Chicago Mayor doesn't want to sleep in her bed, wierd

I'm sure this is common in PROG-towns across the USA. They fuck it up all the way around, and then complain about it, go figure. Spoiled children isn't even a metaphor for PROGS, they're equal in every way but age.

Remember in November, should be easy. Mayor pleads with Walmart, other retailers to not abandon Chicago

Stores closing up is a reflection on the Mayor, and will be brought up by whoever challenges her for re-election. But when you cater to the criminals, and do nothing about the violence that has plagued that city for many years, you end up in a very precarious situation come election time.

She can't expect Walmart to take such losses, dust their shirt and pants off, and stay open to save her ass and political career. This is what she's asking for. So I hope they all close up to be quite honest. Maybe these commie Mayors and Governors will finally realize that their actions have ramifications.

Fucking Chicago, I was there first time in January. Expensive and their Fire-force demonstrated all I needed to know. A false alarm sounded in the hotel, about 20 fire-persons stood in the lobby with dumb-looks are their faces for at least a 1/2 hr. that screamed bureaucracy. Half of them looked out of shape, not athletic, and would have trouble carrying more than 70 lbs........................................Big contrast what's here, but then speak of running from beds, there's the California blue invasion. We supported Bernie for POTUS. What else can be said except look who he was running against. We'd see Ca. plate more than other out-of-state plates sure, but not like this. Now it seems they're one every 5 vehicles, a big increase since COVID too, I don't know why.

California sucks like Chicago too. I feel bad for the rural areas putting up with the west coast all these years, and now Nevada victim as well. Funny how Ca. was a red state before Clinton and internet. If you don't read you're uniformed, if you do you're misinformed and PROGS rely on it 24/7.

On the bright side I talk to people. To the major extent even those that would otherwise support left recognize how deeply corrupt the left has become.. Many are close to seeing it, others too young or it's inbred in them to bleed left regardless. I've come to realize the typical PROG-adult is the same as spoiled & demanding very young children. The only difference being the PROG-adult never left the spot.

The election is over already, we'll just have to sit back and watch what the left has in store for us next. Bet your ass it's more than politics, they're taking advantage of COVID on every level possible. Their big problem is so many are onto their tactics, that's what happens when you overplay the joker.

Remember in November, get rid of every Democrat possible. The sooner that party is dead and replaced the less damage we can hope they'll do.

Now that the left realizes rioting is permitted with impunity, look to see similar riots after Trump wins. This will be ignited by the MSM with their usual claim that Republicans cheated the elections. If the Democrats keep the House, it will be followed by more phony impeachments.

The cost of living in these blue cities and states is unbelievable to us here in Ohio. In the winter time and rainy days in summer, I often watch HGTV. A home you can buy for 800K in some of these places, you can get for about 300K over here. I especially enjoy their episodes with Montana. For 500K, you can buy a home like a ski lodge.
When the mayors of big cities side with rioters over their police forces, smart people and smart companies leave.
Why is that so difficult to understand?

Walmart isn't a "smart company". It's a corporate predator, which has done immense damage to small businesses and tax bases across the nation, not to mention using governement programs to subsidize workers wages.

I'd break up every one of these multinational retailers as destructive to the economy in general.
When the mayors of big cities side with rioters over their police forces, smart people and smart companies leave.
Why is that so difficult to understand?

Walmart isn't a "smart company". It's a corporate predator, which has done immense damage to small businesses and tax bases across the nation, not to mention using governement programs to subsidize workers wages.

I'd break up every one of these multinational retailers as destructive to the economy in general.

That old wives tale again? Walmart doesn't use any social programs. They don't need any. Who needs these programs are workers full of dope that can't pass a drug screen to get a better paying job.

Our neighboring suburb opened up a new mall about ten years ago or so. Besides Walmart, dozens of other stores opened as well. It was pretty successful for all of them. However Walmart wanted to build a Super Walmart which wasn't possible in this mall. So they found an excuse to get out of their lease at the new mall, and built that Super Walmart in another neighboring suburb of ours on the opposite side of our city.

