China Politics: One Man Stands Up To The Communists In China & He Deserves Our Help


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2004
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USS Abraham Lincoln
We should help this guy. He's stood up to the Communists once on SARS, forcing them to admit it was happening, an act of courage that probably saved many lives and helped stop SARS from spreading further. I put it on the political board because this is one of those rare things most people from across the political spectrum should agree on and take action on.

now they're detaining him indefinitely because he denounced the tiananmen square slaughter. let's help him out by writing our reps. and sens. and letting them know to voice their support for him and his release.

in the spirit of freedom this close to the fourth....
I agree with what you're thinking here, but US - China are a bit tense right now with Taiwan. Perhaps this would be a good time for something to be said, then let the EU put the pressure on. From the article, it sounds like China will have a problem soon with their own people
yea, it just seems we've essentially shut up about what china does to its people. oppressors should never get a free ride.
Originally posted by NATO AIR
yea, it just seems we've essentially shut up about what china does to its people. oppressors should never get a free ride.

I hear you, but getting in a showdown with China, is not in the cards. I think he will be let go though, too much pressure if I'm reading that article correctly.
a showdown isn't warranted, but we should be a lot louder and more clear about what china is doing to its people. we have a responsibility to speak out for the oppressed, whether they be in a potential adversary or potential ally nation.

we have to remind them, as much as we reasonably can (and then some) that we stand behind them.

it seems we've shut up because of the war on terror, even though china is essentially razing and slaughtering its way to increasing islamic fundamentalist terrorism within its borders and around its area of influence, without doing anything other than kill kill to stem the spread.
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