CDZ Children and Life-Changing Choices


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2021
The Trans activist movement, which has incredibly become a massive dictator of corporate and cultural muscle, constantly advocates for the "rights" of children, even as young as 3 years old, to begin to question and then have procedures to reverse their natural, biological sex.

This is a permanent procedure.

So, A question for the Leftist/Democrat who is on board with allowing the random 8 year old to make such a big decision that will define the rest of their lives... suppose your child came home and said "Mom/Dad.. I want to tattoo my entire face black!". When you ask why, they say "Because that's what I want, it feels right, it's how I want to identify myself"...

You know darned well that...
A. "black face", if you're not black, is a mortal sin in our society.
B. Jobs will discriminate against someone who has an entirely tattooed face

Would you prevent your child from getting the tattoo? Or would you applaud them as brave and encourage them to do so?
Surgical procedures like gender transitions are rarely, if ever, done on minors.
The Trans activist movement, which has incredibly become a massive dictator of corporate and cultural muscle, constantly advocates for the "rights" of children, even as young as 3 years old, to begin to question and then have procedures to reverse their natural, biological sex.

This is a permanent procedure.

So, A question for the Leftist/Democrat who is on board with allowing the random 8 year old to make such a big decision that will define the rest of their lives... suppose your child came home and said "Mom/Dad.. I want to tattoo my entire face black!". When you ask why, they say "Because that's what I want, it feels right, it's how I want to identify myself"...

You know darned well that...
A. "black face", if you're not black, is a mortal sin in our society.
B. Jobs will discriminate against someone who has an entirely tattooed face

Would you prevent your child from getting the tattoo? Or would you applaud them as brave and encourage them to do so?
This is either a free nation or it is not a free nation.
The Trans activist movement, which has incredibly become a massive dictator of corporate and cultural muscle, constantly advocates for the "rights" of children, even as young as 3 years old, to begin to question and then have procedures to reverse their natural, biological sex.

This is a permanent procedure.

So, A question for the Leftist/Democrat who is on board with allowing the random 8 year old to make such a big decision that will define the rest of their lives... suppose your child came home and said "Mom/Dad.. I want to tattoo my entire face black!". When you ask why, they say "Because that's what I want, it feels right, it's how I want to identify myself"...

You know darned well that...
A. "black face", if you're not black, is a mortal sin in our society.
B. Jobs will discriminate against someone who has an entirely tattooed face

Would you prevent your child from getting the tattoo? Or would you applaud them as brave and encourage them to do so?
Clever Handle

This is the biggest issue these ninnys have while the country implodes
Surgical procedures like gender transitions are rarely, if ever, done on minors.
That's a red herring, more and more are celebrating the idea of it, including the current presidential administration.. which said that hormone therapy and surgeries are "gender affirming care", and the document was entitled "Gender affirming care and young people". Also, you tried to sneak in "if ever", but that's incorrect, and quite frankly it's textbook disinformation. You know it happens as I do, it's talked about routinely outside of major news outlets on the topic... it's as if folks of a certain ideology don't want it to become widely known. I mean hey, murder rarely happens.. but if someone is murdered, we don't just say "Hey.. it's rarely, IF EVER, done.. so why do you care????"

You're deflecting.. and I think it's because you know it's wrong, but you have to remain faithful to your leftst elders.

Also, I noticed you didn't answer the question.
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yet, it happens whether there is a law or not, it will occur with social interactions inside or out of the school. There is nothing you can do about it..
So should Christians, Muslims, etc. be mad that their ideologies aren't being taught in public schools? Because like trans ideology, they are faith based arguments with no biological defined evidence.

Also, I noticed you didn't answer the question
You can bet the teach wont tell em the chance of suicide increases dramatically
Let me beat the leftist talking point brigade to the punch.

Yes, transgender folk commit suicide at a MASSIVELY higher rate than anyone else. Some estimates are 30-40%.

The left's explanation? It's because they're bullied and don't feel welcome, so we have to encompass our entire society to embrace them! Well, no, a supposed "victim-class" doesn't regularly commit suicide just because they are pressured, that's provable by looking at suicide rates across the board on the victim-class scale. Blacks commit suicide at a FAR less rate than whites. If oppression=suicide, that's impossible. So... something else is happening..

and clinical psychology knows what's happening. People who have billions of cells in their body who say they are X are fighting this X and trying to convince themselves they're Y. Instead of dealing with this conflict, the left is embracing it and encouraging people to continue to fight their biological truth and put their mind and body in more strenuous conflict. Those that drink the leftist coolaid become absolutely broken and can't handle the tension that their cells are screaming, and they tragically end it.

Now we have mainstream democrats desiring children to take this path. It's like encouraging Heroin use, and claiming your virtuous for doing it.
Surgical procedures like gender transitions are rarely, if ever, done on minors.

