Charlottesville Should Never Have Happened!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
About the occurrences in Charlottesville, Virginia over the past two days people are focusing on President Trump's connection to this matter but what the American people should be focusing on is what an unbelievable failure by authorities in that community, specifically the Mayor, Police Commissioner and Governor of the State of Virginia they should all apologize for their failure to do their duty in the strongest possible terms. This writer is from the Philadelphia region and there is not one trillionth of a chance that Philadelphia authorities would have allowed what took place in Charlottesville to happen in Philadelphia. In Charlottesville many protesters had shields and clubs once police saw that they should have called off the protests, the protests were in fist fights they were throwing things and this happened for a long time as soon as this violent behavior began police should have been arresting and carting such actors away. The white supremacist and the anti-white supremacist should have been required to have permits to protests and their protest route and area should have been clearly delineated and separated so that each group had no chance to engage in physical confrontation with the other. National associations for police commissioners, Mayors and Governors should emphatically call out these Charlottesville authorities for their failure to do their job. One could speculate that maybe these officials wanted civil unrest in this community to spotlight the wrongfullness of white supremacy in America and some of the actions of President Trump who in his behavior does a lot of unorthodox things that members of this group like, let me be clear I am not saying President Trump is a supporter of White Supremacy in fact I believe he is fully opposed to White supremacy values. What is appropriate to say though is that it would be disgraceful and shameful beyond words if Virginian officials allowed this cauldron of violence to brew for political reasons this cauldron that ultimately led to the death of one person and serious bodily injury to many others!

President Trump's response to this Charlottesville event has received some criticism; I think the problem that President Trump has which leads to his muddled response to events like these is that he doesn't distinguish hate. These white supremacist with their white superiority values are embracing hate that is indefensible morally, ethically and legally. People that hate President Trump hate him because of his character, track record and his policies and that is moral, ethical and legal with at least one caveat members of Congress who have made a commitment to deny President Trump any significant legislative achievement are egregiously violating their duty to their constituents the duty being to significantly improve their constituents' interests if they're able and it is good to do so especially especially in these really really difficult times for people. This error by President Trump comes from one of his many character flaws which makes him unfit tp be President the one being his inability to fully and fairly self-criticize himself so he avoids making the same mistake again and can make prudent course corrections. If President Trump utilized this trait he would understand and accept and not be so put off by the fact that a lot of Americans hate him and will for the entire balance of his Presidency, being responsible means accepting responsibility for your actions President Trump!
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The alt-right group obtained all the necessary permissions to hold their rally. The antifa commie goon squad did not.

The Charlottesville and Virginia State Police should have arrested every black clad commie scum they could lay their hands on.

Once again-
I am gonna repeat wherever I see this nonsense-

And the leftist media and others are trying their damnedest to turn Trumps response into a racist proclamation when they know it was not. Antifa, et al as well as any true supremists groups must be included to be an honest assessment. Not just who the left want called out, always excusing the damn lefties that have been making trouble for years now.

They might want to watch out. It will backfire once again. Most people are not blind. The left will further alienate moderates, independents
The counter protesters should have been armed. Learn from this.
The "counter protesters" were mostly out-of-state rabble, who had no permit to assemble in public, there to make trouble.

You're right, they should have all been armed so they could have been locked up on weapons charges.
The counter protesters should have been armed. Learn from this.
The "counter protesters" were mostly out-of-state rabble, who had no permit to assemble in public, there to make trouble.

You're right, they should have all been armed so they could have been locked up on weapons charges.


Let me guess - your username is reference to you being an "Anarcho-Capitalist".

And you're worried about "permits"?
Once again-
I am gonna repeat wherever I see this nonsense-

And the leftist media and others are trying their damnedest to turn Trumps response into a racist proclamation when they know it was not. Antifa, et al as well as any true supremists groups must be included to be an honest assessment. Not just who the left want called out, always excusing the damn lefties that have been making trouble for years now.

They might want to watch out. It will backfire once again. Most people are not blind. The left will further alienate moderates, independents
Us moderates do not want to be associated with any of the fringe groups, both left and right..There is no alienation because there was never a consensus...
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The alt-right group obtained all the necessary permissions to hold their rally. The antifa commie goon squad did not.

The Charlottesville and Virginia State Police should have arrested every black clad commie scum they could lay their hands on.

You snow fakes are really not that bright.

The counter-protestors have the right to be there and voice their opinion -- don't need a permit. To the extent counter protestors disrupted the racist pigs with a permit, police should have stepped in. Both sides are going to claim they were following the law, and people here will only believe they side they want to believe.

