Flower Shop Robberies


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
To bring some Coronavirus-time cheer, here's a fun dioramic parable about the ironic frailty of modern-day destroyed capitalism, inspired by the humorous film Quick Change (Bill Murray). Thanks so much for reading,


A trio of young post-graduate Americans in San Francisco were managing a flower-shop together. These weren't hippies. They were neo-liberals with a positive attitude towards life in the modern city. San Francisco isn't the typical city and hospitable to eccentric optimism even after the Big '80s. Well, these three young Americans, Isaac, Ali, and Lark, were happily managing a flower-shop together called the Maid Service Flowers (MSF) near Haight-Ashbury Street. Isaac spent idle time doodling drawings of maids while waiting for new customers to MSF.


ISAAC: "I love this flower-shop, and I love San Francisco. I love working in this city, and I love my two co-workers Ali and Lark. We studied at the University of California-San Francisco together and then started running this flower-shop together. We're kind of all in love, and we're waiting for something more wonderful to happen to us in this new post-9/11 millennium, even more wonderful than working at Maid Service Flowers. I don't feel nerdy at all...I feel...delicious!"


Ali and Isaac dated at the University of California-San Francisco (UCSF). Ali fell for Isaac's sense of charming optimism towards finding ideal work in the modern world that was not typically capitalism-oriented, despite the fact that Isaac wasn't a typical or cliched hippie, which is also what Ali liked. After graduating, they opened the Maid Service Flowers (MSF) shop together with their third UCSF friend Lark. Ali still considers Isaac her special knight and California best friend.


Lark studied economics as UCSF and met Isaac and Ali while they were dating in college. The three became fast friends after discovering their shared idealism for finding normal happy work in the big city after college. They didn't particularly have lofty daydreams about making it big and therefore agreed to find a really nice and fun thing to do or work together in after graduating. Maid Service Flowers (MSF) was that thing. Lark provided most of the funding, since her extremely wealthy California parents were sold on the idea of her managing a vibrant and beautiful and hip flower-shop in San Francisco after graduating.


Maid Service Flowers (MSF) got great reviews from customers and Consumer Reports and San Francisco magazines. They didn't post ads on TV but did in various gazettes and journals and two in Home & Garden (San Francisco). MSF offered in-store services, flower arrangement services, gardening advice, and of course, flower deliveries. Isaac had a painted aquamarine van for the deliveries called the tulip-mobile. In two years, MSF became a very popular and successful shop in San Francisco and the revenue from customer flow made the coffer reliable enough to keep the flower-shop going for a very long time, if that's what Isaac/Ali/Lark wanted in the end.


SAN FRANCISCO HOME & GARDEN: "There's such so many wonderful things you can say about Maid Service Flowers, which is why we like complimenting the managers/owners and the customers who've made it a small San Francisco miracle. Owned by three University of San Francisco-California graduates (Isaac/Ali/Lark), this is the ideal commercial dream-shop for anyone intrigued by the quality of modern flower and plant dollars! Three stars all the way!"


Unfortunately by the laureled Maid Service Flowers (MSF) shop owned by the UCSF graduate buddies Isaac/Ali/Lark, there was great adventure and thrill and pure fear on the horizon. On a rather warm and sunny Sunday afternoon in October 2022, a masked bandit calling himself the Flower-Power zoomed into the shop with a small handgun and demanded that Isaac give him all the money stored in the back of the shop, in the vault/safe from the week's and month's sales. Isaac demanded to know how his masked ghoul new about the safe/vault, and the bandit Flower-Power simply told him, "Shut up and give me the money in the safe...you daisy...a chatty customer of yours told me of the safe and how you keep long-term money in it...give it to me!"


The armed-and-masked bandit calling himself Flower-Power walked out of Maid Service Flowers (MSF) that Sunday afternoon in October with over $60K in cash. Isaac and Ali and Lark had agreed to keep a large amount of the shop's monthly revenues in the in-store safe/vault in the back of the flower-shop so as to avoid trips to the bank and keep everything feeling local and homely. They didn't know a chatty customer eyed the safe/vault while Isaac was storing store-money in it and then reported this discovery to the masked bandit calling himself Flower-Power. When Isaac discovered who this chatty customer was, he reported it to the SFPD and within one month, the bandit Flower-Power was found, arrested, and incarcerated for his demonic heist.


FLOWER-POWER (Bandit): "I fail to see what the hell is the big deal with robbing a hippie-like San Francisco flower-shop which foolishly keeps a good deal of its customer money in a basic safe/vault in the back of the store. If you ask me, Isaac/Ali/Lark deserved to be punished for this modern sense of childlike small-shop imagination. They should've kept their money in the bank. It's not the obligation of terrorists and thieves like myself to pardon the doodling of modern-day daisies like Isaac. That's just my two cents! I don't care that I'm now serving time in jail. I hate capitalism."


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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