China fires up advanced hypersonic missile challenge to US defences


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Thanks to Trump and his bad habit of conducting foreign and military policy by Tweet, we're now in a cold war with China.

New warhead glide technology could one day be used to take out controversial THAAD anti-missile system, military analyst says

China’s new “hypersonic” ballistic missiles will not only challenge the defences of the United States but also be able to more accurately hit military targets in Japan and India, according to Chinese military specialists.

The assessment comes after Tokyo-based The Diplomat magazine reported that China’s rocket forces conducted two tests late last year of a new “hypersonic glide vehicle”, or HGV, known as the DF-17, citing US intelligence sources.
HGVs are unmanned, rocket-launched, manoeuvrable aircraft that glide and “skip” through the earth’s atmosphere at incredibly fast speeds.

Compared to conventional ballistic systems, HGV warheads can travel at much higher speeds, lower altitudes and less-trackable trajectories. The approach leaves defence systems less time to intercept the warhead before it drops its payload.
China fires up new hypersonic missile challenge to US defences
On the drawing board. Not extant. Who knows what we have?

What's that spacecraft that's flown multiple long-term secret missions?
Thanks to Trump and his bad habit of conducting foreign and military policy by Tweet, we're now in a cold war with China.

New warhead glide technology could one day be used to take out controversial THAAD anti-missile system, military analyst says

China’s new “hypersonic” ballistic missiles will not only challenge the defences of the United States but also be able to more accurately hit military targets in Japan and India, according to Chinese military specialists.

The assessment comes after Tokyo-based The Diplomat magazine reported that China’s rocket forces conducted two tests late last year of a new “hypersonic glide vehicle”, or HGV, known as the DF-17, citing US intelligence sources.
HGVs are unmanned, rocket-launched, manoeuvrable aircraft that glide and “skip” through the earth’s atmosphere at incredibly fast speeds.

Compared to conventional ballistic systems, HGV warheads can travel at much higher speeds, lower altitudes and less-trackable trajectories. The approach leaves defence systems less time to intercept the warhead before it drops its payload.
China fires up new hypersonic missile challenge to US defences
So in your world China did the RnD and developed in less then a year over some Trump's tweet?

How fucking stupid do you think people here our ? you anti science moron ...the USA , Russia and China have been developing hyper Sonic missiles for years
we'll knock them down with our new laser system on Navy ships...Or with Trump's toupee..

:cool: :)

Thanks to Trump and his bad habit of conducting foreign and military policy by Tweet, we're now in a cold war with China.

New warhead glide technology could one day be used to take out controversial THAAD anti-missile system, military analyst says

China’s new “hypersonic” ballistic missiles will not only challenge the defences of the United States but also be able to more accurately hit military targets in Japan and India, according to Chinese military specialists.

The assessment comes after Tokyo-based The Diplomat magazine reported that China’s rocket forces conducted two tests late last year of a new “hypersonic glide vehicle”, or HGV, known as the DF-17, citing US intelligence sources.
HGVs are unmanned, rocket-launched, manoeuvrable aircraft that glide and “skip” through the earth’s atmosphere at incredibly fast speeds.

Compared to conventional ballistic systems, HGV warheads can travel at much higher speeds, lower altitudes and less-trackable trajectories. The approach leaves defence systems less time to intercept the warhead before it drops its payload.
China fires up new hypersonic missile challenge to US defences
Just think how far China would be behind us, if Clinton didn't give them our missle technology.

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