Well, let's follow the science on that, shall we?

"We identified 417 unique transgender and gender-nonconforming pediatric patients. The median age at time of referral was 15 years (range 3-17) . . . During the study period, the clinic received a total of 506 referrals with a significant increase over time (P < .001). Most referrals were for requests to start cross-sex hormones and/or blockers (34%), gender-affirming surgery (32%), and mental health (27%). Transition-related requests varied by age group: younger patients sought more mental health services, and older patients sought hormonal and surgical services. Eighty-nine patients underwent gender-affirming surgeries, mostly before age 18 and most frequently mastectomies (77%).

For the record, the study was of ONE clinic over a three-year period.

And then there's this:

But yeah. People always advertise services that aren't ever requested.
The Trans activist movement, which has incredibly become a massive dictator of corporate and cultural muscle, constantly advocates for the "rights" of children, even as young as 3 years old, to begin to question and then have procedures to reverse their natural, biological sex.

This is a permanent procedure.

So, A question for the Leftist/Democrat who is on board with allowing the random 8 year old to make such a big decision that will define the rest of their lives... suppose your child came home and said "Mom/Dad.. I want to tattoo my entire face black!". When you ask why, they say "Because that's what I want, it feels right, it's how I want to identify myself"...

You know darned well that...
A. "black face", if you're not black, is a mortal sin in our society.
B. Jobs will discriminate against someone who has an entirely tattooed face

Would you prevent your child from getting the tattoo? Or would you applaud them as brave and encourage them to do so?
What I don't understand is that we have all of these laws in place that basically state that in general, until they reach the age of 18 their brains are still too under developed for them to make "good" decisions. This means they cannot enter into a contract (it's valid if they're not an adult), nor can they give "legal" consent, that's pretty much the definition of statutory rape.

So does it make a difference if the parent is perpetuating or assisting a child who our laws and society state shouldn't and can't make life altering decisions for themselves because they are not mature enough to do so, especially when you're talking about young children?
We are making a huge deal out of zero point 6 percent of the population. when we have big problems that effect 98.6 of the population?
yet, it happens whether there is a law or not, it will occur with social interactions inside or out of the school. There is nothing you can do about it..
That never did happen when I was growing up. Perhaps the schools should concentrate more on
reading, writing and arithmetic than social engineering. I don't like the indoctrination
that has been going on in the schools by the union teachers.
The Trans activist movement, which has incredibly become a massive dictator of corporate and cultural muscle, constantly advocates for the "rights" of children, even as young as 3 years old, to begin to question and then have procedures to reverse their natural, biological sex.

:linky: :link:
The Trans activist movement, which has incredibly become a massive dictator of corporate and cultural muscle, constantly advocates for the "rights" of children, even as young as 3 years old, to begin to question and then have procedures to reverse their natural, biological sex.

This is a permanent procedure.

So, A question for the Leftist/Democrat who is on board with allowing the random 8 year old to make such a big decision that will define the rest of their lives... suppose your child came home and said "Mom/Dad.. I want to tattoo my entire face black!". When you ask why, they say "Because that's what I want, it feels right, it's how I want to identify myself"...

You know darned well that...
A. "black face", if you're not black, is a mortal sin in our society.
B. Jobs will discriminate against someone who has an entirely tattooed face

Would you prevent your child from getting the tattoo? Or would you applaud them as brave and encourage them to do so?
Our Founding Fathers had beliefs, mostly from Jesus, and the apostles who came to build faith in God upon his words and their knowledge. The Apostle Paul was called upon by way of St. Peter's faith and teachings to correct community churches that seemed to be drifting away from elemental teachings of Jesus based upon the books he was well acquainted with through his parents' religion, that we now refer to as the old Testament. Christ's words reflected the known scriptures as learned by Peter and Paul, and this is what they believed about acceptable human conduct. And the apostle Paul wrote the following words from his conversion to the Word of Jesus Christ as follows, in his letter to the Collossians, in chapter 3 of his letter:

These words were handed down through the ages, from the time Paul wrote them for the edification of the Collosian Church and all churches who taught what Jesus believed through his many sermons, some recorded with the wisdom that some who knew Jesus said what was written wasn't all they heard, basically, because Christs words were generally explanations of things too hard for most people to understand. When he was only 12 years old, it was written that his knowledge of the scriptures were amazing to those who heard him explain them to others. We believe Christ was the son of God, and Mary and Joseph saw to it that their son would reflect the Word of God exactly, and he did. I'm pretty certain this particular subject was thoroughly set forth in the Old Testament books credited to Moses. The intent of these teachings were to help people avoid truly sorrowful outcomes of other lifestyles that do not produce children of the Kingdom of God. And yet, we know God is all-merciful to those who believe his words.


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