It's asking a lot for cops to protect racist pigs and nazis. LIke asking them to NAMBLA boy lovers and pederasts.

Trump owes Duke, Bannon, the GOP, Breitbart, the Alt Right, the Aryan Nation and the KKK.

And don't let him forget it. Without them, he wouldn't be where he is today.
  • the American people should be focusing on is what an unbelievable failure by authorities in that community, specifically the Mayor, Police Commissioner and Governor of the State of Virginia they should all apologize for their failure to do their duty in the strongest possible terms.
All Democrats... Governor Terry McAuliffe (D), Mayor Michael Singer (D), Police Chief Al Thomas (D).

Chief Al Thomas is also Charlottesville's first African American police blaming him in any way, shape or form is obviously racist...
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The counter protesters should have been armed. Learn from this.
The "counter protesters" were mostly out-of-state rabble, who had no permit to assemble in public, there to make trouble.

You're right, they should have all been armed so they could have been locked up on weapons charges.

Convicted for leaving a bunch of white supremacist, inbred cousinfuckers lying in bloody heaps after they invaded a town and attacked with shields and batons? Yeah, I din't think so.
You snow fakes are really not that bright.

The counter-protestors have the right to be there and voice their opinion -- don't need a permit. To the extent counter protestors disrupted the racist pigs with a permit, police should have stepped in. Both sides are going to claim they were following the law, and people here will only believe they side they want to believe.

It's asking a lot for cops to protect racist pigs and nazis. LIke asking them to NAMBLA boy lovers and pederasts.
Everyone needs a permit to hold a rally in public. And the antifa moonbats certainly had no permit to block streets for any reason.

But it's asking far too much for violent commie scum to follow the same laws that the rest of the peasants have to observe.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The alt-right group obtained all the necessary permissions to hold their rally. The antifa commie goon squad did not.

The Charlottesville and Virginia State Police should have arrested every black clad commie scum they could lay their hands on.

You snow fakes are really not that bright.

The counter-protestors have the right to be there and voice their opinion -- don't need a permit. To the extent counter protestors disrupted the racist pigs with a permit, police should have stepped in. Both sides are going to claim they were following the law, and people here will only believe they side they want to believe.

It's asking a lot for cops to protect racist pigs and nazis. LIke asking them to NAMBLA boy lovers and pederasts.

Let's see the snow flakes won to get the statue taken down ( for no reason what so ever)

The Nazis got a permit.

The snow flakes were itching for a fight, instead of just ignoring then.

The snow flakes got hurt and one of them got killed..

For what to throw a god damn in your face temper tantrum?

The counter protesters should have been armed. Learn from this.
The "counter protesters" were mostly out-of-state rabble, who had no permit to assemble in public, there to make trouble.

You're right, they should have all been armed so they could have been locked up on weapons charges.

Convicted for leaving a bunch of white supremacist, inbred cousinfuckers lying in bloody heaps after they invaded a town and attacked with shields and batons? Yeah, I din't think so.

They had a permit, the dumb fuck head snowflake's had to start a fight..


Let me guess - your username is reference to you being an "Anarcho-Capitalist".

And you're worried about "permits"?
It's your laws, Gomer Pyle. Noticing that they're there, and that the rest of you chumps have some expectations that they be observed, says nothing about me worrying bout permits.

Observation is not necessarily approval.
The counter protesters should have been armed. Learn from this.
The "counter protesters" were mostly out-of-state rabble, who had no permit to assemble in public, there to make trouble.

You're right, they should have all been armed so they could have been locked up on weapons charges.

Convicted for leaving a bunch of white supremacist, inbred cousinfuckers lying in bloody heaps after they invaded a town and attacked with shields and batons? Yeah, I din't think so.

They had a permit, the dumb fuck head snowflake's had to start a fight..

The white supremacist cousinfuckers brought shields and weapons. Here's to hoping next time they do this their bodies end up piled in heaps on the side of the road.

Let me guess - your username is reference to you being an "Anarcho-Capitalist".

And you're worried about "permits"?
It's your laws, Gomer Pyle. Noticing that they're there, and that the rest of you chumps have some expectations that they be observed, says nothing about me worrying bout permits.

How many posters in this thread have been whining that the ANTIFA counter-protesters didn't have permits?

Answer: 1.

You. The "anarchist".

Aren't you even slightly embarrassed by such an epic failure as this?

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