Chelsea Handler Flees The Scene

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
First off, Chelsea is worth $35M so her being a communist doesn't fly in fly-over country. She supposedly quit her Netflix gig moments before they fired her and decided to dedicate her life to destroying Trump and us deplorables. Her blunders were hilarious, her taunts ridiculous because they betrayed her new "progressive" agenda, and she was burning every bridge in sight to return to the show business. Recently she'd been known for her sex tapes, one with a midget, and another, a mudshark romp with 50cent.


But after 3 months of being an "advocate for the resistance", she's quit. Done. It's over:

The former comedian wrote on Twitter that after spending a month on vacation, she needs a break from "this toxic news cycle."

"After a month of skiing and reflection, I was able to break from this toxic news cycle," Handler wrote on Tuesday.
The 42-year-old said she was overwhelmed by keeping up with the news and wants her "life back."
However, she added that she still plans on staying informed by watching her "favorite" news show with MSNBC's Joy Reid.

"After a month of skiing and reflection".....ain't these Buddhist commies remarkable at multi-tasking? So long's like you were never here at all. :uhoh3:

Activist Chelsea Handler needs break from 'toxic news cycle,' will stay informed by watching Joy Reid
First off, Chelsea is worth $35M so her being a communist doesn't fly in fly-over country. She supposedly quit her Netflix gig moments before they fired her and decided to dedicate her life to destroying Trump and us deplorables. Her blunders were hilarious, her taunts ridiculous because they betrayed her new "progressive" agenda, and she was burning every bridge in sight to return to the show business. Recently she'd been known for her sex tapes, one with a midget, and another, a mudshark romp with 50cent.


But after 3 months of being an "advocate for the resistance", she's quit. Done. It's over:

The former comedian wrote on Twitter that after spending a month on vacation, she needs a break from "this toxic news cycle."

"After a month of skiing and reflection, I was able to break from this toxic news cycle," Handler wrote on Tuesday.
The 42-year-old said she was overwhelmed by keeping up with the news and wants her "life back."
However, she added that she still plans on staying informed by watching her "favorite" news show with MSNBC's Joy Reid.

"After a month of skiing and reflection".....ain't these Buddhist commies remarkable at multi-tasking? So long's like you were never here at all. :uhoh3:

Activist Chelsea Handler needs break from 'toxic news cycle,' will stay informed by watching Joy Reid

Who gives a shit? This isn't political, this is an unhealthy obsession with some trivial famous person. No one cares.
But chelsea is a dumb bitch. And she isnt the funniest.
Just thought i should clarify lol
id fuck her

I worry about you
She is hot. And the perfect age.
I would have married a 40 something year old but i still want her to look decent when im 60. It will be hard enough getting it hard without dilapidated sacks of fat with 4inch nipples hitting me in the face at every pump.

Entirely too much info...
I needed you to picture it to fully appreciate it.

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