Chinese muscle in on Afghanistan’s rare earth mineral deposits, create headaches for Biden


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Just another reaaon we should have maintained the status quo in Afghanistan.

Biden is clueless and probably gives zero fucks about anything but himself, his family and ice-cream.

Just another reaaon we should have maintained the status quo in Afghanistan.

Biden is clueless and probably gives zero fucks about anything but himself, his family and ice-cream.

The Chinese have already built a railroad, power plants and mining operations.

When Dubya was in office they built Port Gwadar. You should probably look at a map.
Yall know the funny thing is we are all immigrants unless your 100% Native American. So Trump the chump needs to look at his ancestors and go back to where he came from. That goes for everyone saying they hate immigrants. Guess what you are an immigrant as well. Hopefully when Biden and Trump are done with their presidencies this country can get back on track. I will agree Trump will go down in history as crooked as Nixon. He's constantly being out smarted and maneuvered by Russia by acting he's smarter than he is. He is also exactly like everyone else criticize rather than work to build up the. Country. Next time your at Trump tower buy a souvenir look on bottom " made in China" hypocrite. Buy one of his hats made in Mexico. Sickening . Biden isn't the answer we need a candidate that isn't on the radar yet. Capable of thinking for themselves. A leader not a follower, Trump definitely a follower who you as Putin. Constantly out maneuvered Trump out smarted him. Which is sad. At least Trumps wife left after he lost the election. No fraud just lost. His own hand picked and well paid judges could help but laugh at him. It'll only take around 8 years of a truly bipartisan candidate to correct trumps mess alone. Never seen a president like him using our constitution as toilet paper. Trump and Nixon forever tied together as crooked. Which brings me to my point he should as he likes to say get on a boat and go back to wherever he's from. According to his policy he should send his wife pack to where she is from if he believes in his policies as much as he claims.

After all the time our troops have been there, it's our American companies that should be the ones mining those minerals in Afghanistan.

Biden's decision to remove US troops from Afghanistan will be remembered as his biggest mistake.
After all the time our troops have been there, it's our American companies that should be the ones mining those minerals in Afghanistan.

Biden's decision to remove US troops from Afghanistan will be remembered as his biggest mistake.

US companies will probably bid on mining concessions just like the Chinese and Australian will.
Biden doesn't have the brainpower or the concern for our country to think ahead and plan anything. It shows in everything he does. He's apparently being controlled totally by establishment money grubbers and self centered elitists.
Before Biden decided to pull our troops out we could have used our muscle there to control who got the contracts.

That kind of thinking causes wars. Are we now a nation of thieves?

Much easier to bid on their mining concessions. Business hates a war zone.
Just another reaaon we should have maintained the status quo in Afghanistan.

Biden is clueless and probably gives zero fucks about anything but himself, his family and ice-cream.

Anything to keep the the Dems and the investigation of Jan 6th away the message forum.
Just another reaaon we should have maintained the status quo in Afghanistan.

Biden is clueless and probably gives zero fucks about anything but himself, his family and ice-cream.

Who is to say that with all the money the Biden family got from China, with Hunter making millions there, that this was not Joe Biden's way of paying off China for all the money they gave his family?
Just another reaaon we should have maintained the status quo in Afghanistan.

Biden is clueless and probably gives zero fucks about anything but himself, his family and ice-cream.

10% for the Big Guy
China's just doing what America won't: It's thinking ahead.

All America cares about is pleasing the base, fundraising and re-election.

Just another self-inflicted wound.
Yes, owning the Biden family was China thinking ahead
China's just doing what America won't: It's thinking ahead.

All America cares about is pleasing the base, fundraising and re-election.

Just another self-inflicted wound.
You have a point

China is all about strengthening China, as where those in the US government are only interested in padding their bank accounts and hate the notion of "America First" for anything.

That's why Biden left Americans to be tortured, raped, and eaten by the Taliban.
China has risen to power on the basis of thievery and deceit. Appeasement doesn't work.


LOLOL.. China and Afghanistan are neighbors and China has been building power plants, mining operations and railroads for over a decade. They even built Port Gwadar while Dubya was fighting Iraq and Afghanistan.

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