Christian Threatens to Decapitate Mosque Members

Ahh...Domestic Christian terrorists at it again!

Watauga police are investigating an expletive-filled phone message threatening to kill members of a local mosque.

The latest message getting attention at Masjid Al-Sahaabah begins like this:

“F**k you, f**k Muhammad, f**k Islam. This is America. If you don't like the way we do s**t, get the f**k out.”

Muslim leaders say mosques get hateful phone calls weekly.

“We get the expletive phone calls, people call and say screw you Muslims, and they hang up,” said Vincent Simon, a member of the mosque.

But the messages haven’t been this extreme:

“We'll start just cutting off the heads of all of you m*******rs. Huh? How would you like that? Maybe we need another Christian crusade, which I think we do.

“When he started talking about chopping off people's heads and launching a crusade against Muslims, that's when it started to get scary because that's an actionable threat,” said Alia Salem, Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

In the voicemail, the caller identifies himself as an army veteran and a Christian.

How do you know it's a Christian?


In the voicemail, the caller identifies himself as an army veteran and a Christian.

Oh, well, that settles it then. :laugh:
I believe there is also a black professor advocating for the extermination of all whites.
This is why aliens are shunning our planet.
Christian makes a prank phone call, muslims shoot up night clubs, yeah that's about even
Muzzles brought this on themselves.

ETA: get back to me when Christian church leaders of the various demonization issue a Christian jihad and call for another Crusade.

It's already been done .. the Crusades and the Inquisition.
Ahh...Domestic Christian terrorists at it again!

Watauga police are investigating an expletive-filled phone message threatening to kill members of a local mosque.

The latest message getting attention at Masjid Al-Sahaabah begins like this:

“F**k you, f**k Muhammad, f**k Islam. This is America. If you don't like the way we do s**t, get the f**k out.”

Muslim leaders say mosques get hateful phone calls weekly.

“We get the expletive phone calls, people call and say screw you Muslims, and they hang up,” said Vincent Simon, a member of the mosque.

But the messages haven’t been this extreme:

“We'll start just cutting off the heads of all of you m*******rs. Huh? How would you like that? Maybe we need another Christian crusade, which I think we do.

“When he started talking about chopping off people's heads and launching a crusade against Muslims, that's when it started to get scary because that's an actionable threat,” said Alia Salem, Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

In the voicemail, the caller identifies himself as an army veteran and a Christian.

How do you know it's a Christian?


In the voicemail, the caller identifies himself as an army veteran and a Christian.

Anyone can identify them selves as the Queen of England on a voicemail.


Listen to the tape. He's a country bumpkin inbred Texas boy, but I guess there aren't anything but!

Leaders of Watauga Mosque fearful after threatening voicemail
What does that make you faggot?
Muzzles brought this on themselves.

ETA: get back to me when Christian church leaders of the various demonization issue a Christian jihad and call for another Crusade.

It's already been done .. the Crusades and the Inquisition.

Which have nothing to do with any individual currently living. It's the same idiot mindset as asking reparations for slavery.
This is just some chickenshit yahoo feeling pretty tough behind the anonymity of a phone with his expletive laden tirade :lol:

He probably lives in his mother's basement.
Works at Walmart.
Hasn't had a date he didn't pay for in 20 years.
And his phone call just gave his sorry little life a fresh boost.
Well, when this guy and a few of his friends get together, saw the head off of someone while screaming "God is Great", and later post it on the internet, receiving a great deal of support, the OP's transparent attempt at equating Christianity with the PC-protected religion will have a few ounces of validity.

So Mac, why do you ally and line up and vote with these liberal assholes like the OP and virtually every other liberal on this board?
A vote for Hillary and any fucking Dim, will only make it more and more likely the "PC" religion and it's followers will increase their foothold here.
Depends on the issue.

I'm an Independent, that's it. I agree with the Left sometimes, the Right others. Sometimes I disagree with both.

The Regressive Left certainly has too much control, no doubt about it. But on the other side is Trump, and amazingly, that would be worse.
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Ahh...Domestic Christian terrorists at it again!

Watauga police are investigating an expletive-filled phone message threatening to kill members of a local mosque.

The latest message getting attention at Masjid Al-Sahaabah begins like this:

“F**k you, f**k Muhammad, f**k Islam. This is America. If you don't like the way we do s**t, get the f**k out.”

Muslim leaders say mosques get hateful phone calls weekly.

“We get the expletive phone calls, people call and say screw you Muslims, and they hang up,” said Vincent Simon, a member of the mosque.

But the messages haven’t been this extreme:

“We'll start just cutting off the heads of all of you m*******rs. Huh? How would you like that? Maybe we need another Christian crusade, which I think we do.

“When he started talking about chopping off people's heads and launching a crusade against Muslims, that's when it started to get scary because that's an actionable threat,” said Alia Salem, Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

In the voicemail, the caller identifies himself as an army veteran and a Christian.

Unlike Moslem terrorism, there's no such thing as Christian terrorism. And yes, I can defend this assertion.

And if that's the case he should be tried and if convicted punished to fullest extent of the law. I'm not going to justify or rationalize or make excuses for him as so many do when it's radical Islam.

And I've never excused radical Islam either, sweetie.

I'm just pointing out there's crazies on both sides. In our country, it's a proven fact there's a lot more Christian crazies than Muslim crazies.

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