ChiCom Flu Cases Surging In Most Vaccinated State In America

People migrations are rather easy to watch...these aren't exactly numbers that most gubberment want published unlike Wall Street housing investors do.we kinda watch where people are migrating towards and who is migrating.

At first Urban flight was the order of the day... people wanted out of the cities and moved to the suburbs. Then they moved to the country. Now they are moving to high vaccinated areas

They don't want to catch the virus but they don't want to be vaccinated either.

But in truth, currently even rural areas are just as bad as urban areas.

Going to have to pick your poison...pun intended.

And the vaccines are the lesser of the two.

Roughly 25% of cases of Delta Variant are turning into long Covid.... everything from streaks of bald patches of hair on your head (Even women) to encephalitis causing early onset dementia to organ damage keeping you from working for 6-9 months minimum to outwards of two years.

Or myocarditis in less than half of a thousandth of a percent of patients (for mRNA vaccines)
Keep on following all of the contradictory CDC reports. I can tell you by personal experience, that MOST people infected by covid have little to no symptoms. I had very minor, five other members had varying degrees of minor discomfort. My brother otoh, has been fully vaxxed and he called yesterday to inform me that he tested positive--we'll see if there is any difference in his experience. Here's the bottom line--you believe in it, more power to you. I don't. So just MYOB and stay in your own back yard.

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