Christie Presser at 11:00am


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
Let's see what he's gonna' say! Will he have his hat in his hand or will he come out swinging? Love him or hate him, he's at least fun to watch.
Let's see what he's gonna' say! Will he have his hat in his hand or will he come out swinging? Love him or hate him, he's at least fun to watch.
Thanks for the info.

I'm more interested in his hand picked "best friend since high school" who ran the Port Authority (now resigned) who made the call at the PA to shut the ramps.

He's scheduled to testify this morning at 9:30 and he's suing to avoid testifying -- even to the point of questioning the signature on the subpoena. lol

Mighty hitchy.
Christie better do a better job than he did yesterday when he blamed his staff

He needs to show some humility and contrition
He needs to apologize for the actions of his office
He needs to apologize for his derisive and condescending responses when the issue came up
He needs to come clean on what he did to get to the bottom of this
He needs to request an independent investigation and cooperate fully
Let's see what he's gonna' say! Will he have his hat in his hand or will he come out swinging? Love him or hate him, he's at least fun to watch.
Thanks for the info.

I'm more interested in his hand picked "best friend since high school" who ran the Port Authority (now resigned) who made the call at the PA to shut the ramps.

He's scheduled to testify this morning at 9:30 and he's suing to avoid testifying -- even to the point of questioning the signature on the subpoena. lol

Mighty hitchy.

He'll perjure himself to protect his friend. He'll take the fall and Christie will make sure he's taken care of in his dotage.
Christie better do a better job than he did yesterday when he blamed his staff

He needs to show some humility and contrition
He needs to apologize for the actions of his office
He needs to apologize for his derisive and condescending responses when the issue came up
He needs to come clean on what he did to get to the bottom of this
He needs to request an independent investigation and cooperate fully

Oh come one, he can stand up there and read off his mother's favorite recipe for marinara sauce....Doesn't make any difference. He's toast.

Bridge and tunnel closures between here and Manhattan are like major airport closings.....those in authority, like mayors and governors, are on the front lines.

Christie might as well stand up and say he didn't know that Hurricane Sandy was going to hit us until the lights went out. The deception is THAT bad.
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Let's see what he's gonna' say! Will he have his hat in his hand or will he come out swinging? Love him or hate him, he's at least fun to watch.
Thanks for the info.

I'm more interested in his hand picked "best friend since high school" who ran the Port Authority (now resigned) who made the call at the PA to shut the ramps.

He's scheduled to testify this morning at 9:30 and he's suing to avoid testifying -- even to the point of questioning the signature on the subpoena. lol

Mighty hitchy.

He'll perjure himself to protect his friend. He'll take the fall and Christie will make sure he's taken care of in his dotage.

So we got us a new Scooter Libby......But I wouldn't trust Christie to make it good for Wildstein on the back end. He's Sicilian, ya' know. :eusa_whistle:
Governor Christie has never been shy and speaks his mind. Like him or hate him, he needs to be that person and take responsibility for this. If he steps up, even thou he may take heat at first,it would still help him in the long run.

Let's see what he's gonna' say! Will he have his hat in his hand or will he come out swinging? Love him or hate him, he's at least fun to watch.

I can't wait. This really will be fun....:lmao: and for a long time to come...:lmao:
Governor Christie has never been shy and speaks his mind. Like him or hate him, he needs to be that person and take responsibility for this. If he steps up, even thou he may take heat at first,it would still help him in the long run.


Yes, the country is starving for some leadership action. :thup:
During the hurricane aftermath Christie was trying to play both sides of the political parties. It began to look a little contrived and very uncomfortable for Christie. He may be outspoken but he is also an opportunist. He use his buster to keep the focus moving. He will do that today.
It will end up being a familiar investigation:

Panic and hysteria
Search for the guilty
Punishment of the innocent
Praise and honor for the nonparticipants

The Christie administration is on #3.
It will end up being a familiar investigation:

Panic and hysteria
Search for the guilty
Punishment of the innocent
Praise and honor for the nonparticipants

The Christie administration is on #3.

Reading down the list I got to #3 and laughed. Given your last line I can see you feel the same. :lol:
Christie better do a better job than he did yesterday when he blamed his staff

He needs to show some humility and contrition
He needs to apologize for the actions of his office
He needs to apologize for his derisive and condescending responses when the issue came up
He needs to come clean on what he did to get to the bottom of this
He needs to request an independent investigation and cooperate fully

Imagine what an honest government we could have in D.C. if you demanded the same from your president.
Christie is handling the presser magnificently.

He apologized.
He accepted accountability.
He dealt with the liars - fired, and pushed out of the political organization.

He Did Not Blame People Who Oppose His Policies - Nor Did He Spin Any Strawmen Arguments.

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