When Walmart closed in the new mall, other much smaller stores closed as well. Walmart is what's known in business as an Anchor Store. In other words, the amount of people that go to their store will have a residual effect on all the others. People will initially go to Walmart for some shopping, see the other stores, and shop at those smaller stores as well.

You may find a lone story here and there of Walmart closing smaller stores, but Walmart is responsible for opening up ten times more smaller stores than they have closed.
I'm sure this is common in PROG-towns across the USA. They fuck it up all the way around, and then complain about it, go figure. Spoiled children isn't even a metaphor for PROGS, they're equal in every way but age.

Remember in November, should be easy. Mayor pleads with Walmart, other retailers to not abandon Chicago

Stores closing up is a reflection on the Mayor, and will be brought up by whoever challenges her for re-election. But when you cater to the criminals, and do nothing about the violence that has plagued that city for many years, you end up in a very precarious situation come election time.

She can't expect Walmart to take such losses, dust their shirt and pants off, and stay open to save her ass and political career. This is what she's asking for. So I hope they all close up to be quite honest. Maybe these commie Mayors and Governors will finally realize that their actions have ramifications.

Fucking Chicago, I was there first time in January. Expensive and their Fire-force demonstrated all I needed to know. A false alarm sounded in the hotel, about 20 fire-persons stood in the lobby with dumb-looks are their faces for at least a 1/2 hr. that screamed bureaucracy. Half of them looked out of shape, not athletic, and would have trouble carrying more than 70 lbs........................................Big contrast what's here, but then speak of running from beds, there's the California blue invasion. We supported Bernie for POTUS. What else can be said except look who he was running against. We'd see Ca. plate more than other out-of-state plates sure, but not like this. Now it seems they're one every 5 vehicles, a big increase since COVID too, I don't know why.

California sucks like Chicago too. I feel bad for the rural areas putting up with the west coast all these years, and now Nevada victim as well. Funny how Ca. was a red state before Clinton and internet. If you don't read you're uniformed, if you do you're misinformed and PROGS rely on it 24/7.

On the bright side I talk to people. To the major extent even those that would otherwise support left recognize how deeply corrupt the left has become.. Many are close to seeing it, others too young or it's inbred in them to bleed left regardless. I've come to realize the typical PROG-adult is the same as spoiled & demanding very young children. The only difference being the PROG-adult never left the spot.

The election is over already, we'll just have to sit back and watch what the left has in store for us next. Bet your ass it's more than politics, they're taking advantage of COVID on every level possible. Their big problem is so many are onto their tactics, that's what happens when you overplay the joker.

Remember in November, get rid of every Democrat possible. The sooner that party is dead and replaced the less damage we can hope they'll do.

Now that the left realizes rioting is permitted with impunity, look to see similar riots after Trump wins. This will be ignited by the MSM with their usual claim that Republicans cheated the elections. If the Democrats keep the House, it will be followed by more phony impeachments.

The cost of living in these blue cities and states is unbelievable to us here in Ohio. In the winter time and rainy days in summer, I often watch HGTV. A home you can buy for 800K in some of these places, you can get for about 300K over here. I especially enjoy their episodes with Montana. For 500K, you can buy a home like a ski lodge.

That's nothing, you should see the cost of homes in many Ca. cities, silicon valley and that. You're likely not to find equal my place, and if you could it's going to run an easy 10 million. Some of the Seattle area the same, my aunt sold her 1500 sq. home on a small lot for well over a million years ago, one day on the market. Nice neighborhood but nothing special. Equal here would run 380K, but we're just starting. With PROG comes inflation.
I'm sure this is common in PROG-towns across the USA. They fuck it up all the way around, and then complain about it, go figure. Spoiled children isn't even a metaphor for PROGS, they're equal in every way but age.

Remember in November, should be easy. Mayor pleads with Walmart, other retailers to not abandon Chicago

Stores closing up is a reflection on the Mayor, and will be brought up by whoever challenges her for re-election. But when you cater to the criminals, and do nothing about the violence that has plagued that city for many years, you end up in a very precarious situation come election time.

