Christian Students win legal challenge against the university of Iowa


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Academia has been persecuting Christians for long time now.....good to see justice prevail in Iowa.......the arrogancy of academia must be abolished along with their discrimination against all races other than blacks.

I am not particularly religious I pray and believe in God but no church thing for me. That said, religion is definitely under attack everywhere not just in this country and it's sad to watch other minorities get protected and accepted to express themselves whatever way they want but religious people are shamed for their faith and beliefs. Really fucking sad.
Seems to me that most all groups require people to adhere to the tenets of that group. Could I force the LGBTQ group to accept me even if I was against equal rights for them? (which I am not)

I support equal treatment for all.
I don't trust anyone who just says "Christian." Name denomination or sect, please. The Christian faith is now all split off, making naming the denomination extremely important. Were these students Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Quaker, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Dutch Reformed? What? There are morons who say that "Christians" are being "persecuted," but each Christian faith is different, so be specific as to which Christians you are talking about.
Academia has been persecuting Christians for long time now.....good to see justice prevail in Iowa.......the arrogancy of academia must be abolished along with their discrimination against all races other than blacks.

Next, they will have to affirm the correct branch of Christianity.
I don't trust anyone who just says "Christian." Name denomination or sect, please. The Christian faith is now all split off, making naming the denomination extremely important. Were these students Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Quaker, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Dutch Reformed? What? There are morons who say that "Christians" are being "persecuted," but each Christian faith is different, so be specific as to which Christians you are talking about.

I will never go to an business who advertise as a Christian business.
I don't trust anyone who just says "Christian." Name denomination or sect, please. The Christian faith is now all split off, making naming the denomination extremely important. Were these students Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Quaker, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Dutch Reformed? What? There are morons who say that "Christians" are being "persecuted," but each Christian faith is different, so be specific as to which Christians you are talking about.

I will never go to an business who advertise as a Christian business.
Your loss.
Maybe they decide who can join them, they are bigots:

According to the University, this Statement of Faith “inherently excludes” and is “unwelcoming” to “gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals.” Defs.’

download (
as most Christians are!
Maybe they decide who can join them, they are bigots:

According to the University, this Statement of Faith “inherently excludes” and is “unwelcoming” to “gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals.” Defs.’

download (
as most Christians are!

Why would a non Christian want to join a Christian organization?

The answer is clear
I don't trust anyone who just says "Christian." Name denomination or sect, please. The Christian faith is now all split off, making naming the denomination extremely important. Were these students Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Quaker, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Dutch Reformed? What? There are morons who say that "Christians" are being "persecuted," but each Christian faith is different, so be specific as to which Christians you are talking about.

Some Christian churches are failures

they have the form and trappings of Christ but not the spirit
Maybe they decide who can join them, they are bigots:

According to the University, this Statement of Faith “inherently excludes” and is “unwelcoming” to “gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals.” Defs.’

download (
as most Christians are!

I know gay Christians.
129. It includes a paragraph entitled “Doctrine of Personal Integrity,” which states: All Christians are under obligation to seek to follow the example of Christ in their own lives and in human society. In the spirit of Christ, Christians should oppose racism, every form of greed, selfishness, and vice, and all forms of sexual immorality, including pornography. We believe God’s intention for a sexual relationship is to be between a husband and wife in the lifelong covenant of marriage. Every other sexual relationship beyond this is outside of God’s design and is not in keeping with God’s original plan for humanity. We believe every person should embrace, not reject, their God-given sex. We should work to provide for the orphaned, the needy, the abused, the aged, the helpless, and the sick. We should speak on behalf of the unborn and contend for the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death.
Maybe they decide who can join them, they are bigots:

According to the University, this Statement of Faith “inherently excludes” and is “unwelcoming” to “gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals.” Defs.’

download (
as most Christians are!

I know gay Christians.
We all do, but sometimes we don't know if they are gay. I never ask anyone.

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