Chelsea Clinton Threatens To Go Into Politics


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Chelsea Clinton Threatens To Go Into Politics

April 9, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


Since then she’s worked at a consulting firm, sat on a board and was given a job at NBC reporting positive life affirming stories. Her performance was terrible, but she was kept on for obvious reasons. After marrying the spawn of another Democratic politician, there’s only one thing ahead for her and that’s running for public office… somewhere.

“Right now I’m grateful to live in a city, in a state and a country where I strongly support my mayor, my governor, my president, my senators and my representative,” she told NBC’s “Today” in an interview that aired Monday.

She continued: “If at some point that weren’t true and I thought I could make a meaningful and measurably greater impact, I’d have to ask and answer that question.”

So what does that mean? Probably that at some point she’ll migrate downriver or upriver to spawn a new political career in a state that has no idea she’s about to be foisted on them.

Chelsea Clinton Threatens To Go Into Politics | FrontPage Magazine

Chelsea Clinton Threatens To Go Into Politics

April 9, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


Since then she’s worked at a consulting firm, sat on a board and was given a job at NBC reporting positive life affirming stories. Her performance was terrible, but she was kept on for obvious reasons. After marrying the spawn of another Democratic politician, there’s only one thing ahead for her and that’s running for public office… somewhere.

“Right now I’m grateful to live in a city, in a state and a country where I strongly support my mayor, my governor, my president, my senators and my representative,” she told NBC’s “Today” in an interview that aired Monday.

She continued: “If at some point that weren’t true and I thought I could make a meaningful and measurably greater impact, I’d have to ask and answer that question.”

So what does that mean? Probably that at some point she’ll migrate downriver or upriver to spawn a new political career in a state that has no idea she’s about to be foisted on them.

Chelsea Clinton Threatens To Go Into Politics | FrontPage Magazine

According to who?

This Daniel Greenfield bozo? Who the fuck is he and why should we care?

I've listened to Chelsea speak and she's quite articulate. He just dislikes her because she's a Clinton.
Mebbe she lookin' at the 2020 Presidential race...

... she oughta be `bout old enough by den...

... dat oughta be sumpin dey could look into...

... onna 20/20 TV program.
The Clinton cleverness index is diminishing with each family member.No doubt Chelsea will have a daughter who will want to go into politics too.

For heavens sakes ... Bill was more than enough! Please spare us all any more Clintonitis!!!!!!
Well, of course.

Politics always has been a FAMILY business in the USA.

If you doubt that check out the family lines of our Presidents.

Chelsea Clinton Threatens To Go Into Politics

April 9, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


Since then she’s worked at a consulting firm, sat on a board and was given a job at NBC reporting positive life affirming stories. Her performance was terrible, but she was kept on for obvious reasons. After marrying the spawn of another Democratic politician, there’s only one thing ahead for her and that’s running for public office… somewhere.

“Right now I’m grateful to live in a city, in a state and a country where I strongly support my mayor, my governor, my president, my senators and my representative,” she told NBC’s “Today” in an interview that aired Monday.

She continued: “If at some point that weren’t true and I thought I could make a meaningful and measurably greater impact, I’d have to ask and answer that question.”

So what does that mean? Probably that at some point she’ll migrate downriver or upriver to spawn a new political career in a state that has no idea she’s about to be foisted on them.

Chelsea Clinton Threatens To Go Into Politics | FrontPage Magazine

According to who?

This Daniel Greenfield bozo? Who the fuck is he and why should we care?

I've listened to Chelsea speak and she's quite articulate. He just dislikes her because she's a Clinton.

SF, don't get all wee weed up wit yo panties in a bunch running around in circles stomping yo hooves...:eusa_shhh:

Chelsea Clinton Threatens To Go Into Politics

April 9, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


Since then she’s worked at a consulting firm, sat on a board and was given a job at NBC reporting positive life affirming stories. Her performance was terrible, but she was kept on for obvious reasons. After marrying the spawn of another Democratic politician, there’s only one thing ahead for her and that’s running for public office… somewhere.

“Right now I’m grateful to live in a city, in a state and a country where I strongly support my mayor, my governor, my president, my senators and my representative,” she told NBC’s “Today” in an interview that aired Monday.

She continued: “If at some point that weren’t true and I thought I could make a meaningful and measurably greater impact, I’d have to ask and answer that question.”

So what does that mean? Probably that at some point she’ll migrate downriver or upriver to spawn a new political career in a state that has no idea she’s about to be foisted on them.

Chelsea Clinton Threatens To Go Into Politics | FrontPage Magazine

Oh no, are you scared?
Chelsea could do anything she sets her mind to. I understand why cons would be wary.

Anyone can succeed if their father was an ex-President. You don't actually believe that she is smart enough to succeed on her merits do you??? I have a bridge for sale as well... :lol::lol::lol:
The Clintons, Kennedys and Bushes. These people get into office simply because of their family names. I thought America wasn't supposed to have a nobility
And you know what about her merits?

History has shown us that alcoholic ex cocaine addicts with C grade averages can become president if their father was a president himself. Who needs merit when you have something far more valuable: family bloodlines.
Who did she threaten? Just the Clinton name strikes fear into the hearts of wingnuts (or at least into that space where a heart should be).
Families of those already in high political office generally also go into political office.......because they have those sycophants around them their whole lives who push them to follow in the 'familial business.'

We really need to get a whole new crop of people who DON'T HAVE parents or relatives who are/were in political office just to mix things up a little. Newbies.
Most of us live in a kind dog-eat-dog meritocracy.

Our ELITE CLASS does not.

Never did, either.

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