She can't expect Walmart to take such losses, dust their shirt and pants off, and stay open to save her ass and political career. This is what she's asking for. So I hope they all close up to be quite honest. Maybe these commie Mayors and Governors will finally realize that their actions have ramifications.

Fucking Chicago, I was there first time in January. Expensive and their Fire-force demonstrated all I needed to know. A false alarm sounded in the hotel, about 20 fire-persons stood in the lobby with dumb-looks are their faces for at least a 1/2 hr. that screamed bureaucracy. Half of them looked out of shape, not athletic, and would have trouble carrying more than 70 lbs........................................Big contrast what's here, but then speak of running from beds, there's the California blue invasion. We supported Bernie for POTUS. What else can be said except look who he was running against. We'd see Ca. plate more than other out-of-state plates sure, but not like this. Now it seems they're one every 5 vehicles, a big increase since COVID too, I don't know why.

California sucks like Chicago too. I feel bad for the rural areas putting up with the west coast all these years, and now Nevada victim as well. Funny how Ca. was a red state before Clinton and internet. If you don't read you're uniformed, if you do you're misinformed and PROGS rely on it 24/7.

On the bright side I talk to people. To the major extent even those that would otherwise support left recognize how deeply corrupt the left has become.. Many are close to seeing it, others too young or it's inbred in them to bleed left regardless. I've come to realize the typical PROG-adult is the same as spoiled & demanding very young children. The only difference being the PROG-adult never left the spot.

The election is over already, we'll just have to sit back and watch what the left has in store for us next. Bet your ass it's more than politics, they're taking advantage of COVID on every level possible. Their big problem is so many are onto their tactics, that's what happens when you overplay the joker.

Remember in November, get rid of every Democrat possible. The sooner that party is dead and replaced the less damage we can hope they'll do.

Now that the left realizes rioting is permitted with impunity, look to see similar riots after Trump wins. This will be ignited by the MSM with their usual claim that Republicans cheated the elections. If the Democrats keep the House, it will be followed by more phony impeachments.

The cost of living in these blue cities and states is unbelievable to us here in Ohio. In the winter time and rainy days in summer, I often watch HGTV. A home you can buy for 800K in some of these places, you can get for about 300K over here. I especially enjoy their episodes with Montana. For 500K, you can buy a home like a ski lodge.

That's nothing, you should see the cost of homes in many Ca. cities, silicon valley and that. You're likely not to find equal my place, and if you could it's going to run an easy 10 million. Some of the Seattle area the same, my aunt sold her 1500 sq. home on a small lot for well over a million years ago, one day on the market. Nice neighborhood but nothing special. Equal here would run 380K, but we're just starting. With PROG comes inflation.

Correct, I've never been to CA, but I do have a cousin there. She was asking about my rental properties at a family party, and then brought up how she was renting to somebody herself. She got a divorce, and when the kids turned 18, the child support stopped. She had to do something to keep her house. She had an in-law suite which consisted of a bed, kitchenette and a bathroom, nothing more. Not only did she rent it out for $1,300 a month, she had people calling her for weeks after she took the ad off the internet.

I believe it was LA that introduced rent control, which would have been un-constitutional in my opinion. No government can tell an investor what their profit is allowed to be, without placing equal limitations on profits of all other businesses. It's a violation of equal protection under the law. I didn't get into the rental business as a social obligation, I got into it like any other investor, and that is to make as much profit as I can.
I'm sure this is common in PROG-towns across the USA. They fuck it up all the way around, and then complain about it, go figure. Spoiled children isn't even a metaphor for PROGS, they're equal in every way but age.

Remember in November, should be easy. Mayor pleads with Walmart, other retailers to not abandon Chicago

Stores closing up is a reflection on the Mayor, and will be brought up by whoever challenges her for re-election. But when you cater to the criminals, and do nothing about the violence that has plagued that city for many years, you end up in a very precarious situation come election time.

She can't expect Walmart to take such losses, dust their shirt and pants off, and stay open to save her ass and political career. This is what she's asking for. So I hope they all close up to be quite honest. Maybe these commie Mayors and Governors will finally realize that their actions have ramifications.

