Children Being Indoctrinized In Public Schools

There are basically 3 types of Democrats.

Those that push their gender ideology on children, groom, and mutilate them.

Those who support the teaching of gender ideology to children, grooming, and mutilating them.

and those who deny Democrats are teaching gender ideology to children, grooming, and mutilating them.

BINGO. :thup:

Children Being Indoctrinized In Public Schools​

Shocking levels of brainwashing all right...

Because if everyone else in the thread gets it then that's on you. I don't have time to educated kindergartners. I didn't have to explain it to any of the others in this thread so I'm not going to explain it to you. If you can't figure it out I can't help stupid.
If you can't state your point, then you have no point to make.
If you cannot figure it out it is your problem, not his or hers.
This has nothing to do with who's problem it is, it has everything to do with wanting to have a conversation. And that can't happen until his point is known. If you can't state your point, you don't have one!
This has nothing to do with who's problem it is, it has everything to do with wanting to have a conversation. And that can't happen until his point is known. If you can't state your point, you don't have one!
I will repeat myself and say you are just too dumb to figure it out. You can't fix stupid.
Cut the crap! We both know this is a ruse to hide the fact you have no point. Or you would state it. If you actually had a point, it would not be such a big deal re-stating it.
I'm sorry it is all over your head. Everyone else was able to figure it. You should be embarrassed.
This isn't about me. I asked you a very honest and simple question, which you refuse to answer. Why? Because you can't!
We are up to seven pages and 138 posts now and everyone else has been able to figure it out. Good God, please quit embarrassing yourself. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for you.
We are up to seven pages and 138 posts now and everyone else has been able to figure it out. Good God, please quit embarrassing yourself. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for you.
This has nothing to do with everyone else. I'm not trying to set you up with a gotcha answer. I just want to know your point and I could not figure it out from the OP.
What Democrats get wrong is the need to socialize and normalize children. It is part of parenting that is partly farmed out to the public schools. Children are to be taught civil norms and patriotism. If, as adults, they choose to reject those norms, that is everyone's right; same for patriotism. If it doesn't work for you, you can become a Democrat.

But failing to teach and reinforce norms is a failure of parenting.

One of the norms of our civil society is tolerance for those who are different from you and your tribe, but Transvestite Story Hour is not teaching norms; it is teaching embracement of abnormal behavior and culture.

One of the residual effects of the Vietnam War is that Academe has been infected with a culture that hates America, initiated by the millions of draft-dodgers who went to, and stayed in, college in order to avoid serving their country. This took Academe from a place that was definitely liberal-biased, to a monochromatic Leftist paradise, where it remains today.

This is why parents of school-age children have to constantly battle to prevent their children from being indoctrinated into socialist nihilist bullshit. And from all indications, "we" are losing.

Glad I won't live long enough to see how it all turns out.
You have analyzed the situation very well.

There is an interesting article written in the late 70s by a feminist-post-modernist, which outlines the pyramid of oppression. At the top are white heterosexual males. They define what is 'normal'. At the bottom are those who want to practice "inter-generational sex", as she put it.

The Left has been patiently working, step by step, to undermine the ideology which supports what they see as this pyramid of oppression.

Paedophilia is the last remaining bastion for them to storm. They work step by step -- although the paedophiles jumped the gun at first, back in the 70s and 80s, by starting organizations like the Paedophile Information Exchange in the UK, which Leftists admitted to their coalition for a while, and then thought better of it. Or the North American Man Boy Love Association, started by a former member of the Socialist Workers Party. But the reaction to this, even from liberals, put a stopper on this.

So they go slowly, step by step, 'defining deviancy down', normalizing the abnormal. Get the children talking about sex, teach them that all forms of sex are fine. These people are patient.

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