Changed His Mind' | ThinkProgress
He has been. Which is why I've always said he isn't a flip flopper. Flip floppers change positions ever time they are in front of a different crowd: Ex - John Kerry. He literally switched positions 3 times in five minutes.

Changing a position and staying with it isnt flip flopping.
He has been. Which is why I've always said he isn't a flip flopper. Flip floppers change positions ever time they are in front of a different crowd: Ex - John Kerry. He literally switched positions 3 times in five minutes.

Changing a position and staying with it isnt flip flopping.

Really? Give some examples besides the Defense Budget bill vote, which he had a perfectly valid reason for changing his mind over.
He has been. Which is why I've always said he isn't a flip flopper. Flip floppers change positions ever time they are in front of a different crowd: Ex - John Kerry. He literally switched positions 3 times in five minutes.

Changing a position and staying with it isnt flip flopping.

Really? Give some examples besides the Defense Budget bill vote, which he had a perfectly valid reason for changing his mind over.

You want me to track down an obscure stump speech from 2004?

I don't remember the topic, just that he literally changed his position while speaking it.
He has been. Which is why I've always said he isn't a flip flopper. Flip floppers change positions ever time they are in front of a different crowd: Ex - John Kerry. He literally switched positions 3 times in five minutes.

Changing a position and staying with it isnt flip flopping.

Really? Give some examples besides the Defense Budget bill vote, which he had a perfectly valid reason for changing his mind over.

You want me to track down an obscure stump speech from 2004?

I don't remember the topic, just that he literally changed his position while speaking it.
You brought Kerry up and you seemed to think that he switched positions 3 times in 5 minutes. Now you say that you don't even remember the topic, etc. I'm sorry to have bothered you. I thought you were serious. Guess not.
He has been. Which is why I've always said he isn't a flip flopper. Flip floppers change positions ever time they are in front of a different crowd: Ex - John Kerry. He literally switched positions 3 times in five minutes.

Changing a position and staying with it isnt flip flopping.

In Vietnam John Kerry was awarded several combat medals that include the Silver Star, Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts while George W. Bush and his whole family were conspiring to dodge the draft. I've gotcher flip flop a schwangin
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He has been. Which is why I've always said he isn't a flip flopper. Flip floppers change positions ever time they are in front of a different crowd: Ex - John Kerry. He literally switched positions 3 times in five minutes.

Changing a position and staying with it isnt flip flopping.

In Vietnam John Kerry was awarded several combat medals that include the Silver Star, Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts while George W. Bush and his whole family were conspiring to dodge the draft. I've gotcher flip flop a schwangin

omg, how many more time are we going to have to hear this
Mitt Romney is what it takes to win the election at hand. What he is in office depends on what office he's in, how much of a chance he has of winning the next election, who he'll be facing, and what he had for breakfast on that particular morning. His campaign slogan should be... "Yeah, it's whatever".
Another, who could give a shit thread borough to you from Thinkprogress and it's useful tool.

Another, who could give a shit thread borough to you from Thinkprogress and it's useful tool.


That's right, attack the messenger. Did you watch the CNN video...?

who cares who she endorses. that would be news like Lady Gaga endorses Obama.
you litter this board with such worthless shit. why don't you go start your own board?
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Another, who could give a shit thread borough to you from Thinkprogress and it's useful tool.


That's right, attack the messenger. Did you watch the CNN video...?

who cares who she endorses. that would be news like Lady Gaga endorses Obama.
you litter this board with such worthless shit. why don't you go start your own board?

Why are you posting on my "worthless shit" thread...?
That's right, attack the messenger. Did you watch the CNN video...?

who cares who she endorses. that would be news like Lady Gaga endorses Obama.
you litter this board with such worthless shit. why don't you go start your own board?

Why are you posting on my "worthless shit" thread...?

because SOMEONE needs to tell you how worthless your threads are. You post them then make some stupid snide remark about it as if anyone cares. such as this..
Christine O’Donnell is a national treasure. I fantasize about a Palin/O'Donnell ticket.

go stay at thinkprogress, they are more up to your speed.
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