Fucking Chicago, I was there first time in January. Expensive and their Fire-force demonstrated all I needed to know. A false alarm sounded in the hotel, about 20 fire-persons stood in the lobby with dumb-looks are their faces for at least a 1/2 hr. that screamed bureaucracy. Half of them looked out of shape, not athletic, and would have trouble carrying more than 70 lbs........................................Big contrast what's here, but then speak of running from beds, there's the California blue invasion. We supported Bernie for POTUS. What else can be said except look who he was running against. We'd see Ca. plate more than other out-of-state plates sure, but not like this. Now it seems they're one every 5 vehicles, a big increase since COVID too, I don't know why.

California sucks like Chicago too. I feel bad for the rural areas putting up with the west coast all these years, and now Nevada victim as well. Funny how Ca. was a red state before Clinton and internet. If you don't read you're uniformed, if you do you're misinformed and PROGS rely on it 24/7.

On the bright side I talk to people. To the major extent even those that would otherwise support left recognize how deeply corrupt the left has become.. Many are close to seeing it, others too young or it's inbred in them to bleed left regardless. I've come to realize the typical PROG-adult is the same as spoiled & demanding very young children. The only difference being the PROG-adult never left the spot.

The election is over already, we'll just have to sit back and watch what the left has in store for us next. Bet your ass it's more than politics, they're taking advantage of COVID on every level possible. Their big problem is so many are onto their tactics, that's what happens when you overplay the joker.

Remember in November, get rid of every Democrat possible. The sooner that party is dead and replaced the less damage we can hope they'll do.

Now that the left realizes rioting is permitted with impunity, look to see similar riots after Trump wins. This will be ignited by the MSM with their usual claim that Republicans cheated the elections. If the Democrats keep the House, it will be followed by more phony impeachments.

The cost of living in these blue cities and states is unbelievable to us here in Ohio. In the winter time and rainy days in summer, I often watch HGTV. A home you can buy for 800K in some of these places, you can get for about 300K over here. I especially enjoy their episodes with Montana. For 500K, you can buy a home like a ski lodge.

That's nothing, you should see the cost of homes in many Ca. cities, silicon valley and that. You're likely not to find equal my place, and if you could it's going to run an easy 10 million. Some of the Seattle area the same, my aunt sold her 1500 sq. home on a small lot for well over a million years ago, one day on the market. Nice neighborhood but nothing special. Equal here would run 380K, but we're just starting. With PROG comes inflation.

Correct, I've never been to CA, but I do have a cousin there. She was asking about my rental properties at a family party, and then brought up how she was renting to somebody herself. She got a divorce, and when the kids turned 18, the child support stopped. She had to do something to keep her house. She had an in-law suite which consisted of a bed, kitchenette and a bathroom, nothing more. Not only did she rent it out for $1,300 a month, she had people calling her for weeks after she took the ad off the internet.

I believe it was LA that introduced rent control, which would have been un-constitutional in my opinion. No government can tell an investor what their profit is allowed to be, without placing equal limitations on profits of all other businesses. It's a violation of equal protection under the law. I didn't get into the rental business as a social obligation, I got into it like any other investor, and that is to make as much profit as I can.

Rent control is absolute bullshit. Let the market speak, though I'm up for preserving space too, which PROGS only claim they are. They want their cake (rent control) and eat it (open borders) too. All the while they "care about the environment". Environment for what?

$1300 could be a very good deal for that in Ca. My son and his friend had a SMOKIN deal Mission Beach Blvd, San Diego, say six years ago. They liked it because of the bar/restaurant scene, but more than that their place was a 2 minute walk to the beach. 2 bedroom apt., $1600.
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I'm sure this is common in PROG-towns across the USA. They fuck it up all the way around, and then complain about it, go figure. Spoiled children isn't even a metaphor for PROGS, they're equal in every way but age.

Remember in November, should be easy. Mayor pleads with Walmart, other retailers to not abandon Chicago

Stores closing up is a reflection on the Mayor, and will be brought up by whoever challenges her for re-election. But when you cater to the criminals, and do nothing about the violence that has plagued that city for many years, you end up in a very precarious situation come election time.

