'Chill Out' And Pay Your 'Sin Bill'

You for some reason desperately want me to be. 😄

Your cosplay as a black person is a mental illness, but it's still funny!

We are going to bow your head and make you pay boy. Only way to avoid that is to maintain your political dominance and the only way to do that is to maintain your demographic dominance. :funnyface:
You won’t do shit boy. Neither will any other “tough guy black”. Though it would be funny watching you get your ass beat.
"You cannot put a dollar sign on what has been done to Black people. Our sin bill in this nation has been so high, and because of the long years of doing nothing, the interest has grown. Californians need to "chill out" about reparation proposals and pay their "sin bill."
-- Dr. Amos Brown, a civil rights activist and reverend of the Third Baptist Church

With all due respect, Dr. Brown, I have no 'sin bill' and owe you and blacks nothing.

Jesus Christ died on the cross for me and paid for my sins. He wiped my 'sin bill' clean.

I have never owned slaves. No one in my family ever has. I don't know anyone who has. I have never oppressed, victimized, cheated, or robbed anyone.

On top of that, I spent 37 years serving my country, defending it, the Constitution, our freedom, and the lives of EVERY American.

I owe you nothing.

Have a nice day.

The time for reparations was after slavery was abolished, and paid to those who were actually enslaved. It's been over 150 years now, 7 or 8 generations. Nobody alive today was a slave or a slave owner. The whole idea is stupid. The population today is so racially intermixed that half the country would be paying reparations to themselves. "Sin bill"? WTF is that? We are so far removed from slavery that our "Sin bill" amounts to nothing, which is all they'll get from me.
It's a helleva trick getting a citizenry to passively accept their demographic replacement like good little servile cucks. That isnt impressive enough for you? 😄

When a Nation is ruled by a uni party the citizenry aren't able to do much. Me? I don't worry about such things, God will and always has provided. You? Just another troll.
When a Nation is ruled by a uni party the citizenry aren't able to do much. Me? I don't worry about such things, God will and always has provided. You? Just another troll.
Good. Accept your inadequacy and inability. Don't fight it. Just let it happen..... 😄
Well I can read a Census report. Can you? 😄

LOL, as I said I don't worry about things that are out of my control. I enjoy life and have no reason to use the word "cuck" in every post. You are young and immature, I get it.

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