Chris Christie Praises Obama For Hurricane Sandy Preparation


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) put aside his campaigning for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Sunday to praise President Barack Obama for his responsiveness to the Garden State's needs in preparing for Hurricane Sandy.

During a briefing with emergency personnel, residents and press, Christie thanked Obama for holding a conference call with him and governors of other states expected to be impacted by the storm, the Star-Ledger reports.

“I appreciated the president’s outreach today in making sure that we know he’s watching this and is concerned about the health and welfare and safety of the people of the state of New Jersey,” he said.

More: Chris Christie Praises Obama For Hurricane Sandy Preparation
Thank you, Mr. President, for continuing to protect Americans! Bush failed us on 9/11 and Katrina.
Thank you, Mr. President, for continuing to protect Americans! Bush failed us on 9/11 and Katrina.

Yeah too bad Obama cant protect ambassadors.....but hey dont let the partisan side ofyou ever get in the way.....God you're a bot
Yeah, it's sooo heartwarming to hear NaziCons being so concerned over a gay ambassador. Nothing political about that...
Yeah, it's sooo heartwarming to hear NaziCons being so concerned over a gay ambassador. Nothing political about that...

Was he gay? I didnt know that...but he still should have had protection

And yeah an embassador is an extension of the President.....Wars have been started over these kinds of assasinations and we havent had one killed since yeah it's a BIG FUCKING deal.....
Maybe you dont give a shit, but most americans do
Thank you, Mr. President, for continuing to protect Americans! Bush failed us on 9/11 and Katrina.

You tell the 16 dead and the dozens wounded at Ft Hood how well this poliically correct, muslim sensative president protected them. If you were not in the area during Katrina, I doubt you really know what went on, all you have is what the Bush hating media put out. I was on the ground there, most reports were not accurate. But go on flapping you ignorant gums, it's a free country.
the two trolls need to coordinate their spam they post...

this has ALREADY been posted as if we are suppose to bow and give thanks we have the Dear Leader
Sandy's already startin' to affect the economy & stock market...
Sandy strengthens as nears U.S. coast; Wall Street shut
28 Oct.`12 - Hurricane Sandy, the monster storm bearing down on the East Coast, strengthened on Monday after hundreds of thousands moved to higher ground, public transport shut down and the stock market suffered its first weather-related closure in 27 years.
About 50 million people from the Mid-Atlantic to Canada were in the path of the nearly 1,000-mile-wide (1,600-km-wide) storm, which forecasters said could be the largest to hit the mainland in U.S. history. It was expected to topple trees, damage buildings, cause power outages and trigger heavy flooding. The U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Monday the Category 1 storm had strengthened as it turned toward the coast and was moving at 20 miles per hour (32 km per hour). It was expected to bring a "life-threatening storm surge," coastal hurricane winds and heavy snow in the Appalachian Mountains, the NHC said.

Nine U.S. states have declared states of emergency, and with the U.S. election eight days away President Barack Obama canceled a campaign event in Florida on Monday in order to return to Washington and monitor the U.S. government's response to the storm. "This is a serious and big storm," Obama said on Sunday after a briefing at the federal government's storm response center in Washington. "We don't yet know where it's going to hit, where we're going to see the biggest impacts. Sandy killed 66 people in the Caribbean last week before pounding U.S. coastal areas with rain and triggering snow falls at higher elevations as it moved north.

Forecasting services indicated early Monday the center of the storm would strike the New Jersey shore near Atlantic City on Monday night. While Sandy does not pack the punch of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005, it could become more potent as it approaches the U.S. coast. Winds were at a maximum of 85 mph, the NHC said in its 8 a.m. (1200 GMT) report, up from 75 mph six hours earlier. It said tropical storm-force winds reached as far as 485 miles from the center.

Seventeen people from the replica HMS Bounty abandoned ship while stranded at sea off North Carolina in the path of the hurricane, roughly 160 miles from the center of storm, the U.S. Coast Guard said on Monday. "The 17-person crew donned cold water survival suits and lifejackets before launching in two 25-man lifeboats with canopies," the Coast Guard said, adding it was determining which aircraft or vessel was best-placed to launch a rescue. The three-masted tall ship was built for the 1962 movie "Mutiny on the Bounty."


See also:

Stock Futures Fall as Sandy Forces Market Closures
10/29/12 - -- Stock futures slumped Monday as U.S. futures markets closed early without notice of when they'll reopen again as the enormous Hurricane Sandy gained strength on its path towards New York City.
The New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq and the CME Group in Chicago said they will close their physical trading floors and electronic trading Monday in accordance with emergency actions by government officials as Hurricane Sandy looms.

This will be the first time in 27 years that the NYSE, a unit of NYSE Euronext (NYX) will close the trading floor because of weather.

CME Group said stock-index futures and options would be halted at 9:15 a.m. EDT. A number of companies have decided to postpone their earnings reports amid the stock market closures.

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Damned if you do, damned if you don't. This OP is bitchin, even after a Republican compliments their Dear Leader. Why doesn't he or she just screech BOOOOOOOSH and be done with this thread? Because we all know that's where it's inevitably going.
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New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) put aside his campaigning for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Sunday to praise President Barack Obama for his responsiveness to the Garden State's needs in preparing for Hurricane Sandy.

During a briefing with emergency personnel, residents and press, Christie thanked Obama for holding a conference call with him and governors of other states expected to be impacted by the storm, the Star-Ledger reports.

“I appreciated the president’s outreach today in making sure that we know he’s watching this and is concerned about the health and welfare and safety of the people of the state of New Jersey,” he said.

More: Chris Christie Praises Obama For Hurricane Sandy Preparation

thread title is a lie, according to the OP article...

“I appreciated the president’s outreach today in making sure that we know he’s watching this and is concerned about the health and welfare and safety of the people of the state of New Jersey,” he said.

Appreciation and praise are two different things, Shitting Bull. Even someone with your severely limited mental faculties should be able to grasp that.
It is only a category 1

Wait until you guys get hit by a Cat 3, then you will get to see the government live up to its reputation!!
even the OP showing his hate because Christie was on the ball and ahead of hurricane sandy YEAH OBAMA thank you for saving jersey, Christie didnt do anything. YEAH!!!!!!!!
even the OP showing his hate because Christie was on the ball and ahead of hurricane sandy YEAH OBAMA thank you for saving jersey, Christie didnt do anything. YEAH!!!!!!!!

Christie was in a phot op filling a sand bag, now at least give him credit for that. But he was sandbagging a hot dog cart.
I am glad to see Christie using the Lessons Learned from Katrina. Let us hope the people along the coasts take this as seriously as he wants them to.

There is a certain mentality (and we saw it on the Gulf Coast with Katrina) that people poo poo storms and think they are personally invunerable.
Well there you go. I should forget everything else he has done in he past and vote for him just because he is doing his job for this hurricane GET REAL

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) put aside his campaigning for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Sunday to praise President Barack Obama for his responsiveness to the Garden State's needs in preparing for Hurricane Sandy.

During a briefing with emergency personnel, residents and press, Christie thanked Obama for holding a conference call with him and governors of other states expected to be impacted by the storm, the Star-Ledger reports.

“I appreciated the president’s outreach today in making sure that we know he’s watching this and is concerned about the health and welfare and safety of the people of the state of New Jersey,” he said.

More: Chris Christie Praises Obama For Hurricane Sandy Preparation

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