Choose your "Facts" about what happened on 911


Self deported
Sep 27, 2008
15th congressional district of Arizona
Conspiracy - 9/11 Misconceptions, Rumors & Urban Legends - Flight 93 - World Trade Center - Nostradamus Quatrain
9/11 Misconceptions, Rumors & Urban Legends
by Alternative Reel Staff

* United States fighter jets shot down Flight 93 over western Pennsylvania. [Editor’s Note: Evidence strongly suggests passengers heroically took action against their hijackers. (eots piloted the plane?)]

* Some dude, usually described as a police officer, actually “surfed” the wreckage from the 82nd floor of the World Trade Center as it collapsed.(curvelight?)

* CNN footage depicting Palestinians celebrating after the attack was actually filmed in 1991 during Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait.

* Survivors of the World Trade Center collapse made phone calls from under the rubble.

* Authorities developed a roll of film found in the wreckage of the World Trade Center that depicted a tourist on the observation deck seconds before the first plane made impact. [Editor’s Note: The guy is all bundled up like it’s in the middle of winter. Nice try!]

* Approximately 4,000 Jewish employees of the World Trade Center stayed home from work on September 11 after getting tipped off about the attack.

* A list of possibly offensive or insensitive songs such as “You Dropped a Bomb on Me” are officially banned from U.S. radio stations.

* The water supply [in your town] is poisoned.

* The four hijacked jetliners were actually operated by remote control without any crew or passengers. [Editor’s Note: This one is also popular on the streets of Pakistan.]

* Osama bin Laden once dated Princess Diana.

* An escaped mental patient danced around nude high atop of the debris of the World Trade Center before being hauled off by FBI agents. (christophera or terral?)

read more and make your choices here;
Conspiracy - 9/11 Misconceptions, Rumors & Urban Legends - Flight 93 - World Trade Center - Nostradamus Quatrain

mix and match into your own cohesive conspiracy theory!
Anybody who thinks it was the "Jews" is an idiot. Most people that think the Jews run the world usually believe the Holocaust never happened.
Anybody who thinks it was the "Jews" is an idiot. Most people that think the Jews run the world usually believe the Holocaust never happened.

i'm thinking about starting a World War II Denial Group just to see how many idiots i can get to believe world war two never happened.
Glad to see you sick fuks still celebrating that day. It makes all the more sense why you treat it like a game because you don't care about the people who died, lost friends and family, nor the amount of sacrifices made by civil servants nor soldiers. You don't give a shit about anything so stop pretending to be Americans you sooper sik fuxxing parasites.
Glad to see you sick fuks still celebrating that day. It makes all the more sense why you treat it like a game because you don't care about the people who died, lost friends and family, nor the amount of sacrifices made by civil servants nor soldiers. You don't give a shit about anything so stop pretending to be Americans you sooper sik fuxxing parasites.

hey clown, how ya been little guy?
Glad to see you sick fuks still celebrating that day. It makes all the more sense why you treat it like a game because you don't care about the people who died, lost friends and family, nor the amount of sacrifices made by civil servants nor soldiers. You don't give a shit about anything so stop pretending to be Americans you sooper sik fuxxing parasites.

hey clown, how ya been little guy?

And I was actually thinking about taking him off ignore. DUH!


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Dude, get real the thread was started to be disingenuous!

So, pick your facts and present your theory, you can choose all the ones inthe op, and anything else you like.

Tell us a story eots...........
YOU are the one playing on the internet my objective is this

Remember, remember, the 11th of September The Gunpowder Treason and plot;
I see of no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.....
YOU are the one playing on the internet my objective is this

Remember, remember, the 11th of September The Gunpowder Treason and plot;
I see of no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.....
and figures, a dipshit like YOU even got THAT wrong

Gunpowder Plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

dont you ever actually research anything for FACTS?

it had NOTHING to do with Sept 11th

I was born on guy Fawkes day..are you really that stupid you don't get it ?...
Last edited:
YOU are the one playing on the internet my objective is this

Remember, remember, the 11th of September The Gunpowder Treason and plot;
I see of no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.....
and figures, a dipshit like YOU even got THAT wrong

Gunpowder Plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

dont you ever actually research anything for FACTS?

it had NOTHING to do with Sept 11th

I was born on guy Fawkes day..are you really that stupid you don't get it ?...
as if that fucking matters

Guy Fawkes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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