She can't expect Walmart to take such losses, dust their shirt and pants off, and stay open to save her ass and political career. This is what she's asking for. So I hope they all close up to be quite honest. Maybe these commie Mayors and Governors will finally realize that their actions have ramifications.

Fucking Chicago, I was there first time in January. Expensive and their Fire-force demonstrated all I needed to know. A false alarm sounded in the hotel, about 20 fire-persons stood in the lobby with dumb-looks are their faces for at least a 1/2 hr. that screamed bureaucracy. Half of them looked out of shape, not athletic, and would have trouble carrying more than 70 lbs........................................Big contrast what's here, but then speak of running from beds, there's the California blue invasion. We supported Bernie for POTUS. What else can be said except look who he was running against. We'd see Ca. plate more than other out-of-state plates sure, but not like this. Now it seems they're one every 5 vehicles, a big increase since COVID too, I don't know why.

California sucks like Chicago too. I feel bad for the rural areas putting up with the west coast all these years, and now Nevada victim as well. Funny how Ca. was a red state before Clinton and internet. If you don't read you're uniformed, if you do you're misinformed and PROGS rely on it 24/7.

On the bright side I talk to people. To the major extent even those that would otherwise support left recognize how deeply corrupt the left has become.. Many are close to seeing it, others too young or it's inbred in them to bleed left regardless. I've come to realize the typical PROG-adult is the same as spoiled & demanding very young children. The only difference being the PROG-adult never left the spot.

The election is over already, we'll just have to sit back and watch what the left has in store for us next. Bet your ass it's more than politics, they're taking advantage of COVID on every level possible. Their big problem is so many are onto their tactics, that's what happens when you overplay the joker.

Remember in November, get rid of every Democrat possible. The sooner that party is dead and replaced the less damage we can hope they'll do.

Now that the left realizes rioting is permitted with impunity, look to see similar riots after Trump wins. This will be ignited by the MSM with their usual claim that Republicans cheated the elections. If the Democrats keep the House, it will be followed by more phony impeachments.

The cost of living in these blue cities and states is unbelievable to us here in Ohio. In the winter time and rainy days in summer, I often watch HGTV. A home you can buy for 800K in some of these places, you can get for about 300K over here. I especially enjoy their episodes with Montana. For 500K, you can buy a home like a ski lodge.

That's nothing, you should see the cost of homes in many Ca. cities, silicon valley and that. You're likely not to find equal my place, and if you could it's going to run an easy 10 million. Some of the Seattle area the same, my aunt sold her 1500 sq. home on a small lot for well over a million years ago, one day on the market. Nice neighborhood but nothing special. Equal here would run 380K, but we're just starting. With PROG comes inflation.

Correct, I've never been to CA, but I do have a cousin there. She was asking about my rental properties at a family party, and then brought up how she was renting to somebody herself. She got a divorce, and when the kids turned 18, the child support stopped. She had to do something to keep her house. She had an in-law suite which consisted of a bed, kitchenette and a bathroom, nothing more. Not only did she rent it out for $1,300 a month, she had people calling her for weeks after she took the ad off the internet.

I believe it was LA that introduced rent control, which would have been un-constitutional in my opinion. No government can tell an investor what their profit is allowed to be, without placing equal limitations on profits of all other businesses. It's a violation of equal protection under the law. I didn't get into the rental business as a social obligation, I got into it like any other investor, and that is to make as much profit as I can.

Rent control is absolute bullshit. Let the market speak, though I'm up for preserving space too, which PROGS only claim they are. They want their cake (rent control) and eat it (open borders) too. All the while they "care about the environment". Environment for what?

$1300 could be a very good deal for that in Ca. My son and his friend had a SMOKIN deal Mission Beach Blvd, San Diego, say six years ago. They liked it because of the bar/restaurant scene, but more than that their place was a 2 minute walk to the beach. 2 bedroom apt., $1600.

From what I understand over there, that's a hell of a deal.

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