Christie calls Trump a "liar and a coward."

elektra makes the foolish statement of the day.

Trump as President again will plunge the US into the worst period since the 1930s.

The 1930's were when the Democrats under FDR were in charge, and it was the heyday of Liberalism.

More radical extremism was passed in that decade than ever was before.

Further, America became progressively weaker, as FDR stole from the military budget during the 1930's to pay for his Raw Deal programs. As a result, Hitler in Germany wasn't worried about pissing off America and instituted his Holocaust program and launched WW2.

I don't think that Trump would cause any problems like that at all.
Yet, we see that happening with Biden, and under Trump, food prices were literally going down. It is funny how your ideas are the opposite of what happened while Trump was president.
Trump put us a solid economic slump with his (mis)management of Warp Speed and covid response.
Donnie is known as a fighter. He always hits back, and harder than he was hit. It's a trait he has bragged about. For some reason, he's not doing that this time. Chris Christie has hit him hard in the last few weeks, calling him a coward, and a loser. I've never known trump to remain silent in the face of an attack. Instead, trump seems to be cowering in the shadows from the constant attacks. Of course, trump is still drawing attention to himself on every other issue, but he just can't seem to work up the courage to respond to the degrading onslaught. Seems the old saying is right.

Most bullies are really cowards, and will always back down when you stand up to them.

I'm not sure if Christie can take the nomination from trump, but he has certainly won the playground confrontation trump usually revels in. Trump does look like the coward and loser that Christie says he is.
George Jones earned the name NO SHOW JONES by being too drunk to show up for his own performances. NO SHOW TRUMP is earning his name by being too much of a coward and loser to show up.
That fat fuck has ZERO chance of being the GOP nominee.

At this point, neither does Trump. He's disqualified by virtue of the 14th Amendment and Republicans are preparing to do what they should have done in 2016, and refuse to make him their candidate.

They can't win with him. They can't win without him. The Party did this to themselves. I can't think of a more deserving bunch of liars.

Having lived a dozen years in New Jersey, I know all about his kind.

He repulses me like Trump probably repulses you. Christie is a weasel, he's wanna-be mafia boss that couldn't make the grade. New Jersey is full of people like that. Until recently it was the armpit of the nation. Now it's just an annoying pimple on the nation's butt.

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