chauvin juror could cause appeal

A retrial may occur, and Chauvin will be convicted on all the old charges and all of the new added ones.
they can’t bring new ones related to this event.
The DAs will try.
to violate the law? wow...
It's not a violation of the Judge buys their legal argument.
there is no legal legal argument to violate double jeapardy that way.

what other charges would they bring and why didn’t they bring them already anyway??
There is no double jeopardy if the verdict is thrown out and a retrial ordered.
haha sure there. the law doesn’t allow the govt to go back and bring more charges if they get a verdict over turned on a appeal.

They can only proceed on the charges that they got convictions on in the first case A retrial is ordered...not a re indictment
study up, please, and re-read above
i have. if a trial is reorder on a appeal the Govt can not bring additional charges...unless it’s something unrelated to this cause of action

again though i ask...what would they bring and why wasn’t it brought the first time?
A motion for a new trial is a necessary first step before filing an appeal. They are seldom granted but in this case the judge might grant it since he is familiar with some misconduct already.
A retrial may occur, and Chauvin will be convicted on all the old charges and all of the new added ones.
they can’t bring new ones related to this event.
The DAs will try.
to violate the law? wow...
It's not a violation of the Judge buys their legal argument.
there is no legal legal argument to violate double jeapardy that way.

what other charges would they bring and why didn’t they bring them already anyway??
There is no double jeopardy if the verdict is thrown out and a retrial ordered.
haha sure there. the law doesn’t allow the govt to go back and bring more charges if they get a verdict over turned on a appeal.

They can only proceed on the charges that they got convictions on in the first case A retrial is ordered...not a re indictment
study up, please, and re-read above
i have. if a trial is reorder on a appeal the Govt can not bring additional charges...unless it’s something unrelated to this cause of action

again though i ask...what would they bring and why wasn’t it brought the first time?
Thank you for underwriting my point.
A retrial may occur, and Chauvin will be convicted on all the old charges and all of the new added ones.
they can’t bring new ones related to this event.
The DAs will try.
to violate the law? wow...
It's not a violation of the Judge buys their legal argument.
there is no legal legal argument to violate double jeapardy that way.

what other charges would they bring and why didn’t they bring them already anyway??
There is no double jeopardy if the verdict is thrown out and a retrial ordered.
haha sure there. the law doesn’t allow the govt to go back and bring more charges if they get a verdict over turned on a appeal.

They can only proceed on the charges that they got convictions on in the first case A retrial is ordered...not a re indictment
study up, please, and re-read above
i have. if a trial is reorder on a appeal the Govt can not bring additional charges...unless it’s something unrelated to this cause of action

again though i ask...what would they bring and why wasn’t it brought the first time?
Thank you for underwriting my point.
what? why can’t you answer my question?
A retrial may occur, and Chauvin will be convicted on all the old charges and all of the new added ones.
they can’t bring new ones related to this event.
The DAs will try.
to violate the law? wow...
It's not a violation of the Judge buys their legal argument.
there is no legal legal argument to violate double jeapardy that way.

what other charges would they bring and why didn’t they bring them already anyway??
There is no double jeopardy if the verdict is thrown out and a retrial ordered.
haha sure there. the law doesn’t allow the govt to go back and bring more charges if they get a verdict over turned on a appeal.

They can only proceed on the charges that they got convictions on in the first case A retrial is ordered...not a re indictment
study up, please, and re-read above
i have. if a trial is reorder on a appeal the Govt can not bring additional charges...unless it’s something unrelated to this cause of action

again though i ask...what would they bring and why wasn’t it brought the first time?
Thank you for underwriting my point.
what? why can’t you answer my question?
It was answered, just not to your satifaction.
The defense needs to do a live demonstration showing the "magic knee" did not and could not kill Cry Baby Floyd.
The videos convicted him, he hardly needed a jury.

Doesn't matter. The definition of a "fair" trial for these people is one where Chauvin walks. Why? Because Floyd was a flawed person and therefore has no rights except to be killed.
He chose his future when he put 3 times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his body. Why do you loons make the worse of our society, your roll models?
"Could" cause appeal?
This guy should be charged for lying about his obvious bias!
You can't have someone this involved in the subject of a trial he's about to be a juror on!
My god, this should be an automatic re-trial!
The videos convicted him, he hardly needed a jury.

So now is this where you fuckers on the left want to take this country to? It doesn't matter if a thousand people were eye witnesses, in THIS country every charged person gets the opportunity to be judged in a court of law! P-E-R-I-O-D!!
There's not a chance in hell the defense would have agreed to this guy being on the jury had they known about this guys involvement in BLM activities.

A T-shirt that reads "Get Your Knee off of Our Necks" pretty much spells it right out!
The videos convicted him, he hardly needed a jury.

Doesn't matter. The definition of a "fair" trial for these people is one where Chauvin walks. Why? Because Floyd was a flawed person and therefore has no rights except to be killed.


A "fair" trial is one where jurors are NOT personally involved in the subject of the case!

This guy has to be re-tried, anything less makes this a tainted decision.

Chauvin deserves punishment, although I suspect he had no intent to actually kill Floyd. IMO he should have been convicted of manslaughter.

Regardless, this now has to be a do over.
There might have been even more BLM terrorist/activists on that jury. At a minimum, most were bad choices for a honest, fair trial. The irony is the BLM terrorist/activist juror #52 who ultimately had no intention of weighing the evidence and testimony stated before the trial, "I don't think [Chauvin] had any intention of harming anybody, but somebody did die."

Check out the link I posted. Before trial, almost all of the jurors were either BLM terrorist supporters or intimidated by BLM and brainwashed by the Fake News concept of the "magic knee."
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