Chaz and Haight-Ashbury


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
I doubt these Trustafarians will hold on to their new conquest long, but if it lasts long enough, a reference to the Hippy district is called for. For those of you who don't know:

The Summer of Love attracted a wide range of people of various ages: teenagers and college students drawn by their peers and the allure of joining a cultural utopia; middle-class vacationers; and even partying military personnel from bases within driving distance. The Haight-Ashbury could not accommodate this rapid influx of people, and the neighborhood scene quickly deteriorated. Overcrowding, homelessness, hunger, drug problems, and crime afflicted the neighborhood. Many people left in the autumn to resume their college studies.[26] On October 6, 1967, those remaining in the Haight staged a mock funeral, Digger happening, "The Death of the Hippie" ceremony.[29] Mary Kasper explained the message of the mock funeral.
I doubt these Trustafarians will hold on to their new conquest long, but if it lasts long enough, a reference to the Hippy district is called for.
I'm cornfused. I thought they were protesting racism, you mean no democrats are racist? or only white ones? I thought thery were protesting police, but some police are democrat, are those ones OK? And what about the people and businesses in this zone? And as far as holding onto this zone, let's face it, this farce will only go on as long as the authorities LET IT. These people have NO ability to stop the police, LEO, Nat. Guard or anyone else if they really WANT to take it back.
I loathe these braindead commie fuckers just as much as dirty hippies!
I was a "dirty hippy" once, long ago.
How many times did you get VD?
Never, but a hippy chick gave me the crabs once. Quell lotion worked wonders. None of that AIDS shit since I didn't do junkies or Haitians or even butt sex.
Thank God for that! Many hippies did get their free love and then free penicillin after that.

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