Charlie Brown , Lucy, and the Football

That is a rather dick thing to say when you are enjoying a medical coverage that no one else is eligible for and are not subject to the terms of Obamacare.

A lot of people are eligible for it and it is subject to the terms of Obamacare.

And also, the comment was about the doctor not the insurance.
It is far and away the best benefit of being retired. I honestly did not realize how good it was till my daughter has on her own and paying for her own insurance. As the father of a Type-1 diabetic it has been literally life saving. I do not look forward to the day he has to come off it and pay for his own in the open market. He will be fucked due to now fault of his own.
That is terrible, that should never be allowed to happen, at the very least allowances should be made when coverage is a matter of life and death, [quality of life as well] and that's the minimum, I think we really need to go to a single payer system
When we want the retard POV we will ask you.
OP comment: Here we go folks, watch for Democrats to say "All is well", lift restrictions to get votes, the put all the restrictions back again later. How many times will people fall for it? Remember "If you like you doctor you can keep your doctor"?

Democrats are making a U-turn on mask mandates, just in time for the midterms.

It’s happening among the party’s governors, several of whom are easing up their masking rules as Covid’s Omicron wave fades. And it’s happening on the Hill, where Democrats are suddenly lining up to call for rollbacks of the nation’s most noticeable pandemic-era rule.

Their pandemic pivot comes as they brace for a brutal November election in which the virus — and the culture war that’s accompanied it — is shaping up to be Democrats’ biggest blind spot.
A famous quote just popped to mine: “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the Intelligence of the American people” (or very similar words)

- HL Mencken
Wrong. We are not socialists.
I know and I've spent most of my life arguing against government health care, but I've always had coverage, that posters son has a condition that needs constant medical attention, unless we figure out how to provide him that attention then we are going to have no choice but to go the single payer route or just turn a blind eye to the plight of others who would get the care they need if this part of our system was not capitalist...

I also understand how socialists abuse their healthcare systems and use it to institutionalize people who do not need to be institutionalized [USSR was brutal in its use], and the constitution cannot protect or save them from "medical diagnoses" , that should be dealt with before any deal on reforming the system can even be discussed.

Trump was a sample/example of how the left [white liberals] will not hesitate to do this when someone steps outside the "orthodoxy'''
I voted for Biden but they could certainly make a better case for removing him for medical reasons than they had with trump, but Biden "toes the line", trumps disease was that he refused.
I know and I've spent most of my life arguing against government health care, but I've always had coverage, that posters son has a condition that needs constant medical attention . . . .

There is always a special way or avenue to be found for special unique cases, without turning the whole country inside out.

But, as cruel as this might sound, that is not the job of government. Churches, special hospitals like St Judes, charities, philanthropists . . . . something is out there to be found.
My grandfather was in the army in ww2 and retired from the reserves. My grandmother had great insurance till the day she died.
There is always a special way or avenue to be found for special unique cases, without turning the whole country inside out.

But, as cruel as this might sound, that is not the job of government. Churches, special hospitals like St Judes, charities, philanthropists . . . . something is out there to be found.
Yup. About 80% of Americans were satisfied with their health insurance before Obama upended the entire system.

There was a relatively small group who had too much income to qualify for Medicaid, and not enough income to buy regular insurance. For them, it would have been cheaper if we just had cheap medical clinics, similar to what my parents had in NYC growing up, and provided low-cost major medical insurance for stuff that required hospitalization.

For the small percentage of the small percentage who weren’t able to afford health insurance and lived in rural areas - too far from a city to go to the cheap clinic - we could have provided a “paid doctor visit” card type arrangement.

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